Motivational Viral PLR Videos Special

Motivation Power PLR Launch Special
30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Ebook

30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Package 27k Words

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30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 27 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Fitness and Exercise Content.


Attention: Health, Fitness and Wellness Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Fitness PLR Product on a


Fitness Challenge!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top fitness and exercises searches, the Fitness Challenge is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Fitness Challenge has spawned an entire industry of blogs, fitness courses, and products.

This is where my premium done for you 30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers How to Make Health & Fitness a Habit, One Day at a Time”.

Everything is done for you – from the main PLR Fitness info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative fitness niche.


Introducing The…

30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 27 000 Words of High Quality 30 Day Fitness Challenge Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality Fitness Challenge PLR package covers the hugely popular fitness niche. Fitness and exercising is evergreen and will always be. This PLR Fitness Challenge content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the 30 Day Fitness Challenge Mega PLR Package…

Main eBook:30 Days to Fitness Challenge: How to Make Health & Fitness a Habit, One Day at a Time”

(4,343 words, 18 pages, 9 images)

30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Ebook


A look inside 30 Days to Fitness Challenge PLR eBook:

30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Ebook Sneak Preview


Table of Contents for the 30 Days to Fitness Challenge PLR eBook:

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

How to Use This Challenge……………………………………………………………………………….. 5

Day One: Baseline Test…………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Day #2 Glutes and Legs……………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Day #3 Core…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Day #4 Cardio Day…………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Day #5 Mobility Day………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Day #6 Work those Arms!………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Day #7 Cardio Day…………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Day #8 Glutes and Legs………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Day #9 Core…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Day #10 Cardio………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Day #11 Mobility Day…………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Day #12 – Arms……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

Day #13 Cardio………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12

Day #14 Glutes and Legs………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Day #15 Retest………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Day #16 Mobility Day…………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

Day #17 Core…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Day #18 Legs…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Day #19 Arms………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

Day #20 Cardio………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14

Day #21 Mobility…………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Day #22 Core…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Day #23 Cardio………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Day #24 Legs…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

Day #25 Arms………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Day #26 Cardio………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

Day #27 Mobility…………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

Day #28 Core…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

Day #29 Legs…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

Day #30 Repeat The Baseline Test…………………………………………………………………… 18

Conclusion: Continuing Your Fitness After the Challenge………………………………….. 18


Sample Content for the 30 Days to Fitness Challenge eBook:

Day One: Baseline Test

For this first day you need only to set aside about a half an hour. However, you’re going to be setting your baseline for a number of movements that are good indicators of your fitness. You’re going to perform three movement tests.

#1 Pushups – The first test is to do as many pushups as you can in three minutes. You can rest as much as you need. And if you are unable to perform a strict push-up from your toes (and most people cannot, so don’t beat yourself up if that’s the case) then do your pushups from your knees. Or start on your toes and drop to your knees when those start to fail. Record how many pushups you were able to do in three minutes, and how you performed the movement.

#2 Squats – Again, this is a three-minute test. Perform as many full-depth squats (your hips are at parallel or just below parallel with your knees) in three minutes. Take as much rest as needed. Remember to put your feet shoulder width apart and make sure your knees track over your toes when you squat so they don’t cave inward. If they fall in toward the middle, it can cause knee irritation.

#3 1 Mile Walk/Jog/Run – Find a track or map a mile in your neighborhood. You can use a tool like to get the distance from your front door and do a nice out and back run. Grab your phone or watch and time your run. Keep in mind that you’re setting a baseline here, not trying for a personal record. Do your best, but don’t push too hard – especially if you haven’t exercised in a while. If you need to walk, then walk. Just time your mile and write it down.

You’ll retest all three of these movements on the 15th and 30th day. Have fun!

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.

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Browse for more PLR fitness ebooks at

Short Report:”20 Simple Ways to Make Your Lifestyle More Active”

(2,095 words, 9 pages, 7 images)

30 day wellness challenge Premium PLR Report


A look inside the 20 Simple Ways to Make Your Lifestyle More Active PLR Report:

30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Report Sneak Preview


Product Reviews:

“Run Fast. Eat Slow” by Shalane Flanagan – 584 words

Reebok Les Mills Aerobic Step – 597 words

RISING 41 inch Resistance Band – 592 words

Wonder Core Smart Total Core Workout – 519 words

XMark 4 ft. Three Tier Dumbbell Rack – 517 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Barbells – 1273 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Returning to Exercise After a Sedentary Lifestyle

Exercising Again? Focus On the Process, Not the End Results – 307 words

Going from the Couch to Muscle Beach? Don’t Expect Instant Miracles – 292 words

Returning to Exercise? Record Everything – 266 words

Starting to Exercise? Don’t Let Pain Derail Your Efforts – 300 words

When Returning to Exercise, Think like Cinderella – 271 words


30 Day Fitness Challenge Email Sample Content:

Exercising Again? Focus On the Process, Not the End Results

Exercise works. It makes you healthier. It builds muscles that burn fat and calories 24/7, even while you sleep. Exercise makes your heart stronger, and turns your immune system into a supercharged security force that effectively repels infection, disease and injury.

Physical activity, which is at the basis of all exercise, also sharpens your mind. Studies show that when you stay active, as opposed to being sedentary, you boost your natural ability to resist neurological disease development.

Simply put, there are a lot of good reasons to exercise.

Too often, someone who lives a very inactive lifestyle decides they want to lose 25 pounds of fat, or build a muscular physique, or achieve some other very specific fitness-oriented goal. There is nothing wrong with that. Goals are important to give you a finish line to aim for.

However, you should initially stick to the process when you exercise, and not worry about the results. This is especially

true when you are returning to exercise after being sedentary

for a substantial length of time.

You may not see the results happen quickly enough to make you happy in the beginning. This can be very frustrating, and could possibly cause you to reclaim your couch potato lifestyle and give up exercise. Don’t let this happen.

Focus on the process. Take one day at a time. Record your results. Work hard enough to push yourself, but not too hard. Let the process work. Regular exercise used to achieve specific health goals has continually proven successful.

It took a while for you to create the unhealthy body you are living in. It will also take time for exercise to deliver the fitness goals you are looking for, so do the daily work and the process will give you what you want.


High Quality 30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Articles:

3 Foods That Arent as Healthy as You Think – 481 words

4 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Overdo Your Exercise – 460 words

4 Signs That Your Body is Craving Exercise – 435 words

4 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks to Improve Your Fitness – 480 words

5 Habits of Fit and Healthy People – 261 words

6 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks to Help You Lose Weight – 511 words

7 Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight – 449 words

Are Diets with Cheat Days the Right Weight Loss Technique for You? – 443 words

Can You Really Lose Weight by a Fixed Deadline? – 663 words

Does Waist Training Really Work? – 401 words

How to Bust Past a Fitness Plateau – 468 words

How to Deal with Increased Hunger After Exercise – 442 words

How to Exercise When Youre Feeling Tired – 450 words

How Strength Training Could Improve Your Daily Life – 466 words

How to Deal with Food Cravings on a Healthy Diet – 684 words

How to Keep Hunger at Bay When Cutting Calories – 440 words

How to Prepare Yourself for a Fitness Bootcamp – 545 words

Pros and Cons of Fitness Bootcamps – 452 words

Why Lack of Sleep Can Lead to Weight Gain – 478 words

Why Starving Yourself Doesnt Work for Weight Loss – 630 words


30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Article Sample:

3 Foods That Aren’t as Healthy as You Think

Companies are sneaky in the way they advertise their food products as “healthy”. They usually promote the healthy part while leaving out information about the unhealthy ingredients, which in some cases far exceed the healthy ones. The only way to tell for sure is to read the nutrition label.

For example, many “fat-free” products are loaded with added sugar. Fat provides flavor, so if it is taken out, something has to replace it to make it as palatable as possible. That is usually sugar in one form or another.

Dried Fruit

This sounds innocent enough – fruit with the moisture taken out. How bad can it be? It can be full of sugar, both natural occurring and added. When fruit is dried, the natural sugar is concentrated so you are actually getting more sugar for the same size piece. And on top of it, some companies also add more sugar to their products, not to mention processing their dried fruit with a chemical call sulfur dioxide. If you like dried fruit, you are better off making your own with a dehydrator and only eating a few pieces at a time.

Diet Soda

Because it has “diet” in its name, it should be good for you right? Wrong! Because most diet sodas are sweetened with an artificial sweetener, they fool your body into thinking it is real sugar and in response cause your insulin level to spike. Once it comes crashing down, you are left hungry. Studies have shown that the chemical used to give soda (diet and otherwise) its caramel color is also bad for you. Water, either plain or carbonated, is still the best drink that will not add calories to your diet or spike your insulin level, but quench your thirst.

Margarine (or any of the butter substitutes)

Several years ago when the low-fat, no-fat craze began, butter fell out of favor in lieu of one of many butter substitutes. If you knew how margarine was made, you would (and should) stick with real butter. To make margarine, vegetable oil is extracted from corn, soybeans, or safflower seeds, steamed, hydrogenated, emulsified, bleached, steamed again, and then doctored up with synthetic vitamins and colors to make it look and taste like real butter. Does that sound whole process sound healthy? If your answer was no, you are right! Real butter in moderation is the only healthy option because it is made with real milk with minimal processing.

The only way to tell if a food or drink is healthy is to read the nutrition labels. Stay away from foods with added sugar in one of its forms or another, along with high amounts of saturated or trans-fat. Also look at the number of ingredients. The more it has, the less healthy it will be. Stick with foods that are minimally processed and contain few ingredients … all which you can pronounce.

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Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Fitness Tips Graphics (PLR)

30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Fitness Tips


5 Shareable Social Media Inspirational Images

30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Inspirational Images


20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Tweets and Bylines


15 Royalty Free Images

30 Day Fitness Challenge Royalty Free Images



Images of All Products Reviewed

30 Day Fitness Challenge PLR Product Images


30 Day Fitness Challenge Keyword Research Pack

30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Keyword Research



Getting Fit Challenge Infographic

Fitness Challenge Infographics


5 High Quality Fitness Goal Setting PLR Articles:

Fitness Goal Setting PLR Article Titles:

Are You Setting Your Fitness Goals Correctly? (645 words)

Avoiding the Curse of False Hope (789 words)

Being Rigid and Flexible During Your Fitness Journey (722 words)

Setting Milestones in Your Fitness Journey (618 words)

Your New Year Fitness Goals Can Begin in August! (979 words)


5 High Quality Fitness Goal Setting PLR Bonus Article Sample:

Avoiding the Curse of False Hope

You’ve probably never heard of this curse – but it trips up millions of people daily. It ruins their dreams and their lives. It leaves them hopeless and unhappy with themselves. In this article, we’ll look at how insidious the curse of false hope is and how it pertains to your fitness and health.

In fact, this curse can permeate into every aspect of your life, if you let it. There’s good news though – you can prevent it… and you’re going to find out how.

  • Avoiding the hype

The important point to note here is that it’s NOT your fault. This curse is a result of society’s obsession with overnight results and also sleazy marketing tactics.

If you’ve watched infomercials, you’d have seen weight loss pills that promise fast weight loss in 2 weeks. You may have seen weird contraptions that can vibrate and jiggle your fat belly for 10 minutes a day and leave you with ripped abs.

You may have seen websites and products on the internet that tell you how you can get rich fast by doing 20 minutes of work daily.

ALL OF THESE are playing to your desires of getting the most that life can give you – without much effort on your part.

Herein lies the problem – life is not playing along with these hyped-up claims. Most of the marketing you see with these products are nothing more than false hope. The products will curse you the moment you buy into their hype. You’ve set yourself up for failure before even you get started.

  • Hollywood does it too

Wait, what? Yes… the movies you watch can curse you too. There are many inspirational movies that show success stories of how people rose from abject failure to unimaginable heights of success.

It all looks good and feels good. The movies may be dramatized a little, but they’re also based on true stories – which makes the entire movie even more misleading.


Simple. Most movies are about 90 to 120 minutes long. The success story is summarized within this short time when in reality, the person who succeeded may have gone through countless failures and taken years or decades to reach success.

It’s impossible to understand the difficulty and persistence required to go through the hard yards for so long when it’s all over and done with in a 2-hour movie.

People watching these movies feel motivated and inspired, but fail to take into account just how much time and effort will be required. They are filled with false hopes based on a movie that doesn’t paint an accurate picture of the time investment and energy required to attain the pinnacles of success.

  • What’s the cure?

The cure is common sense. Do not buy into the hype. Everything that you want to achieve in life that’s worth having will take time – and it will take far longer than you think.

Be prepared. If you set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and build a body that turns heads, you’re not going to achieve it in 2 weeks or even a month. The hype you see on the infomercials and weight loss ads are just hype.

  • False hope VS reality

If you’re 40 pounds overweight, it may take you 5 months to lose the excess fat. You’ll already be in May by the time you get to your ideal weight. Sometimes it may take even longer.

By the time you start building muscle, you might be in August. That’s more than half the year gone. You were expecting fast results in a month or two… but here you are half a year later and you’re just at baseline.

Add another 6 to 8 months of consistent weight training to build muscles that actually get attention and you’re already into the NEXT YEAR! Imagine that. Your New Year’s resolution this year has taken you into the next – and you’re still working on it!

This is reality. When you understand just how long it takes, you’ll have a realistic picture and know that you’re in this for the long haul.

People who expect fast results almost always quit too soon. That’s what the curse of false hope does. It makes you give up on your goals and dreams because it makes you believe that you’re not good enough. The truth is that you just need more time.

So, give yourself that time.

Unlike text messages and microwaved meals, achieving worthy goals is NOT instant. Do your best every single day and give yourself all the time you need to get there. Progress will usually be slow… but slow progress is still progress.

The story of the rabbit and the hare nullifies the curse of false hope. Remember it when you embark on your goals.


5 High Quality Fitness Programs PLR Articles:

Fitness Programs PLR Article Titles:

Are There Gaps in Your Training Regimen? (520 words)

Choosing a Training Program That You Will Not Quit (633 words)

Are You Overtraining? (575 words)

Discover Why ‘No Pain No Gain’ is the Worst Training Philosophy to Follow (530 words)

Is an Exercise Program Really Necessary for Weight Loss? (627 words)


5 High Quality Fitness Programs Bonus PLR Article Sample:

Are There Gaps in Your Training Regimen?

If you’ve been working out for a while, you’ll realize that no matter how often you train, the moment you start on a new training program that you’ve never done before, your body may start to ache and you may not be able to execute the new exercises you’ve just been introduced to.

One common example are bodybuilders who are cable of lifting massive weights and are sculpted like Greek gods, but face immense difficulties holding a yoga pose for an extended length. Meanwhile, dainty old ladies who have been practicing yoga for a while have no problems with it.

One would expect the bodybuilders to easily execute the moves. Yet, they struggle.

This reveals one crucial point – there are gaps in their training regimen. They may lack the flexibility, balance or static strength required to hold the poses.

The best way to close up the gaps will be to incorporate a variety of different training programs in your regimen. If you train with weights often, you’ll need to include flexibility training after every workout.

This will stretch and ease any tight muscles you may have. Runners have tight hamstrings, people who play tennis tend to have tight shoulders and those who cycle a lot tend to have a tight back and torso.

By stretching daily, you’ll ease the tension in your muscles and help relieve aches and pains. You may join a yoga or stretching class just to get the movement right and have guidance from a trained professional.

Exercises that improve your balance will help too. As we age, balance and mobility training become even more important. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

You may have noticed that kids have no problems jumping up and down. Adults, however, tend to struggle with jumping once they’re in their thirties and forties. This is often due to a lack of use.

Practice doing tuck jumps, box jumps, etc. The more mobile you are, the more gracefully your body will age. Retaining a full range of motion is imperative to good health.

If you can, join a Pilates class to train your core too. This will help you have a body that’s functional, strong and mobile.

Fitness is not always about how fast or how long you can run, or how much weight you can lift or how big your biceps are. Total fitness is about stamina, strength, mobility, flexibility and balance.

It may seem difficult to achieve it all at the same time. The truth of the matter is that dedicating 10 minutes every night to stretching before you sleep will do wonders for your body.

Including one Pilates class in your training regimen every week, will strengthen your core over time. 10 minutes of balance and mobility training 3 times a week will make you move better and become more coordinated.

You do not need to have extra workouts that last for hours just to close up the gaps in your training. Short sessions that last about 10 to 15 minutes daily will still benefit you in the long run. Long term consistency is all you need.

Grab All of the Above at a BIG Discount Today!

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this 30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!


Bonus 1

Fitness Psychology PLR Lead Magnet Toolkit

Fitness Psychology PLR Lead Magnet Toolkit

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Module 1 – Supreme Quality 1,100+ Word Lead Magnet Report w/ .DOC Source
  • Module 2 – High Converting Squeeze Page
  • Module 3 – Hybrid Thank You Page
  • Module 4 – High Quality Graphics Package w/ PSD Files Included
  • Module 5 – Professional Email Series (3 Follow Ups, 2 Solo Ad Swipes)
  • Module 6 – Recommended Affiliate and PLR Products (To Promote)
  • Module 7 – Hybrid Cheat Sheet w/ .DOC Source File
  • Module 8 – Ten Traffic Spawning Twitter Tweets
  • Module 9 – Full Licensing Package w/ Documents, Images, and PDF Files
  • Module 10 – Step By Step Setup Guide (FOR YOU!)


Bonus 2

10 Womens Fitness PLR Infographics

10 Womens Fitness PLR Infographics Pack

View full product details here ->>>


Bonus 3

Fitness Mindset Tips PLR Report and Squeeze Page

Fitness Mindset Tips Ebook

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

  • Images
  • Lead Magnet
  • Squeeze Page

Total File Download Size:

20.0 Megabytes (MB)


Bonus 4

Functional Fitness Sales Funnel with Master Resell Rights

Functional Fitness Package

View full product details here ->>>

Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Mindmap
Module 4 – Sales Page
Module 5 – VSL
Module 6 – Lead Magnet
Module 7 – Landing Page
Module 8 – Emails
Module 9 – Graphics Pack


Bonus 5

29 Unrestricted Health and Fitness PLR Articles Pack

29 Unrestricted Health and Fitness PLR Articles Pack

View full product details here ->>>

Here are the titles of the 29 Health and Fitness Articles:

  1. Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes
  2. Heart Rate Monitors
  3. How to Read Food Labels
  4. Importance of Resistance Training For Women
  5. Importance of Warming Up Before Exercise
  6. Multivitamins – A Ticket to Daily Health
  7. Quick Tips to Boost Your Metabolism
  8. Staying Motivated to Exercise
  9. The Importance of Working Your Core Muscle
  10. The Wondrous Benefits of Soy Protein
  11. Why Muscles Get Sore
  12. Why You Can’t Spot Reduce
  13. Your Thyroid and Weight loss – The Connection is Real
  14. 7 Diet Secrets of the Stars
  15. Benefits of Boxing Training for Fitness
  16. Benefits of Cardio Interval Training
  17. Benefits of Cardio Training
  18. Benefits of Detoxing for Fitness and Health
  19. Benefits of Fish Oil for Fitness and Health
  20. Benefits of Liquid Vitamins
  21. Benefits of Resistance Training
  22. Benefits of Stretching
  23. Benefits of Using a Stability Ball in Your Training
  24. Benefits of Whey Protein
  25. Cross Training for Fitness and Fatloss
  26. Exercise and Arthritis
  27. Exercise and Cellulite
  28. Exercise and Hypertension
  29. Exercise and Pregnancy

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Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!


Package Details For The 30 Day Fitness Challenge Premium PLR Package:

Main eBook:

“30 Days to Fitness Challenge: How to Make Health & Fitness a Habit, One Day at a Time”

(4,343 words, 18 pages, 9 images)


Short Report:

“20 Simple Ways to Make Your Lifestyle More Active”

(2,095 words, 9 pages, 7 images)


Product Reviews:

“Run Fast. Eat Slow” by Shalane Flanagan – 584 words

Reebok Les Mills Aerobic Step – 597 words

RISING 41 inch Resistance Band – 592 words

Wonder Core Smart Total Core Workout – 519 words

XMark 4 ft. Three Tier Dumbbell Rack – 517 words


Product Comparison Review:

Top 5 Barbells – 1273 words


5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: Returning to Exercise After a Sedentary Lifestyle

Exercising Again? Focus On the Process, Not the End Results – 307 words

Going from the Couch to Muscle Beach? Don’t Expect Instant Miracles – 292 words

Returning to Exercise? Record Everything – 266 words

Starting to Exercise? Don’t Let Pain Derail Your Efforts – 300 words

When Returning to Exercise, Think like Cinderella – 271 words


Fitness Related PLR Articles:

3 Foods That Arent as Healthy as You Think – 481 words

4 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Overdo Your Exercise – 460 words

4 Signs That Your Body is Craving Exercise – 435 words

4 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks to Improve Your Fitness – 480 words

5 Habits of Fit and Healthy People – 261 words

6 Simple Lifestyle Tweaks to Help You Lose Weight – 511 words

7 Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight – 449 words

Are Diets with Cheat Days the Right Weight Loss Technique for You? – 443 words

Can You Really Lose Weight by a Fixed Deadline? – 663 words

Does Waist Training Really Work? – 401 words

How to Bust Past a Fitness Plateau – 468 words

How to Deal with Increased Hunger After Exercise – 442 words

How to Exercise When Youre Feeling Tired – 450 words

How Strength Training Could Improve Your Daily Life – 466 words

How to Deal with Food Cravings on a Healthy Diet – 684 words

How to Keep Hunger at Bay When Cutting Calories – 440 words

How to Prepare Yourself for a Fitness Bootcamp – 545 words

Pros and Cons of Fitness Bootcamps – 452 words

Why Lack of Sleep Can Lead to Weight Gain – 478 words

Why Starving Yourself Doesnt Work for Weight Loss – 630 words


Social Media Posts & Images:

5 Shareable Social Media Sitting Disease Tips

5 Shareable Social Media Parenting Quote Images

20 Social Media Posts (for sharing on Twitter or Facebook)

+ 3 bonus bylines for article marketing or guest blogging

16 Royalty Free Images

Images of All Products Reviewed



Getting Fit Challenge Infographic


5 High Quality Fitness Goal Setting PLR Articles

Fitness Goal Setting PLR Article Titles:

Are You Setting Your Fitness Goals Correctly? (645 words)

Avoiding the Curse of False Hope (789 words)

Being Rigid and Flexible During Your Fitness Journey (722 words)

Setting Milestones in Your Fitness Journey (618 words)

Your New Year Fitness Goals Can Begin in August! (979 words)


5 High Quality Fitness Programs PLR Articles

Fitness Programs PLR Article Titles:

Are There Gaps in Your Training Regimen? (520 words)

Choosing a Training Program That You Will Not Quit (633 words)

Are You Overtraining? (575 words)

Discover Why ‘No Pain No Gain’ is the Worst Training Philosophy to Follow (530 words)

Is an Exercise Program Really Necessary for Weight Loss? (627 words)


Total Word Count: 27 000+ Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Fitness PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.

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Your PLR License Terms

Articles, reviews, comparison charts and all other content from Premium Content Niche Packages are for you only – you cannot pass on any rights to anybody else.

More information on the PLR rights that come with your purchase:

What You CAN Do With The Content In This PLR Package:

Can be added to or edited completely.
Can put your name on as the author.
Can be used as content for websites, courses, newsletters, eBooks.
Can be used in videos, MP3s, books.
Can sell or give away for personal informational use only.
Can add the content to your coaching membership site
Can add the content to a paid membership with Personal Use Rights (PDF).
Can be offered as a bonus in PDF format (as long as you don’t offer PLR rights).
Can add to a website that is sold with a unique domain name (no templates/ PLR sites) as long as you don’t offer PLR rights.
Can rewrite and add the articles to client websites and projects.
Can use the content to build your list (PDF format)

What You CANNOT Do With This Content

Cannot sell or give away Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights or Private Label Rights.
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Cannot use as is to publish Kindle books (it’s against Amazon’s terms).
Cannot use in article directories unless you rewrite completely.
Cannot pass along (sell or give away) Private Label Rights in ANY format.
Cannot sell this entire PLR package as is
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This license is non transferable. Meaning this PLR license is for you only and not for your customers.

Your customer can only learn from the content.

You can use PLR article contents on as many of your own sites as you wish.

Can It Be Used For Website Flipping? If you add this PLR to a site and decide to sell it, that’s fine. But it can only be sold on sites that come with a unique domain name (i.e. not on PLR website packs that include templates/content sold to multiple buyers but no domain) and please don’t include the separate package with all the keywords/ bonuses.


Social media images may be edited using the PSD files, and you may repost them on social media sites but you cannot sell or pass on the PSD files to customers.

The images contained within the main report and top 10 tips report are Public Domain and free to use in personal and commercial projects.

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