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DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Ebook

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Package 53k Words

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DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 53 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness and Exercise Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a




Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and exercises searches, the Fitness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that fitness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers how to Create Your Own Powerful At-Home Fitness Plan”.

Everything is done for you – from the main Fitness PLR information product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness niche.


Introducing The…

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 53 000 Words of High Quality DIY Fitness Bootcamp Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This big DIY Fitness PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This DIY Fitness PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the DIY Fitness Bootcamp MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:”DIY Fitness Bootcamp: Create Your Own Powerful At-Home Fitness Plan”

(4,254 words, 20 pages, 7 images)


DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR eBook:

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR eBook:

Introduction – Why Boot Camps Are Best……………………………… 3

Step #1 Goals…………………………………………………………………………. 7

Step #2 Getting Organized…………………………………………………….. 9

Location……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Schedule………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

Measuring and Tracking…………………………………………………………………… 9

Accountability………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

Step #3 Finding/Creating Your Workout Program…………….. 13

Burpee Buster – Boot Camp Workout #1……………………………………… 13

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes – Boot Camp Workout #2……. 14

Quick & Dirty – Boot Camp Workout #3……………………………………….. 16

Killer Core – Boot Camp Workout #4……………………………………………. 16

Step #4 Follow Through:……………………………………………………… 18

Overcoming Challenges………………………………………………………………….. 19

Step #5 Moving Forward After Your Boot Camp Is Over…….. 20


Sample Content for the DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR eBook:


In 2015 more than 17 million adults finished a running event in the US. Of course, that number is much higher, since not every race sends its participants’ info to, the compiler of this data. Of those runners whose data was collected, 57% were female and 43% male. That distribution follows the trend over the past 5 years that shows women are more inclined to sign up for, compete in and finish some type of running event than men.

What type of events are the most popular?

The 5K, 10K, half marathon and full marathons are far and away the most participated in among running races. This is probably because those are the types of races which are most frequently offered as well. The trend over the past 5 years of women dominating the amateur running scene is one of the reasons the 5K has become the most popular race.

In 2015 a full 45% of the finishers in all running races tracked came from a 5K event. The half marathon was the next most popular to enter and finish, followed by a 10K and a full marathon.

Let’s take a look at the UK and elsewhere around the globe. Jens Jakob Andersen, of the Copenhagen Business School, has done some global running research. He shows that while running in the UK is down slightly, almost imperceptibly from 2014 to 2015, running around the world has increased substantially. Globally, 13% more runners participated in a marathon last year than the previous year.

In Russia there was an incredible 300% increase of participants year to year, while China (260%) and the Philippines (212%) also showed significant increases. The female versus male ratio which has been changing the last few years is present in the UK and elsewhere, and not just the United States. This seems to be more of a re-balancing than any trend that needs to be studied too hard.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Short Report:”Tips That’ll Get You Fit, Fast”

(1,726 words, 8 pages, 5 images)

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Report


A look inside the Tips That’ll Get You Fit, Fast PLR Report:

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

BalanceFrom 2″ Thick Tri-Fold Folding Exercise Mat – 419 words

Brute Force Sandbags – 414 words

REP FITNESS Kettlebells – 402 words

The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation by Michael Matthews – 412 words

UPOWEX Pull Up Assist Bands – 417 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Fitness Sandbags – 920 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Prepare Yourself for a (DIY) Fitness Bootcamp

Email #1 – Preparing for a DIY bootcamp workout – 317 words

Email #2 – Gathering the required gear – 430 words

Email #3 – Holding yourself accountable to stick to the workout – 453 words

Email #4 – Nourishing your body – 351 words

Email #5 – Home Sample Bootcamp Workout – 370 words


DIY Fitness Bootcamp Email Sample Content:

Email #2 – Gathering the required gear

Welcome back. In this lesson we are going to talk about some of the gear you may need for your bootcamp training program.

Depending on the type of program you choose, there may be a few inexpensive things you need.

What to wear

As far as dressing, wear whatever type of clothes you are comfortable in when sweating because you will sweat. For women, that most likely would be pair of leggings – full or cropped – or a pair of shorts, and a sports bra and/or tank top.; for men, shorts or sweatpants and a t-shirt.

If you plan to do your workouts outside, dress for the weather in layers so that you can remove clothes as you start to heat up. As far as footwear, most people will benefit from wearing a good pair of cross-trainers instead of running shoes as they support the feet and ankles better when doing lateral movements.

Equipment needed

You positively need a water bottle to stay hydrated. As mentioned above you are going to sweat, and you will need to replenish that loss of water regularly while training.

Resistance Bands – Some exercises require the use of resistance bands in various resistance strengths. If in a running program, they are lightweight and portable meaning you can wear one around your neck and stop periodically and do some exercises with the band. One with handles will cost less than $10.00USD.

Jump Rope – At less than $2.00USD, it is another lightweight portable piece of equipment that is almost a must in bootcamp training. There are so many different exercises you can do with one.

Interval Timer – These are relatively inexpensive – around $16 USD – and are invaluable for timing your interval trainings.

Agility Cones – At about $1.15USD for a 4-inch cone, it is great to have a dozen of these stackable cones around to set up as part of your interval training.

Keep in mind that everything mentioned here, except the agility cones is also easily packable. Because each item is small and lightweight, they take up little room in luggage so you can take them with you while traveling.

And keep in mind, that some bootcamp programs use just bodyweight so no equipment is required at all. But eventually if you keep at it, you will want to add these few pieces to your workout arsenal.

Whew, we have covered a lot and we are only on the second lesson. In the next lesson, we discuss some ways to hold yourself accountable to your bootcamp workout program. See you then!


High Quality DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR Articles:

3 Examples of Healthy Fitness Goals – 386 words

5 Tips to Maximize Your Workouts From Home – 391 words

7 Tips For Those Who Want to Get Fit – 415 words

Can You Get Fit in a Month? – 400 words

Do 30 Minute Workouts Count? – 419 words

How Long Does It Take to Get into Shape? – 405 words

How Long Does It Take to Go From Couch to 5k? – 327 words

How Long Does It Take to See Noticeable Weight Loss? – 392 words

How Many Rest Days Should You Have When Working Out? – 421 words

How to Get Fit In 4 Weeks From Home – 400 words

How to Get Really Fit and Stay Fit – 422 words

How to Know When You’re Pushing Yourself Too Hard When You Exercise – 392 words

How To Set A Fitness Goal – 384 words

How to Set A Weight Loss Goal – 398 words

How to Track and Measure Your Fitness – 376 words

The Benefits of Fitness Bootcamps – 355 words

Three 30-Day Fitness Challenge Ideas – 428 words

What Do You Need to Eat to Get Fitter? – 386 words

What Is The Best Fitness App for Beginners? – 347 words

Why It Might Be Worth Setting Yourself a 30-Day Fitness Challenge – 385 words


DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR Article Sample:

5 Tips to Maximize Your Workouts From Home

If you workout from home, you probably already know how tough it can be to get up and get moving some days. There are so many things going on that demand your attention, it can definitely be overwhelming and oh-so-easy to put off. But, it doesn’t need to be so hard to get started or so hard to see results. Here are some ways you can make your at-home gym experience even better.

#1 Mix it up

The days of workout DVDs are pretty much behind us. These days, you don’t have to put the same routine on loop. Between YouTube and fitness apps, you can always find new moves, new routines, and new ways to challenge yourself. Mix things up so you don’t get bored. Changes will also help you avoid plateaus.

#2 Try bodyweight moves

You don’t need a lot of expensive or fancy workout equipment in order to see results from home. While you can definitely choose to invest in some, bodyweight moves will allow you to achieve a super effective workout without any equipment at all. They can work every single muscle group in your body and it won’t cost you anything but effort.

#3 Call in a coach

Sometimes, you need the input of a professional in order to get to the next level. Luckily, you have many options. Whether you decide to get a local personal trainer or go on the internet to find a professional, getting that input can definitely help you keep moving forward and smashing your goals. They can answer questions about diet, routine, and other essential components of your success.

#4 Take a rest day

Always take a rest day each week to give your body time to recharge and recover. This will help you avoid injury and burnout in the long-term. But, don’t treat your rest day as a chance to pig-out or laze around. Doing so will actually make it harder to get back in the swing of things. Instead of not doing anything, use your rest day as a chance to do light physical activity.

#5 Always stretch

Stretching out both before and after any physical activity is a must to avoid injury that could set you back. Never underestimate the power of your warmup and cool down. Even when you’re in a hurry, treat your muscles right.

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Social Media Posts & Images:


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5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

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20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

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12 Royalty Free Images

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Royalty Free Images


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DIY Fitness Bootcamp Keyword Research Pack

DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Keyword Research



5 Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Articles

Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:

Is Exercise Really That Important for Your Weight Loss Journey? (662 words)

4 Training Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight (662 words)

Are You Killing Yourself with High Intensity Training? (639 words)

How Often Should Your Exercise to Lose Weight (677 words)

How to Structure a Training Program to Lose Weight (567 words)

These Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR License.


Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Article Sample:

4 Training Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight

It’s inevitable. You know you have to do it. Anyone who is hoping to lose weight fast and effectively will need to exercise. There’s no way around it.

While many people try to just reduce their food intake and do see some fat loss, they’re never able to achieve the toned and attractive body that they desire. This is because their muscles have not been worked. Their metabolism is also sluggish.

So, we exercise… and while that is tough, it gets tougher if you’re going about it the wrong way. You may have seen people running on the treadmill daily and yet they’re still overweight.

Exercising while beneficial, must be strategic if you wish to lose weight. In this article, you’ll discover 4 common mistakes that impede the progress of most people. Avoid them and you’ll be golden.

  1. Going Too Hard

While high intensity workouts are excellent for boosting one’s metabolic rate and putting the body in fat burning mode for hours, they’re also very taxing on the body. Ideally, you should do them on alternate days.

One high intensity day should be followed by a lighter workout the next day. Beginners who try to speed up their weight loss often go hard every single day. This causes burnout because their central nervous system has no time to recover.

The body gets fatigued and is unable to perform at its peak. Their weight loss may even plateau because the body is in ‘shock’ and needs time to recover. So, your goal should be to challenge yourself, but not overdo it.

  1. Only Focusing on Cardio

Cardio is a great tool, but it’s not the only tool. You must mix up resistance training with cardio sessions. Working your muscles will allow the body to build lean muscle, which in turn will boost your metabolic rate and help to burn more fat.

Long sessions of cardio are counterproductive. Most people’s bodies are trained to burn carbs for fuel instead of fat. So, if you engage in long cardio sessions, you’ll have carb cravings throughout the day… and that is not something you want.

Your time is better spent lifting weights and building strength.

  1. Out-eating Their Training

While exercising will help to burn calories, most people overestimate just how many calories they burn. They believe that just because they train, they can eat anything they want without worry.

The truth of the matter is that you can cancel out an entire 60-minute workout in just 10 to 15 minutes of eating. Generally, you may burn anywhere from 500 to 600 calories during a 1-hour session.

2 slices of pizza contain about 600 calories. You could eat them in 15 minutes and that will be your workout gone. What if you drank a cup of soda after that? That’s it. You’ve gained back all the calories you burned and more… and you did it easily in minutes.

You cannot out exercise a poor diet. So, always be mindful of what you’re eating even if you exercise. Do not let your guard down. 80 percent of your weight loss is determined by what you put in your mouth. Only 20 percent is decided by the training.

  1. Not Varying Their Workouts

Your body is a highly intelligent organism and can adapt quickly to most challenges placed upon it. If you do the same workout every time, it will adapt and become more efficient. So, you’ll get better at what you’re doing, but unlike when you first started, you’ll be burning less calories, because you’re stronger.

The key to avoiding this is to keep changing your workouts. Use different exercises, different weights, different timings, etc. This will keep your body guessing and it won’t be able to adapt because it’s a new workout every single time.

The workouts will be challenging, and your body will be forced to burn more calories to complete the job.

Avoid these 4 mistakes and your workout sessions will not only be more rewarding, but you’ll also burn more calories and fat. Small changes make a world of difference over time.


5 Foam Rolling PLR Articles

Foam Rolling PLR Article Titles:

Foam Rolling: What You Need to Know (526 words)

6 Helpful and Effective Foam Rolling Tips (576 words)

How to Buy a Foam Roller (524 words)

Foam Rolling for Your Upper Body (594 words)

Foam Rolling for Your Lower Body (524 words)

These Foam Rolling For Weight Loss PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR License.


Foam Rolling PLR Article Sample:

6 Helpful and Effective Foam Rolling Tips

Foam rolling is a wonderful way to release tension and stress in your body. It’ll help prevent adhesions in your muscles and helps to make your body more flexible. However, to really benefit from this form of self-massage, you’ll need to do it right.

In this article, you’ll be shown 6 tips that will help you get the best out of foam rolling. Do observe them and benefit from this beneficial activity.

  1. Get a good foam roller

Your gym may have a few foam rollers, or you may decide to buy one online or from a sports store. Whatever the case may be, make sure that when you’re starting off, you pick a sturdy roller with a lower density.

When you’re new to foam rolling, the softer the roller, the better. It can be painful in the beginning. So, it’s best to go slow.

  1. Do not roll your joints

No, we’re not referring to cannabis here. We’re talking about joints like your knees, spine, ankle, etc. Foam rolling is for myofascial release. You’re supposed to use it to ease muscle tension in your glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, back, forearms, etc.

You ONLY roll on muscle tissue. Not joints. Period.

  1. Aim for 10 slow rolls

Ideally, you should aim for 10 reps done in a slow, controlled manner. Don’t just do 2 or 3 reps and call it a day. Roll at least ten times. This will give your body time to adjust to the stretch and relax.

There should be no rushing with foam rolling. This is a stretching exercise and just like you’d approach yoga, you’ll want to be calm and fluid in your motions when rolling. You’re doing static stretching and NOT dynamic stretching.

  1. Have a daily routine

Even 5 to 15 minutes of foam rolling a day can work wonders. You do not need to spend 30 to 45 minutes every single day rolling around to see the benefits. Foam rolling works best if it’s done consistently.

So, it’s best to do them after your workouts or towards the end of the day when your body is warmed up. Try not to foam roll immediately upon waking. It may seem counterintuitive because your muscles are tighter after a night’s rest, but that’s exactly why it’s not advisable.

Spend some time walking or do some light cardio for about 5 minutes to warm your muscles up and get the blood pumping. Then you may do foam rolling.

  1. Pain is NOT gain

The goal of foam rolling is to ease pain. If your muscles are tight and you’re experiencing pain during the session, go slower and be gentler.

Do not push yourself past discomfort because you believe that it will yield better and faster results. Slow and steady is the way to go.

  1. Focus on the whole body

It’s easy to just foam roll the parts of your body that feel tight or painful and ignore the parts that seem fine. However, it’s best to foam roll all the different areas such as: your upper back, chest, lats, forearms, calves, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors and IT band.

As long as you focus on these areas, you should be good overall.

These 6 tips will serve you well if you apply them. Foam rolling can be very beneficial to your health in the long run and it’ll keep your body supple and less likely to get injured. Make it a part of your daily routine and you’ll be glad you did.


5 Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Articles

Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:

Full Body Workouts Will Blast Your Fat Away! (585 words)

Resistance Training for Weight Loss: What You MUST Know (550 words)

Is Bodyweight Training Better for Weight Loss? (531 words)

Compound Moves VS Isolation Moves: Which Do You Focus On? (523 words)

8 Common Resistance Training Mistakes People Make (617 words)

These Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR License.


Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Article Sample:

8 Common Resistance Training Mistakes People Make

Resistance training is so powerful for weight loss that anyone who wants to lose weight will need to make it a part of their training regimen. There’s no two ways about it.

You need resistance training to retain lean muscle, boost your metabolic rate, tone your body, strengthen your bones and so much more. However, it’s a common fact of life that anything that should be done well will usually be done poorly by the masses.

In this article, we’ll look at 8 of the most common resistance training mistakes that people make when trying to lose weight.

  1. Not doing any

This is probably the biggest mistake of the lot. They operate on the false belief that cardio is the be all and end all of weight loss. They’ll probably be flummoxed when they discover that full-body workouts with weights can burn more fat than the mind-numbing cardio that they hold in reverence.

But you know better. Resistance training is an excellent way to put your body in calorie burning fury while you tone your muscles.

  1. Slow pace

When you’re engaging in resistance training for weight loss, your reps need to be as fast as possible while maintaining good form. The speed and number of reps you do will make the workout take on a cardio-like nature.

So, you’ll experience the benefits of both resistance training and cardio. This is how you get your metabolism firing on all cylinders.

Unlike bodybuilding, where you’re trying to make the mind-muscle connection and you’re focused on activating the muscles for growth, when trying to lose weight, all of this goes out the window. You want speed and minimal rest between exercises.

  1. Incorrect form

Speed while essential, is not as important as correct form. You must train with proper form. NEVER sacrifice form for speed. You may end up injuring yourself which might put you out of commission for a month or two. Train safely and properly.

  1. Too much weight

Another common mistake. You want to use weights that allow you to do 10 to 12 reps in 45 seconds. If you’re winded by the time you reach 4 reps, the weight is too heavy. Reduce the poundage.

  1. Too little weight

On the flip side of the coin, resistance training for fat loss shouldn’t be like those aerobic workouts where ladies in blue leotards do hundreds of reps with light pink dumbbells as they hop around like excited bunnies.

The weight has to be much heavier than thatand as mentioned earlier, you shouldn’t be able to do 25 reps in 45 seconds. Only about 10 to 12 (14 max). You must challenge yourself.

  1. Not resting enough

Get sufficient rest. If your body is sore, take the day off. Don’t worry. As long as your diet is on point and you’re on a caloric deficit, you’ll still lose weight. Listen to your body, or you’ll be so tired that your body hits a plateau and refuses to burn off any more fat regardless of what you do.

  1. Not structuring their workout well

Structure your workout routine so that the different exercises you’re doing works your entire body.

  1. Too much idle time

When you’re in the gym, you train. It’s not the time to flex and pose in front of the mirror or think of a hundred different lines to use on lady running on the treadmill… and you definitely should not be scrolling through social media on your smart phone.

Train hard… and after that, you can add that lady as a Facebook friend. After – NOT before.

Adhere to these 8 tips and get the best out of your resistance training. It is key to successful weight loss and giving you the body that you’ve always desired.


10 Athletic Training PLR Articles and Tweets

Athletic Training PLR Article Titles:

Certification and Function of Athletic Trainers – 618 words

Exercise and Training Programs for Weight Loss – 589 words

Football – What is Physical Training? – 655 words

Football Players – Agility Training – 647 words

Golfing – Why Weight Training Is Important – 657 words

Is High Intensity Training Dangerous? – 422 words

Soccer – The Right Weight Training Workout – 516 words

Training Aids for Youth Soccer – 642 words

What is Matrix Weight Training? – 683 words

Youth Boxing – A Great Cardio Workout – 471 words

These Athletic Training articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Athletic Training PLR Article Sample:

Exercise and Training Programs for Weight Loss

Weight loss and getting into shape can be a continuous battle for a lot of people. Dieting is not enough for most people, and implementing an exercise program is typically needed. The primary focus in a weight loss based exercise program should be to find a regimen you enjoy. This makes it more likely that you would stick with the exercise program, instead of leaving it behind due to distain. If you do not like to jog, why put your mind and body through it? By finding exercises that you enjoy, you will be more likely to stick with it.

Before you start an exercise program, you should check with your primary care doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for the level of activity required. After you have established that you are healthy enough for the activities you plan to do, set your long-term goal and short-term goals. After determining your long-term goal, break it down into more manageable, smaller tasks. For example, if your overall goal is to lose thirty pounds, you can break the goal down further by saying you want to lose two pounds per week.

When you are involved in any weight loss based exercise program, it is important that you take the time to warm up properly before you begin exercising. Warming up before working out helps you avoid muscle and tendon injuries, and results in a lower risk of developing strains and sprains.

While you are exercising, make sure you have plenty of water. It is essential that you keep plenty of room temperature water on hand while you are exercising. This is because cold water can cause stomach cramps while you are working out, and your body is hot. Keeping yourself hydrated at all times will keep your muscles performing at their best, and prevent them from becoming extremely sore the day after your workout.

During your exercise routine, it is important that you switch between cardio exercises and weight training exercises. By switching up your exercise, your body will experience maximum results, and you will be able to burn more fat than if your body can predict what will happen next.

At any time, if you become tired during your exercise, take a break. When your body is tired, you are more likely to become injured. If your goal is to lose weight and get back into shape, the last thing you need is to put yourself in a situation where you can become injured.

Some people who have developed a weight loss exercise program have found that it is better to exercise in groups. If you are someone who is more likely to push themselves when you are in a group, joining a gym or exercise club may have great benefits. And when you are working out with other people, is possible that you will have more motivation, which will translate to more overall success.

If you are trying to lose weight, do not depend on diet alone. It is essential that you make a total lifestyle change for future success. Exercising to lose weight is one of the best methods to shed extra pounds. Not only will you feel better because of the exercise, you will be able to build lean muscle mass and look better too.

RESOURCES What is the Best Fat Loss Workout

Active: Fitness

MAyoClinic: Exercise for Weight Loss and Calorie Burn

Muscle and Strength: Workout Routines

FitDay: Lose Weight in 8


15 Fitness DVDs PLR Articles Pack 

Fitness DVDs PLR Article Titles:

Pilates – 10 Minute Rapid Results Pilates – 489 words

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce – 414 words

Kickbox Core Cross Train – (Kickboxing for fitness) – 426 words

Kettlenetics with Michelle Khai – 486 words

Jillian Michaels – For Beginners – 451 words

Flat Belly Workout – Express Belly Blast – 470 words

Zumba Fitness Latin Workout Routine 4 DVDs Box-set – 413 words

Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom – (importance of having fun while exercising) – 450 words

Core Fusion – Exhale Body Sculpt – 490 words

Body Sculpting with a review of The Firm – 506 words

Yoga – Seane Corn Vinayasa Flow – 480 words

Balance Ball Beginners DVD with Suzanne Deason – 442 words

Belly Dance For Beginners – Fun Abdominal Fat Burning Options – 441 words

Bob Greene Total Body Makeover – 462 words

Ball workouts – On the ball Pilates for beginners – 513 words

Youth Boxing – A Great Cardio Workout – 466 words

These Fitness DVDs PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


Fitness DVDs PLR Article Sample:

Fun Abdominal Fat Burning Alternatives for Beginners: Belly Dancing

Are you looking for a fun way to burn belly fat? Consider belly dancing. It’s a fun, fast way to burn belly fat and get into great shape.

Why Burn Belly Fat?

Belly fat is the most common cause of weight gain. Men and women alike both struggle with abdominal fat. Unfortunately, abdominal fat is also incredibly dangerous. Abdominal fat can lead to serious conditions including diabetes, cancer, weakened immune system, heart disease and much more.

Burning belly fat not only helps you look great, it also helps you get and stay healthy. When you have strong abdominal muscles they support better posture. Strong abs also help you maintain good posture. They support a strong back too which leads to fewer injuries and less back pain.

Your core is the foundation for the rest of your body. Strengthen your core and your abdominal muscles and you’ll improve your entire body from head to toe. It all begins with burning that belly fat. Then you can reveal the muscles underneath.

Belly Dance and Burn Fat

If you love dancing consider belly dancing for fat burning. Dancing is a great way to burn fat and calories. It’s also superior for your heart and lungs. On top of it all, you can dance anywhere, including the comfort of your own home. And it’s tremendously fun!

Belly Dance for Beginners is taught by a world renowned Egyptian belly dancer – Leila. The full 240 minute DVD includes three sessions. The first session is a beginner introduction to the basics. You’ll learn the belly dancing moves you’ve always wanted to learn. Leila offers easy to follow instruction which means even if you have no idea how to shimmie you’ll be an expert in no time. The second session adds more steps and movements into your knowledge base.

Finally, in the third session you enjoy several energizing and calorie burning belly dance routines. The routines and the sections vary in length from ten minutes to thirty minutes. This variety means you can also find time in your hectic day to dance and lose weight!

In addition to having a ton of fun you’ll burn fat, tone muscles and improve your flexibility. All you need is a DVD and a few minutes each day to belly dance your way to great health.

Get rid of your muffin top and increase your confidence and overall health. From the comfort of your own living room you can add Belly Dance for Beginners to your health and fitness plan. There’s no reason you can’t have fun and lose weight at the same time.


DIY Fitness PLR Newsletter eCourse

12 DIY fitness emails – 8025 words

Extra Paragraphs – 2783 words

Extra Titles – 1173 words

Opening and closing paragraphs – 1048 words

Squeeze Page

PSD Files

PLR License

The DIY fitness PLR emails are available in Word Doc Format.


12 DIY fitness Email Content Sample:

Message # 1


Subject line: Your First DIY Fitness Issue

Hello “autoresponder code here”,

Welcome to your first issue of DIY Fitness.


In each issue of this newsletter you will learn valuable information on how you can become fit and healthy by taking control over your own fitness plan.


Making the decision of where and when you will exercise is a very important step in reaching your fitness goals.  Many factors will go into this decision, and each one should be evaluated carefully before you begin an exercise regimen.  Once you have made a decision on where you will exercise, you can start planning your workouts.


As you probably know, exercising at home has many advantages.  The financial savings is one of the biggest advantages.  With time restraints and the gas prices being what they are today, it is quite obvious that you’ll save time and money on fuel as well as wear and tear on your vehicle by choosing to exercise at home.


Memberships to a gym can often be quite expensive and may include other things that you don’t need such as child care or swimming pools. You also won’t need to be concerned about the latest trends of exercise gear as you most likely will be exercising by yourself at home.


Keep in mind that working out at home does require some financial commitment. Even if you only plan to jog, it is very important that you have high quality running shoes.  This applies to any type of equipment that you may purchase to use at home. Keep in mind that if you go out and buy cheap equipment, you’ll probably end up getting frustrated because you aren’t making any progress or even injured from faulty equipment.


Along with the financial savings, exercising at home is also good for those of us who don’t like to work out in public. If you are worried you can’t keep up or about how you look in gym clothes, it can be very comforting to know that no one else will see you until you’re ready for them too.  Another benefit, when you exercise at home, you don’t have to worry as much about trying to fit a trip to the gym into your busy schedule.


On the other hand, if you who are motivated by being with people while working out then a gym may be a better bet than working out at home. There are also extra-added benefits of going to the gym. For instance, you will have a larger selection of equipment, access to professional trainers and most gyms will offer classes that you may find very motivating.


Bottom line, when it comes to making the decision of whether or not to exercise at home or at the gym the choice should be based on your goals and personal preference, so that you can determine what type of environment you will work best for you.


Once you have given it some thought and weighed out the pros and cons, you’ll have no problem making the choice. Keep in mind that once you’ve made your choice, you can always change it, if you aren’t happy with the choice you made.


Make sure you look for your next issue soon. We will be talking about some of the different types of exercises and training techniques you can try.


Thank you again for joining,

“your name here”


“your email address”

“your URL here”



Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

5 High Quality Fitness Goal Setting PLR Articles

5 High Quality Fitness Goal Setting PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Fitness Goal Setting Articles:

  1. Are You Setting Your Fitness Goals Correctly? (645 words)
  2. Avoiding the Curse of False Hope (789 words)
  3. Being Rigid and Flexible During Your Fitness Journey (722 words)
  4. Setting Milestones in Your Fitness Journey (618 words)
  5. Your New Year Fitness Goals Can Begin in August! (979 words)


Bonus 2

5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Mindset and Motivation PLR Articles

5 Top Quality Summer Fitness Mindset and Motivation PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 5 Summer Fitness Articles:

  1. 4 Useful Tips to Stay on Track When Trying to Get Summer Fit (578 words)
  2. 5 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Get a Summer Body (548 words)
  3. Do You Really Need a Summer Body? (561 words)
  4. Micro Habits to Help Your Get a Beach Body in No Time at All (613 words)
  5. Understanding Why Getting a Beach Body is Harder Than Most People Realize (736 words)


Bonus 3

Functional Fitness Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Functional Fitness Package

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 4

Fitness Elements 101 PLR eBook and Squeeze Page

Fitness Elements 101 PLR eBook and Squeeze Page

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Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • Source File
  • Covers
  • Opt-in Page

Total File Download Size:

3.17 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 5

25 Unrestricted Fitness PLR Article Pack

25 Unrestricted Fitness PLR Articles Pack  

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Here are the titles of the 25 Unrestricted Fitness Articles:

1. 7 Tips for Fitness Women
2. 10 Things You Should Know About Stretching
3. A Look on Diet Fitness
4. Be A Man of Fitness
5. Be Lean, Mean – Tips for Buying those Fitness Equipment Machines
6. Beauty and Fitness
7. Better Work Out
8. Fitness Apparel
9. Fitness Center – How to Choose the Fitness Center of Your Life
10. Fitness for Women- Stay Fit and Healthy!
11. Fitness Magazines – What’s with them
12. Fitness Trainer – Boredom Busters
13. Guidelines in Finding A Fitness Club
14. Health and Fitness
15. Health Pointers for the Fitness Babes
16. LA Fitness in Perspective
17. Lifetime Fitness – On Your Way to a Healthier You
18. Moderate Exercises to Fitness!
19. Muscle Fiction
20. Sports Fitness – Fun Way to be Healthy
21. The 24 Hour Fitness Path
22. The Importance of Physical Fitness
23. Things to Consider When Buying Home Fitness Equipments
24. Tips on How to Become a Fitness Model
25. Working Out for Extreme Fitness

Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For DIY Fitness Bootcamp Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“DIY Fitness Bootcamp: Create Your Own Powerful At-Home Fitness Plan”

(4,254 words, 20 pages, 7 images)


Short Report:

“Tips That’ll Get You Fit, Fast”

(1,726 words, 8 pages, 5 images)


Product Reviews:

BalanceFrom 2″ Thick Tri-Fold Folding Exercise Mat – 419 words

Brute Force Sandbags – 414 words

REP FITNESS Kettlebells – 402 words

The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation by Michael Matthews – 412 words

UPOWEX Pull Up Assist Bands – 417 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Fitness Sandbags – 920 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Prepare Yourself for a (DIY) Fitness Bootcamp

Email #1 – Preparing for a DIY bootcamp workout – 317 words

Email #2 – Gathering the required gear – 430 words

Email #3 – Holding yourself accountable to stick to the workout – 453 words

Email #4 – Nourishing your body – 351 words

Email #5 – Home Sample Bootcamp Workout – 370 words


DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR Articles:

3 Examples of Healthy Fitness Goals – 386 words

5 Tips to Maximize Your Workouts From Home – 391 words

7 Tips For Those Who Want to Get Fit – 415 words

Can You Get Fit in a Month? – 400 words

Do 30 Minute Workouts Count? – 419 words

How Long Does It Take to Get into Shape? – 405 words

How Long Does It Take to Go From Couch to 5k? – 327 words

How Long Does It Take to See Noticeable Weight Loss? – 392 words

How Many Rest Days Should You Have When Working Out? – 421 words

How to Get Fit In 4 Weeks From Home – 400 words

How to Get Really Fit and Stay Fit – 422 words

How to Know When You’re Pushing Yourself Too Hard When You Exercise – 392 words

How To Set A Fitness Goal – 384 words

How to Set A Weight Loss Goal – 398 words

How to Track and Measure Your Fitness – 376 words

The Benefits of Fitness Bootcamps – 355 words

Three 30-Day Fitness Challenge Ideas – 428 words

What Do You Need to Eat to Get Fitter? – 386 words

What Is The Best Fitness App for Beginners? – 347 words

Why It Might Be Worth Setting Yourself a 30-Day Fitness Challenge – 385 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images

5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

12 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



5 Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Articles

Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:

Is Exercise Really That Important for Your Weight Loss Journey? (662 words)

4 Training Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight (662 words)

Are You Killing Yourself with High Intensity Training? (639 words)

How Often Should Your Exercise to Lose Weight (677 words)

How to Structure a Training Program to Lose Weight (567 words)

These Fitness Routines For Weight Loss PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR License.


5 Foam Rolling PLR Articles

Foam Rolling PLR Article Titles:

Foam Rolling: What You Need to Know (526 words)

6 Helpful and Effective Foam Rolling Tips (576 words)

How to Buy a Foam Roller (524 words)

Foam Rolling for Your Upper Body (594 words)

Foam Rolling for Your Lower Body (524 words)

These Foam Rolling For Weight Loss PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR License.


5 Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Articles

Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR Article Titles:

Full Body Workouts Will Blast Your Fat Away! (585 words)

Resistance Training for Weight Loss: What You MUST Know (550 words)

Is Bodyweight Training Better for Weight Loss? (531 words)

Compound Moves VS Isolation Moves: Which Do You Focus On? (523 words)

8 Common Resistance Training Mistakes People Make (617 words)

These Resistance Training For Weight Loss PLR articles are available in .TXT and Word Doc format and includes a PLR License.


10 Athletic Training PLR Articles and Tweets 

Athletic Training PLR Article Titles:

Certification and Function of Athletic Trainers – 618 words

Exercise and Training Programs for Weight Loss – 589 words

Football – What is Physical Training? – 655 words

Football Players – Agility Training – 647 words

Golfing – Why Weight Training Is Important – 657 words

Is High Intensity Training Dangerous? – 422 words

Soccer – The Right Weight Training Workout – 516 words

Training Aids for Youth Soccer – 642 words

What is Matrix Weight Training? – 683 words

Youth Boxing – A Great Cardio Workout – 471 words

These Athletic Training articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


15 Fitness DVDs PLR Articles Pack

Fitness DVDs PLR Article Titles:

Pilates – 10 Minute Rapid Results Pilates – 489 words

Skinny Bitch Fitness: Booty Bounce – 414 words

Kickbox Core Cross Train – (Kickboxing for fitness) – 426 words

Kettlenetics with Michelle Khai – 486 words

Jillian Michaels – For Beginners – 451 words

Flat Belly Workout – Express Belly Blast – 470 words

Zumba Fitness Latin Workout Routine 4 DVDs Box-set – 413 words

Dance with Julianne: Cardio Ballroom – (importance of having fun while exercising) – 450 words

Core Fusion – Exhale Body Sculpt – 490 words

Body Sculpting with a review of The Firm – 506 words

Yoga – Seane Corn Vinayasa Flow – 480 words

Balance Ball Beginners DVD with Suzanne Deason – 442 words

Belly Dance For Beginners – Fun Abdominal Fat Burning Options – 441 words

Bob Greene Total Body Makeover – 462 words

Ball workouts – On the ball Pilates for beginners – 513 words

Youth Boxing – A Great Cardio Workout – 466 words

These Fitness DVDs PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR License.


DIY Fitness PLR Newsletter eCourse

12 DIY fitness emails – 8025 words

Extra Paragraphs – 2783 words

Extra Titles – 1173 words

Opening and closing paragraphs – 1048 words

Squeeze Page

PSD Files

PLR License

The DIY fitness PLR emails are available in Word Doc Format.


Total Word Count: 53 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this DIY Fitness Bootcamp PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium Niche Content PLR Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
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The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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