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Be More Assertive Premium PLR Ebook

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Package 26k Words

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Be More Assertive PLR Package – Featuring Over 26 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen and Premium Assertiveness PLR Content.


Attention: Self Help Marketers, Personal Development & Self Improvement Coaches

Done for You Premium Self Help PLR Product on a




Dear Self Improvement online business owner, When it comes to self help and personal development searches, the Assertiveness is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Assertiveness has spawned an entire industry of blogs, courses, books and products.

This is where my premium done-for-you Be More Assertive PLR content package comes in. It’s all about teaching your customers How to Be More Assertive.

Everything is completely done-for-you and ready-to-go – from the main Self Help PLR report to your social media updates – it’s simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative self improvement niche.


Introducing The…

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 26 000 Words of High Quality Assertiveness Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Be More Assertive PLR package covers the hugely popular self help niche. Self Help is evergreen and will always be. This Be More Assertive PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it or use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Be More Assertive MEGA PLR Package…


Main eBook: “How to Be More Assertive”

(3,719 words, 20 pages, 7 images)


Be More Assertive Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside the How to Be More Assertive PLR eBook:

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the How to Be More Assertive PLR Ebook:

How to Be More Assertive: Introduction………………………………. 3

Why You Aren’t Assertive……………………………………………………… 5

You Like Being Mr. Nice Guy…………………………………………………………….. 5

You are Scared of Ruining a Relationship……………………………………… 5

Understanding the Emotions Behind Your Passivity……………. 7

The Difference Between Assertiveness and Aggression……….. 9

Communication Tips for Being Assertive Instead of Aggressive……… 11

Comparing the 4 Styles of Communication…………………………. 13

Being Assertive Can Boost Your Self-Respect……………………… 14

How to Be More Assertive with Family and Friends…………… 16

Making Decisions & Setting Boundaries………………………………………. 16

Healthy Relationships Require Boundaries………………………………… 16

Being Assertive at Work……………………………………………………… 18

Be Careful when You Are Assertive in Public……………………… 20


Sample Content for the How to Be More Assertive Premium PLR Ebook:

How to Be More Assertive: Introduction

Did you know that it’s okay to be assertive? It really is. All this means is respecting the ideas and needs of others while firmly and calmly making sure your needs are met as well. This is not always easy to do. They’re going to be times in your life when you work for someone who doesn’t want you to speak your mind. They give you marching orders, they yell and scream, they berate you at every turn, and you are not given a chance to assert yourself.

You are going to meet some people who seem nice on the surface, but aren’t. They ask you a lot about what is going on in your life. They are quiet and calm, but their outward demeanor is not who they really are. These people have negative feelings which are hidden by their behavior. They openly appear to say and do nice things, but they leave bad feelings and destruction in their wake with their pass-aggressive actions.

When you meet someone who is assertive without being aggressive, you see qualities like self-respect, decisiveness and confidence. The assertive person has no problem seeing things as they really are. Instead of wishing things were different, this man or woman communicates openly and firmly about what needs to be done to create the desired outcome.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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How to Be More Assertive Checklist :

(469 words, 3 pages)

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Checklist

A look inside the How to Be More Assertive Premium PLR Checklist:

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Checklist Sneak Preview


How to Be More Assertive PLR Editable Ecovers:

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Ecovers


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Signs That You’re Not Assertive Enough – 2095 words

Email #1 – Welcome to the assertiveness series!

Email #2 – The effects of non-assertiveness

Email #3 – Helping someone who is non-assertive

Email #4 – Why people are non-assertive

Email #5 – Rights of assertiveness


Be More Assertive Email Content Sample:

Email #1 – Welcome to the assertiveness series!

Hello and welcome to our series on assertiveness. In this course we are going to cover some of the problems and resulting stress caused by a lack of assertiveness. Specifically, we are going to cover:

  1. Common lack of assertiveness situations
  2. How to be more assertive
  3. Helping someone who is non-assertive
  4. Why people are non-assertive
  5. Rights of assertiveness

Common lack of assertiveness situations

Many people that have a lack of assertiveness can identify with these situations:

  • You have a hard time disagreeing with people even though you think their views are wrong.
  • You find it difficult to say no and therefore you end up taking on tasks that you don’t want.
  • You are too passive in your interactions, thus people take advantage of you.
  • You do more work than you should because you are afraid to delegate.
  • You fail to speak up and share your opinions because you think they are too controversial.
  • You fail to market yourself to your full potential because you don’t want to appear too aggressive.

For each of these situations, let’s look at the problem each creates:

  • Not disagreeing with others. The problem is that you will not get your ideas heard or acted upon, which can limit your effectiveness and status in your organization.
  • Difficulty saying no. When you are unable to say no, you lose credibility. In the end you project the image that your time is not as valuable as others and therefore that your contributions are less valuable.
  • Being too passive. To keep from appearing to be too aggressive, you overcompensate and end up being too passive. In this situation, it is hard for you to make your views known.
  • Lack of delegation. You don’t delegate tasks off to other people because you don’t want to “inconvenience” or upset them. As a result, you do the majority of the work.
  • Failure to express your opinions. Many people fail to express what they are thinking because they fear it will cause controversy. As a result, they may have very good ideas, but because they may go against the norm, they will never get heard.
  • Fear of self-promotion. By not promoting yourself, it is easy to get lost in the herd, because upper management doesn’t know you exist or what your capabilities are beyond what you are currently doing.

That wraps it up for this first lesson. In the next lesson, we will talk about some of the effects of not being assertive enough. Be sure to read that one.


High Quality Be More Assertive PLR Articles:

How to Be Assertive Without Being Rude – 406 words

How to Be More Assertive Without Being Aggressive – 407 words

The Difference Between Passive Aggressive and Assertive Communication – 397 words

The Real Reason Why You Find It Hard to Be Assertive – 418 words

Why Standing Up for Yourself is So Important – 396 words


Be More Assertive PLR Article Sample:

How to Be More Assertive Without Being Aggressive

Maybe your boss has told you that you should be more assertive with your staff, or you don’t feel like you’re being taken seriously and wonder whether you need to up your game. Many people feel as though they will come across too aggressive once they start trying to more be assertive, and in some circumstances it will take practice to get to a place you feel comfortable. Here are some quick tips to help you be more assertive in any situation without coming across as aggressive.

Maintain eye contact

Ensuring you maintain eye contact while speaking to someone sends a message that you’re serious about what you’re saying, but it’s not intimidating enough to come across as aggressive. While ensuring you have good eye contact with the person you’re speaking with, be aware that staring at someone for too long can have a negative effect. Maintain friendly eye contact throughout the conversation and provide feedback such as nodding or smiling when they speak.

Think and prepare before you speak

This is particularly important if you’re about to have a difficult conversation with somebody, or you need to put your point across in a way which convinces other people of your points. It sometimes helps to write down your points and consolidate them in your mind before you go into the meeting or have the conversation. The more confident you feel, the more likely it is that people will take you seriously and be convinced. It will also help you to keep your cool and not come across as aggressive.

Consider your posture

Whether you’re sitting or standing, good posture can make a huge difference to how you come across to other people. Folding your arms while having a difficult conversation with somebody can come across as aggressive. Messing with things or fidgeting can quickly stop people from taking you seriously, although you will come across more as rude rather than aggressive if you are not engaging due to fidgeting. Putting your hands on your hips should be avoided in order to prevent yourself seeming aggressive.

Keep a friendly tone

The tone of your voice is arguably the main thing which could cause people to think you’re being aggressive. If you want to come across as assertive, you may be worried your voice might sound aggressive or even come across as being too soft. Maintain a firm yet friendly tone in order to come across as assertive.


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Social Media Posts and Images:


5 Shareable Social Media Graphics (PLR)

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Social Media Graphics


15 Social Media Posts with hashtags (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Social Media Tweets


7 Royalty Free Images

Be More Assertive Royalty Free Images


Be More Assertive Keyword Research Pack

Be More Assertive Premium PLR Keyword Research

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+ Bonus Long Article on 7 Characteristics of Assertive People


7 Characteristics of Assertive People PLR Sample Content:

7 Characteristics Of Assertive People

Being assertive is generally speaking a pretty good thing. It lets you be clear with what you want, it prevents people from walking over you, and it prevents you from being taken advantage of. All of these are very good things. However, being assertive is easier said than done. With this in mind, here are the 7 characteristics of assertive people. If you start to adopt some of these characteristics, you might find that becoming a more assertive person overall becomes a lot easier.

They Understand The POV Of Others

This may sound like a strange characteristic, but it is vital if you want to be assertive. See, being assertive doesn’t mean being rude or being inconsiderate. If you want to learn to be more assertive, you have to avoid being seen as such otherwise you are going to make your life harder. A good example of this is when it comes to compromising with others. Being assertive doesn’t mean that you always get your way. You have to be willing to look at what others are saying and what their point of view is. Doing so earns you respect and makes people respect you more, which makes being assertive easier.

Know Yourself

Assertive people always have a clear view of what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are. Being assertive all the time isn’t a good idea if you don’t know what you are good at. It will just come off as being overconfident. Don’t be afraid to be assertive when you are dealing with something that you know about. Be less assertive when dealing with something you are weak in.

They Can Keep Their Anger In Check

Much like there is a fine line between assertiveness and being bossy, there is also a fine line between being assertive of your rights and being angry. If you don’t keep a lid on your anger, every time that you try to be assertive, it’s just going to come off as you being extremely angry, which isn’t what you want.

They Don’t Rely Heavily On Other People

A big issue with trying to be more assertive is that if you rely on others, you are indebted to them. You may rely on them for emotional support, financial support, etc. If you rely on someone, you can’t really afford to stand up to them too much, can you? That is why assertive people avoid being overly reliant on others in any sense. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t form relationships or anything like that, but you should be careful of becoming over-reliant on any single person.


10 Emotional Intelligence PLR Articles and Tweets

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Children – 457 words

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught? – 657 words

Learning to Trust Your Emotions – 859 words

Questions to Ask to Measure Your Child’s Emotions – 464 words

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children – 543 words

Steps to Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child – 562 words

Teaching Children to Cope with Emotions – 745 words

The Importance of Communication and Emotional Intelligence – 491 words

Ways to Raise Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence – 630 words

What Is Emotional Intelligence? – 589 words

Includes 10 Tweets for Social Posting.

These Emotional Intelligence PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Emotional Intelligence PLR Article Sample:

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Children

One important life skill that can and should be taught to children is emotional intelligence. Learning emotional intelligence skills can help children be more aware of their emotions. Being more aware of, and being able to name their emotions, helps children control and handle those emotions more thoughtfully and compassionately.

Learning emotional intelligence can help children in many ways.

  1. Reduce Bullying Instances – Children who are better able to pinpoint their emotions and feelings, do not bully as much as those children who cannot, and they are also more likely to stand up for themselves and others when in a situation where they are being bullied.
  2. Improve Academic Success – When a child can acknowledge their emotions, even if they have lives full of turmoil, they are better able to focus on learning in the academic environment. They can name their feelings, control their feelings, and self-soothe a lot better than children who don’t have emotional intelligence skills.
  3. Create Stronger Relationships – When children can understand their own feelings better, they can also understand other people’s feelings better. This can help them to build stronger relationships with others. People who have stronger relationships in their life do better in other aspects of their life, too.
  4. Increase Attention Span – When a child can keep their emotions in check, their attention span is increased because they’re not sidetracked by emotional noise. They can learn better and do more because they feel better.
  5. Control Emotions Better – When a child cannot name their emotions, they can become out of control trying to understand what they are feeling. Emotional intelligence skills help a child understand and control emotions better, avoiding outbursts and potential juvenile detention.
  6. Enhance Memory – One of the first things a psychologist does is check the memory of their patients by asking them to remember three things. When there is too much emotional turmoil, most patients fail this exercise. When a child has learned emotional intelligence skills they are more likely to have better memory.
  7. Reduce Emotional Eating – People, including children, who avoid their feelings and emotions tend to eat more salt, sugar and fat to self-medicate. Children who undergo lessons in identifying emotions tend not to eat for emotional reasons. This can have far-reaching positive health consequences.
  8. Better Self-Esteem – Children who can not only recognize their own emotions but can also name other people’s emotions with improved empathy tend to feel better about themselves. When a child’s self-image is heightened they do a lot better in life.

Teaching children how to increase their emotional intelligence is an important part of teaching children life skills. The benefits are so enormous that these types of life lessons cannot be overlooked.


15 Leadership PLR Articles and Tweets

15 Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction – 455 words

Activities and Practices That Improve The Strength and Performance of a Group – 735 words

How to build a collaborative team environment – 459 words

How To Empower Your Team Members To Discover and Develop Their Strengths – 503 words

How to Improve Collaboration Among Team Members – 479 words

How to increase your self awareness – 650 words

How to Lead Without Panic During a Crisis – 506 words

Mistakes Employees Make When Trying to Get a Promotion – 521 words

Steps to minimizing conflict among team members – 538 words

Team Building Activities That Help Employees Increase Their Self – 472 words

Tips For Feeling More Confident In Your Own Leadership Role – 541 words

Ways to Get Yourself Noticed at Work and on the Fast Track to a Promotion – 498 words

Ways To Inspire Your Team Members To Be More Engaged and Motivated – 615 words

Ways you can reward motivated employees – 563 words

Why Acknowledgement Matters – 547 words

Includes Tweets for social posting.

These Leadership PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Leadership PLR Article Sample:

15 Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction should be the number one priority of any business. It can make a huge difference in how your bottom line is. Training your team members in ways to increase your customers’ satisfaction is key in building a good relationship with the customers.

Here are the top 15 ways to increase customer satisfaction:

  1. Listen to what they have to say. Some will just need to rant, even if they are in the wrong. Don’t take it personally and always respond in a professional manner. Others may have a valid point and need to know someone is actually listening to them.
  2. Don’t refer the person to someone else. No one likes to get the run around and be shoved off onto someone else. Get the answers the client needs as quickly as possible.
  3. Keep your promises. Only agree to what you can actually deliver. Telling the client you can deliver more than you can not only stresses you but you lose the customer’s trust.
  4. On the other hand, under-promise and over-deliver whenever possible.
  5. Be courteous. Thank your customer for their business. Let them talk without interrupting.
  6. Develop personal relationships with your clients. Treat each one as if he’s your most important client, even if he is your cheapest.
  7. Anticipate their needs. Go the extra step and be ahead of them.
  8. Apologize if you are wrong or make a mistake. Everyone makes them.
  9. Respond quickly to communications. One working day turnaround time should be top priority for all customer inquiries.
  10. Be honest. If a requested deadline can’t be met let your client know before you take their order.
  11. Keep in touch with the customer. Follow-up with a postcard, an email or a simple thank you phone call.
  12. Ask for feedback from your customers. They will give you information to help you improve your customer service and your business reputation.
  13. Listen to what your unsatisfied customers have to say. Act on their advice if it is the right thing to do.
  14. Smile. Be happy and courteous. Never answer the phone, a text or email when you’re angry. Before you pick up the phone or keyboard, paste a smile on your face and in your voice.
  15. Throw away your scripts. People want to hear from real people who treat them like individuals. Each situation is different so you shouldn’t have a prewritten script that won’t fit everyone.

Customer satisfaction is one of the most important parts of any business. Learning how to deal with your customers the right way will increase your customer satisfaction, build a community that trusts you and lead to a bigger bottom line.


10 Confidence PLR Articles V2

Steps to Confidence – 439 words

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them – 417 words

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips – 498 words

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice – 445 words

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens – 445 words

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected – 428 words

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem? – 430 words

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness – 471 words

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Teens – 456 words

Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident – 477 words

These Confidence PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Confidence PLR Article Sample:

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them

If you suffer from low self-confidence, you might be stuck in some negative mindsets that are affecting the way you think about yourself and, ultimately, your self-esteem. Negative mindsets tend to have a lot of “always” or “never” talk, creating a sense of entrapment and hopelessness. Here are some examples of negative mindsets that can lead to low confidence.

“I will never get it right.”

Thinking this way can keep you from trying again, or even trying something for the first time. It makes it only too easy to give up.

“Nobody understands what this is like.”

When you lack self-confidence, a lot of times you assume that everyone else has it together and you’re the odd man or woman out. You may feel isolated, and feel as if others have their lives together while you are still floundering.

“I am totally useless.”

When you lack confidence, you may feel like you don’t have anything of value to contribute, whether it’s to your workplace, relationships, or something else.

“I am a complete failure.”

No one fails at every single thing; but to a person with low self-confidence, it can sure seem that way. You may feel like everything you’ve ever tried has failed, even if this is not true.

“I could never do that.”

Do you see someone with a successful lifestyle you wish you had? If you lack self-confidence, you may have the above reaction. Instead of being inspired and wanting to create that lifestyle for yourself, you look at that person and get depressed, thinking you could never have what they have.

How Can These Mindsets Be Overcome?

In order to overcome these destructive mindsets that lead to low confidence, it’s necessary to reprogram your thought processes. You will need to pay attention to your negative self-talk and immediately change it to something positive.

For example, instead of “I will never get it right,” you could stop that thought in its tracks and think instead, “I have trouble with this, but if I keep trying and seek out the right help, I know I can succeed.” Rather than, “I could never do that,” think, “I would love to do that! There’s no reason why I can’t have that lifestyle if I work at it.”

You may need therapy and/or counseling to overcome these mindsets. But like everything else in life, you can do it if you set realistic goals and have confidence in yourself!


Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Be More Assertive PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

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Bonus 1

7 Easy Hacks To Build Confidence MRR Ebook and Squeeze Page

7 Easy Hacks To Build Confidence MRR Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Covers
  • Ebook
  • Landing Page

Total File Download Size:

7.70 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 2

Self Confidence Mastery MRR eBook Package

Self-Confidence Mastery Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2- Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Minisite
Module 5 – Advertising Banners
Module 6 – Source Graphic

Total File Download Size:

14.4 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 3

Unshakeable Confidence Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Unshakeable Confidence Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 4

Growing Your Self-Confidence PLR eBook and Squeeze Page

Growing Your Self-Confidence PLR eBook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Ebook
  • Source File
  • Covers
  • Opt-in Page

Total File Download Size:

2.47 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 5

Self Confidence Transformation Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Self Confidence Transformation Bundle

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Sales Page
Module 6 – Optin Page
Module 7 – Graphic Images
Module 8 – Articles
Module 9 – Email Swipes
Module 10 – Social Media Images


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The Be More Assertive PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“How to Be More Assertive”

(3,719 words, 20 pages, 7 images)

+ Checklist

+ eCovers

+ Keywords


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Signs That You’re Not Assertive Enough – 2095 words

Email #1 – Welcome to the assertiveness series!

Email #2 – The effects of non-assertiveness

Email #3 – Helping someone who is non-assertive

Email #4 – Why people are non-assertive

Email #5 – Rights of assertiveness


Related Articles:

How to Be Assertive Without Being Rude – 406 words

How to Be More Assertive Without Being Aggressive – 407 words

The Difference Between Passive Aggressive and Assertive Communication – 397 words

The Real Reason Why You Find It Hard to Be Assertive – 418 words

Why Standing Up for Yourself is So Important – 396 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Tips

15 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

7 Royalty Free Images



+ Bonus Long Article on 7 Characteristics of Assertive People


10 Emotional Intelligence PLR Articles and Tweets

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence in Children – 457 words

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught? – 657 words

Learning to Trust Your Emotions – 859 words

Questions to Ask to Measure Your Child’s Emotions – 464 words

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children – 543 words

Steps to Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child – 562 words

Teaching Children to Cope with Emotions – 745 words

The Importance of Communication and Emotional Intelligence – 491 words

Ways to Raise Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence – 630 words

What Is Emotional Intelligence? – 589 words

Includes 10 Tweets for Social Posting.

These Emotional Intelligence PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


15 Leadership PLR Articles and Tweets

15 Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction – 455 words

Activities and Practices That Improve The Strength and Performance of a Group – 735 words

How to build a collaborative team environment – 459 words

How To Empower Your Team Members To Discover and Develop Their Strengths – 503 words

How to Improve Collaboration Among Team Members – 479 words

How to increase your self awareness – 650 words

How to Lead Without Panic During a Crisis – 506 words

Mistakes Employees Make When Trying to Get a Promotion – 521 words

Steps to minimizing conflict among team members – 538 words

Team Building Activities That Help Employees Increase Their Self – 472 words

Tips For Feeling More Confident In Your Own Leadership Role – 541 words

Ways to Get Yourself Noticed at Work and on the Fast Track to a Promotion – 498 words

Ways To Inspire Your Team Members To Be More Engaged and Motivated – 615 words

Ways you can reward motivated employees – 563 words

Why Acknowledgement Matters – 547 words

Includes Tweets for social posting.

These Leadership PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


10 Confidence PLR Articles V2

Steps to Confidence – 439 words

Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them – 417 words

Build Confidence in Interpersonal Relationships – Top Tips – 498 words

Confidence Coach: A Viable Career Choice – 445 words

Tips on Boosting Self-Confidence for Teens – 445 words

How Diet, Exercise, and Confidence Are Connected – 428 words

Can Hypnosis Help Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem? – 430 words

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness – 471 words

From Self-Consciousness to Self-Confidence – Teens – 456 words

Tips on Teaching Your Child to Be Self-Confident – 477 words

These Confidence PLR articles are available in .TXT format and includes a PLR license.


Total Word Count: 26 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Be More Assertive PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Quality PLR Content Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

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Can be added to or edited completely.
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This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR articles on as many of your own sites as you wish.

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Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

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