Boost Your Energy Premium PLR Package 32k Words
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Boost Your Energy Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 32 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Health and Wellness PLR Content.
Attention: Health and Wellness Entrepreneurs
Done for You Premium Health/Wellness PLR Product on a
Energy and Fitness!
Dear online business owner, When it comes to top health and wellness searches, the Fitness Lifestyle is one of the most searched-for topics online.
It’s safe to say that Fitness Lifestyle has spawned an entire industry of blogs, ebooks and products.
This is where my premium done-for-you Boost Your Energy PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers How to Fight Fatigue with Fitness, Food and Smart Lifestyle Shifts”!
Everything is done-for-you – from the main Fitness PLR info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative health and wellness niche.
Introducing The…
Boost Your Energy Premium PLR Package
Featuring Over 32 000 Words of High Quality Health Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!
This high quality Boost Your Energy Premium PLR Package covers the hugely popular health and wellness niche. Health is evergreen and will always be. This Boost Your Energy PLR package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.
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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Boost Your Energy Mega PLR Package…
Main eBook:”Energize Yourself: How to Fight Fatigue with Fitness, Food and Smart Lifestyle Shifts”
(4,222 words, 21 pages, 9 images)
A look inside the Energize Yourself Premium PLR eBook:
Table of Contents for the Energize Yourself PLR eBook:
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Medical Reasons for Tiredness & Fatigue………………………………………………………….. 5
Diabetes……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Depression……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Anxiety………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Anemia………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Sleep apnea………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Glandular Fever……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Restless Leg Syndrome……………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Celiac Disease………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome……………………………………………………………………………….. 9
An Under-Active Thyroid…………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Energy Boosting Workouts…………………………………………………………………………….. 10
How Does Physical Movement Create Energy?…………………………………………………… 10
What Workouts Are Best for Energy?……………………………………………………………….. 11
How to Deal with Post-Exercise Fatigue…………………………………………………………….. 12
Everything You Need to Know about an Energy Boosting Diet…………………………… 14
When to Eat………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
Supplements That Energy to Your Life………………………………………………………………. 18
Energy Boosting Lifestyle Tips………………………………………………………………………… 19
Sample Content for the Energize Yourself PLR eBook:
Energy Boosting Lifestyle Tips
If you practice the diet and exercise tips mentioned above, you can’t help but become healthier. Your body will automatically learn how to burn fat for fuel, you will build muscle that effectively burns fat and helps regulate a naturally healthy body weight, and you improve your chances of avoiding chronic illness and disease. Add the following energy-boosting lifestyle tips and you very well could enjoy the best health and most energy of your life.
Get outside – Indoor environments pump manufactured air in and out of your surroundings. Coupled with artificial lights and possibly the presence of secondhand smoke and other manufactured toxins, the air in indoor environments is almost never as healthy as the air outside. The further away you can get from civilization, the better.
Add a few plants to your indoor environment – One way to instantly help improve the quality of the air you breathe indoors is to add plants. Plants are excellent air filters, and they improve the oxygen level in every room you place them.
Stop smoking tobacco – You are kidding yourself if you think the occasional cigarette is not doing you any harm. Every time you inhale the tar, nicotine and long list of unhealthy chemicals found in tobacco and cigar smoke, you are robbing yourself of health and energy.
Cut back on the alcohol – Enjoying a beer or a glass of wine every now and then helps you manage stress levels, and is actually good for your health. This does not mean it is smart to start hitting happy hour every day after work, however.
Enjoy a good laugh – They say laughter is the best medicine, and there are plenty of mental and physical health benefits that back this up. It is just impossible to feel worn down, tired and lacking energy when you are laughing and smiling.
Use natural light whenever you can – This may be difficult at the workplace. At home, enjoy as much time using natural light from windows and skylights. Using as little artificial light as possible at home will also help you regulate a healthy sleep schedule.
Take a cold shower – Do you need an immediate energy boost? Hot showers help you fall asleep faster, and a cold shower wakes you up instantaneously. This is because your body has to draw on energy supplies to keep your body temperature in a safe range. It’s also a good way to relieve stress in your muscles.
Become aromatherapeutic – Aromatherapy uses a diffuser or some other method to add essential oil vapors and carrier oils into the air you breathe. Peppermint is one of a few essential oils that keeps you alert and aware, and improves your energy level.
Be aware of your posture – If you slouch when you sit and stand, your energy levels tank almost immediately. Pull your shoulders back, sit and stand up straight, and keep your head high. Always remember to develop a confident posture, and you will find your body naturally rewarding you with energy.
Simplify your life – Get rid of possessions and clothes you have not used in a while. Limit the number of processes, activities and “things” in your life. Visual, mental and physical clutter can drain your brain and sap your energy.
Go decaf – Caffeine can jack up your energy level immediately, but too much caffeine, especially when it is found in candy bars, energy drinks and sugar-filled coffee, is unhealthy for you. One cup of coffee without sugar and dairy products each day probably isn’t bad for you, but more than that should be avoided.
Meditate, take up yoga – Those two activities defeat stress, which is the enemy of energy. Yoga and meditation have been used for thousands of years to fight stress, anxiety and depression, and they can help you achieve more natural energy.
Note: The above content is just a snippet of the Fitness PLR ebook.
Short Report:”6 Daily Habits to Boost Your Energy Levels”
(1,663 words, 8 pages, 5 images)
A look inside the 6 Daily Habits to Boost Your Energy Levels PLR Report:
Product Reviews:
Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden – 395 words
HemingWeigh Extra Thick High Density Exercise Yoga Mat – 419 words
Merax JK1603E Easy Assembly Folding Electric Treadmill – 480 words
Portable 380ml Blender with USB Charger – 412 words
WODFitters Pull Up Assist Band and Stretch Resistance Band – 447 words
Product Comparison Review:
Top 5 Yoga DVDs – 1016 words
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: Coping with Fatigue and Tiredness
Email1-Signs Your Feelings of Tiredness Are Pointing to a Bigger Problem – 253 words
Email2-Risk Factors of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – 279 words
Email3-Understanding Why Fatigue Is So Often Misdiagnosed – 302 words
Email4-How to Eat to Beat Tiredness and Exhaustion – 342 words
Email5-How Sleep and Exercise Beat Fatigue and Exhaustion – 353 words
Boost Your Energy Email Sample Content:
Signs Your Feelings of Tiredness Are Pointing to a Bigger Problem
Do you feel tired most of the time?
If you frequently feel fatigued, worn out and “run down”, it could just be that you have exerted yourself. This could also be a sign of a serious medical condition named chronic fatigue syndrome.
Everyone feels tired and worn out from time to time. This is just normal. In today’s hectic and busy world, it is commonplace to feel exhausted. When this is an everyday occurrence, and you feel like this morning, noon and night, it’s likely the following symptoms are also present.
- You have a hard time remembering things
- Your ability to concentrate and focus is slipping
- A sore, scratchy throat
- Unexplained pain in your muscles
- You experience a headache with an intensity or severity you have never had before
- Even after plenty of sleep, you don’t feel rested
- Pain that travels from one joint to another, but is not accompanied by redness or swelling
- Enlarged lymph nodes in your armpits or neck
- Extreme exhaustion that lasts more than one day after physically or mentally exerting yourself
Note: If many the symptoms mentioned above sound familiar, call your doctor immediately. Chronic fatigue syndrome is treatable in every case, and a full recovery back to your formerly healthy self is virtually guaranteed.
Over the course of the next few emails, you’ll be receiving more information on how you can tweak your lifestyle to beat that fatigue and tiredness.
To your success,
High Quality Boosting Your Energy PLR Articles:
3 Ways to Boost Your Energy Before A Workout – 410 words
3 Ways to Boost Your Everyday Energy Levels – 402 words
4 Sleep Habits to Boost Energy Throughout the Day – 468 words
4 Ways to Boost Your Energy After a Workout – 499 words
5 Simple Reasons Why You Might Not Have Enough Energy to Workout – 525 words
A Guide to Exercise Heart Rate Zones for Boosting Energy – 505 words
Can Exercise Really Leave You with More Energy? – 424 words
Can Exercising on an Empty Stomach Help Energy Levels? – 516 words
Does Eating More Protein Leave You with More Energy? – 520 words
Does Tabata Exercise Boost or Lower Energy Levels? – 445 words
How Exercise Energizes You (and Which Exercises to Perform) –
How Tired Should You Be After a Workout? – 552 words
How Yoga & Pilates Can Boost Energy Levels – 421 words
Signs That You Are Suffering From Fatigue – 432 words
The Role of Fiber in the Diet for Boosting Energy Levels – 444 words
Top 7 Vitamins & Supplements That Boost Energy Levels – 438 words
What Are Low/ High Glycemic Foods and How Do They Affect Energy Levels? – 428 words
Which Foods Leave You Feeling More Energized Throughout the Day? – 407 words
Why Does Exercise Make Us Feel Good? – 409 words
Why Sugar and Salt Can Mess with Your Energy Levels – 540 words
Boosting Your Energy PLR Article Sample:
3 Ways to Boost Your Energy Before a Workout
In order to get the most out of your workouts, you need to put serious effort into what you are doing. Some days that is easier said than done! You may have had a late night, or you may not be feeling well, which will result in you being tired and not having the energy to put 100% into your workout. Or maybe you’re just pushing your body to the limited and need to make sure you have the fuel to get going. Here are a few ways to boost your energy levels before the workout begins.
Consume caffeine
Caffeine is a universal pick me up and the vast majority of people in North America consume it to start their day. But, it is also a great way of boosting your energy before your workout. Just one or two cups of coffee before a workout can massively boost your energy levels and give you the extra drive you need to finish the workout. Some people even replace coffee with green tea for a milder effect.
Caffeine also acts as a thermogenic, so if you are on a diet, you may be interested to know that consuming caffeine can help kick start your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories. If calories are a concern, you can take the coffee black or consume caffeine supplements instead.
Listen to upbeat music
It may not sound like an effective strategy, but believe it or not, listening to upbeat music really can help you get through a workout. The way it works is that music helps effectively distract your brain, which helps you finish your exercise without getting as tired. Any sort of music will do, it depends entirely on the music you find interesting. If you like rap music, listen to that. If you like heavy metal, listen to that instead. The goal is to listen to music that you like to help keep your brain occupied.
Eat fruit
Fruit is a great thing to eat before a workout. Fruit should, of course, be a part of your diet anyways, but it is especially good if you can consume it before a workout. Fruits contain natural sugars which give you a fast energy boost from carbs. Which fruit you consume is up to you, but, if you want a recommendation, go with bananas; they taste great, they are digested quickly and help give you the energy you need to finish your workout.
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Social Media Posts & Images:
5 Shareable Social Media Energy Tips Graphics (PLR)
5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images
20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
14 Royalty Free Images
Images of All Products Reviewed
Boost Your Energy Keyword Research Pack
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5 High Quality Boost Your Energy PLR Articles
Boost Your Energy PLR Article Titles:
Will Eating Less Give Me More Energy? (756 words)
5 Habits That Will Boost Your Energy Levels (652 words)
Are There Supplements That Will Boost My Energy? (621 words)
What Does My Metabolism Have to Do with My Energy Levels? (598 words)
Less of These Equals More Energy for You (852 words)
5 Quality Boost Your Energy Bonus PLR Article Sample:
5 Habits That Will Boost Your Energy Levels
Warren Buffet once said, “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.”
If you’re feeling lethargic and lack energy throughout the day, more often than not, seeing a difference in your life will mean examining your habits and making changes. Millions of people all over the world are in a funk and they have no idea how to get out of it.
We are creatures of habit. The results you see and feel in your life are a result of your habits. Unless you’re suffering from diseases like fibromyalgia or osteoarthritis which take a toll on you, having low energy levels is NOT the norm.
In this article, we’ll look at 5 habits that you can inculcate to boost your energy levels. Good habits are not easy to form and take time to master, but if you can manage it, the rewards are plenty.
- Sleep well
Ideally, you should get 7 to 8 hours of good sleep daily. That will mean going to bed at the same time every single day and waking up at the same time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a public holiday or a weekend. Your sleep schedule stays the same.
Too many people stay up late watching TV and the next morning they wake up groggy with insufficient sleep as they bumble through their morning tasks and stumble to work. Get enough sleep and you’ll have more energy.
This is the MOST basic of all the habits. Doing this alone will help millions of people boost their energy levels.
- Clean up your diet
You are what you eat. Eating clean wholesome foods will mean that your body burns the fuel with a ‘cleaner flame’. If you’re consuming too much sugar, chemicals, additives, etc. your liver will be working overtime to remove these toxins from your body.
It’s next to impossible to feel your best, if the food you eat is sub-par. Consume more vegetables and fruit. Get rid of the processed foods and only indulge in them occasionally.
- Declutter
Stop having too many unfinished tasks and unnecessary items in your life. Your energy is finite. If you spread it out over too many tasks, you’ll feel drained. Throw away what you do not need and only focus on tasks that are actually beneficial.
If you’re at work, learn to say ‘no’, if your colleagues are trying to push off their work on to you. Only handle what you can.
The less tasks you have, the more energy you’ll have.
- Stay hydrated
It’s very easy to be dehydrated without even knowing it. People often confuse hunger with thirst. They often fail to realize that they’re feeling tired because the body lacks water. Drink sufficient water throughout the day.
- Relieve stress
Stress has been coined the 21st century’s silent killer. In our hectic lives, it slowly creeps up on us without our knowledge. We have more convenience now and everything is almost instant, and yet, as a people we’re more stressed out than ever before.
Stress saps your mental and physical energy. To boost your energy levels, you should practice meditation or yoga or just deep breathing. Try and center yourself and become an oasis of peace in a frantic world.
Alternatively, you can do things that you find fun. Watch that movie, take that trip, have a laugh, try something you’ve always wanted to and so on. All these fun activities will give your mind and soul a respite from the stresses of day to day life.
Why do you think people feel ‘lighter’ and happier when they’re on a holiday? They always seem to have more energy and life. When the holiday comes to an end, suddenly their energy dissipates, and they sink into the doldrums.
It’s stress or the expectation of stress from the mundane life that they’ve become accustomed to. Relieve your stress at frequent intervals.
Apply these 5 habits in your life and you’ll notice that over time, your energy levels soar, and you feel much better and full of life. That’s how you want to live.
5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Articles
Sport Supplements PLR Article Titles:
3 Essential Supplements for Any Serious Athlete (626 words)
Arginine and BCAAs: What You Need to Know (556 words)
Caffeine and CLA: Do You Need Them? (544 words)
Discover the Power of Glutamine and Glucosamine (561 words)
What to Look Out for When Buying Supplements (641 words)
5 High Quality Sport Supplements Bonus PLR Article Sample:
3 Essential Supplements for Any Serious Athlete
Step into any health store and you’ll be overwhelmed by the sheer variety of supplements available. Everything from willow bark to horny goat weed is available for purchase.
The truth of the matter is that most supplements are unnecessary and just exist to lighten people’s wallets. There are only a handful of supplements that are worth considering.
In this article, we’ll look at 3 useful and proven supplements that should be a part of any serious athlete’s diet.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These are some of the most beneficial supplements on the planet. Our diets are often unhealthy and high in omega-6 fatty acids. Because of this, many people suffer from inflammation and other health problems. Restoring balance in the body is crucial.
Omega-3s definitely help with that. While you can get a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids by eating oily fish such as tuna, sardines, walnuts, chia seeds, etc. it’s often easier to consume a fish oil supplement that’s sold in stores.
The omega-3 supplements will work wonders for your health. For starters, it can reduce inflammation in the body and help immensely with pain relief. Athletes who suffer from inflammation would do well to consume the fish oil supplements (wild Alaskan salmon or krill). If you’re a vegetarian, you could get chia seeds.
Besides just combating inflammation, the omega-3 fats will reduce blood viscosity, improve your mood, prevent heart disease and even mitigate delayed onset muscle soreness that many athletes often have to deal with.
This is one of the best supplements that you could get, and it benefits most people.
- Creatine
Next to whey protein, this is probably the second most popular supplement amongst bodybuilders and athletes. While you can get creatine from foods like meat and fish, supplements make it much easier to load up on it.
The reason it’s so popular is because it makes the muscles look fuller and bigger. Besides that, studies have shown that it has a positive impact on the intensity of one’s training. Athletes are able to perform better when on creatine. The increase in phosphocreatine stores in the muscles boost their power and endurance.
Generally, there is a loading phase for most creating supplements. You’ll be required to take a specific amount for 3 to 5 days and after that, you’ll drop to a daily dose, which in most cases will be a smaller serving.
Up till now, creatine has been shown to be safe. It is one of the most tested products on the planet and has been shown to be highly effective and will improve your performance during training.
- Protein
Protein that’s sold in the health stores can come in many forms. Egg protein, whey protein, protein isolates, etc. So, which do you take?
Quite frankly, it’s up to you. If you want the body to absorb the protein faster, you could go with isolates. However, it will be costlier than the other protein supplements.
Whey protein is probably the most popular supplement on the planet. It’s derived from a protein in milk. Since protein is the building block of muscle, bodybuilders guzzle down protein shakes all the time.
This helps them gain muscle mass faster and improve their recovery time too. People who are trying to lose weight can use protein shakes once a day to replace a meal. The shake will contain fewer calories and help them stay in a caloric deficit.
Everybody needs protein for their bodies to function optimally. If your diet is lacking in protein or you’re trying to build muscle mass, protein supplements are very useful.
That sums up the 3 essential supplements that most athletes will benefit from. Make sure you get them from a reputable manufacturer and adhere to the dosage on the labels.
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15 Fitness and Exercise Tips PLR Articles
Fitness and Exercise Tips PLR Article Titles:
How To Maximize Working Out With Your Pet (533 words)
Looking for Fitness Programs for your Specialty Group-Start with the list below. (510)
What is Cy-Yo all about (502)
What is YogaFit, and how can you get started (484)
What Should You Consider Before Hiring a Fitness Trainer (473)
Yogilates-What you need to know about this latest fitness trend. (427)
10 Effective Fitness Activities You Must Try Out This Year (533 words)
Are You Ready For A Personal Trainer (425)
Beat Sitting Disease with These 6 Simple Tips (498)
Crossfit-Understanding its benefits and how you can get started. (416)
Dancing for Fitness-What You Need To Know (541)
Functional Fitness-What is it and who are its benefits (421)
Group Personal Training-An effective way to meet your fitness goals or not (515)
How To Become More Accountable For Your Fitness Goals (521)
How To Integrate Strength Exercises In Your Daily Fitness Routine (414)
15 Fitness and Exercise Tips PLR Bonus Article Sample:
Are You Ready For A Personal Trainer?
Fitness experts and enthusiasts predict that this will be the year of the personal trainer. More and more people are trying to lose weight and get in shape. An expert can help you reach your goals. Additionally, personal trainers can specialize to help specific groups of people reach their goals. If you’re striving to lose weight, get in shape, and improve your life then it may be time for a personal trainer.
Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer
There are many benefits to hiring a personal trainer. They can help motivate you. They may have specialized knowledge or they may be able to help you reach specific goals. Additionally, a personal trainer may be able to help you focus in on proper form and technique. This helps you prevent injury and get the most benefit from any exercise or movement.
Specialty Needs
If you have specialty needs then a personal trainer is an exceptional idea. For example, children and senior citizens both benefit from specialty fitness knowledge. Pregnant women do too. But you don’t have to be going through a life stage to have a specialty need.
For example, if you’re training for a competitive event or milestone a personal trainer can help you maximize your workouts for maximum benefit.
Optimal Weight Loss
A personal trainer can provide you with the instruction and guidance you need to achieve your weight loss goals more quickly. Instead of guessing about what to do and how to workout, a trainer can tell you. You skip the mistakes and get right to the success. Additionally, many personal trainers are also certified nutritionists. They know how to fuel your body properly.
Motivation Galore
If you’ve reached a plateau then a personal trainer can help you push beyond it. And if you’re just not feeling it, and everyone goes through those periods, then a personal trainer can help you feel recharged and reinvigorated. Of course the right personal trainer makes all the difference.
How to Find The Right Trainer for Your Needs
Many gyms offer personal trainers on an hourly basis. You can also find specialty trainers in your area simply by doing a quick online search. Ask friends and family members too.
Spend time searching for someone you trust. Make sure they have the proper certification and are CPR certified. Give them a “test run” to make sure you’re compatible. Personal trainers are people too. They have their own ideas, methods, and personalities. Find one that fits your needs for the best results.
Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!
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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!
For the first 50 buyers of this Boost Your Energy Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!
Bonus 1
5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Energy Today eBook and Squeeze Page with Master Resell Rights
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Package Details:
- Ebook
- Covers
- Email Swipe
- Optin Page
Total File Download Size:
7.02 Megabytes (MB)
Bonus 2
Energy Plus Plus Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Cheat Sheet
Module 3 – Mind Map
Module 4 – Resource Report
Module 5 – SalesLetter And Thank You Page
Module 6 – Sales Video
Module 7 – Legal Pages
Module 8 – Graphics
Module 9 – Articles
Module 10 – Banners
Module 11 – Promotional Email Swipes
Module 12 – High Quality eCovers
Module 13 – Social Media Image
Bonus 3
Limitless Energy eBook with Master Resell Rights
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This Product Includes:
Social Media Images
Resource Cheat Sheet
Sales Page
Optin Page
Email Swipes
License – Master Resale Rights
Bonus 4
Limitless Energy Video Series with Master Resell Rights
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Package Details:
Module 1 – Videos
Module 2 – Upsell Page
Module 3 – Autoresponder Series
Module 4 – Special Report
Module 5 – Affiliates Toolbox Page
Module 6 – Social Media Swipe Kit
Module 7 – Top Forums & Blogs
Module 8 – Keywords
Module 9 – Presentation
Module 10 – Feature Images
Total File Download Size:
100 Megabytes (MB)
Bonus 5
5 High Quality New Year Weight Loss Mindset PLR Articles
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Here are the titles of the 5 New Year Weight Loss Mindset Articles:
- Finding Your Motivation to Shed the Stubborn Pounds (555 words)
- Make This Years Weight Loss Resolution Your Last One (783 words)
- One Simple Brain Hack to Not Skip Workouts (687 words)
- Finding Your Weight Loss Why This Year (647 words)
- Why Most People Quit On Their Weight Loss Journey (755 words)
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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!
Package Details For The Boost Your Energy Premium PLR Package:
Main eBook:
“Energize Yourself: How to Fight Fatigue with Fitness, Food and Smart Lifestyle Shifts”
(4,222 words, 21 pages, 9 images)
Short Report:
“6 Daily Habits to Boost Your Energy Levels”
(1,663 words, 8 pages, 5 images)
Product Reviews:
“Energy Medicine for Women†by Donna Eden – 395 words
HemingWeigh Extra Thick High Density Exercise Yoga Mat – 419 words
Merax JK1603E Easy Assembly Folding Electric Treadmill – 480 words
Portable 380ml Blender with USB Charger – 412 words
WODFitters Pull Up Assist Band and Stretch Resistance Band – 447 words
Product Comparison Review:
Top 5 Yoga DVDs – 1016 words
5 Emails/ Blog Posts:
Topic: Coping with Fatigue and Tiredness
Email1-Signs Your Feelings of Tiredness Are Pointing to a Bigger Problem – 253 words
Email2-Risk Factors of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – 279 words
Email3-Understanding Why Fatigue Is So Often Misdiagnosed – 302 words
Email4-How to Eat to Beat Tiredness and Exhaustion – 342 words
Email5-How Sleep and Exercise Beat Fatigue and Exhaustion – 353 words
Boosting Energy PLR Articles:
3 Ways to Boost Your Energy Before A Workout – 410 words
3 Ways to Boost Your Everyday Energy Levels – 402 words
4 Sleep Habits to Boost Energy Throughout the Day – 468 words
4 Ways to Boost Your Energy After a Workout – 499 words
5 Simple Reasons Why You Might Not Have Enough Energy to Workout – 525 words
A Guide to Exercise Heart Rate Zones for Boosting Energy – 505 words
Can Exercise Really Leave You with More Energy? – 424 words
Can Exercising on an Empty Stomach Help Energy Levels? – 516 words
Does Eating More Protein Leave You with More Energy? – 520 words
Does Tabata Exercise Boost or Lower Energy Levels? – 445 words
How Exercise Energizes You (and Which Exercises to Perform) –
How Tired Should You Be After a Workout? – 552 words
How Yoga & Pilates Can Boost Energy Levels – 421 words
Signs That You Are Suffering From Fatigue – 432 words
The Role of Fiber in the Diet for Boosting Energy Levels – 444 words
Top 7 Vitamins & Supplements That Boost Energy Levels – 438 words
What Are Low/ High Glycemic Foods and How Do They Affect Energy Levels? – 428 words
Which Foods Leave You Feeling More Energized Throughout the Day? – 407 words
Why Does Exercise Make Us Feel Good? – 409 words
Why Sugar and Salt Can Mess with Your Energy Levels – 540 words
Browse for more Fitness PLR article packs at BuyQualityPLR.com!
Social Media Posts & Images:
5 Shareable Social Media Tips Images
5 Shareable Social Media Quote Images
20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)
+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging
14 Royalty Free Images
Images of All Products Reviewed
5 High Quality Boost Your Energy PLR Articles
Boost Your Energy PLR Article Titles:
Will Eating Less Give Me More Energy? (756 words)
5 Habits That Will Boost Your Energy Levels (652 words)
Are There Supplements That Will Boost My Energy? (621 words)
What Does My Metabolism Have to Do with My Energy Levels? (598 words)
Less of These Equals More Energy for You (852 words)
5 High Quality Sport Supplements PLR Articles
Sport Supplements PLR Article Titles:
3 Essential Supplements for Any Serious Athlete (626 words)
Arginine and BCAAs: What You Need to Know (556 words)
Caffeine and CLA: Do You Need Them? (544 words)
Discover the Power of Glutamine and Glucosamine (561 words)
What to Look Out for When Buying Supplements (641 words)
15 Fitness and Exercise Tips PLR Articles
Fitness and Exercise Tips PLR Article Titles:
How To Maximize Working Out With Your Pet (533 words)
Looking for Fitness Programs for your Specialty Group-Start with the list below. (510)
What is Cy-Yo all about (502)
What is YogaFit, and how can you get started (484)
What Should You Consider Before Hiring a Fitness Trainer (473)
Yogilates-What you need to know about this latest fitness trend. (427)
10 Effective Fitness Activities You Must Try Out This Year (533 words)
Are You Ready For A Personal Trainer (425)
Beat Sitting Disease with These 6 Simple Tips (498)
Crossfit-Understanding its benefits and how you can get started. (416)
Dancing for Fitness-What You Need To Know (541)
Functional Fitness-What is it and who are its benefits (421)
Group Personal Training-An effective way to meet your fitness goals or not (515)
How To Become More Accountable For Your Fitness Goals (521)
How To Integrate Strength Exercises In Your Daily Fitness Routine (414)
Total Word Count: 32 000+ Words
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