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Your PLR Makeover Video Course

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Your PLR Makeover Step-By-Step Video Training Series

ATTENTION: Are You Tired Of Getting Peanuts For Your PLR Products?

Real, No Bull Facts On PLR Makeover, Explained in Layman’s Terms by One of the World’s Top PLR Makeover Experts?

Starting Today You Can Master The Techniques To Makeover Your Cookie-Cutter PLR Products Into Prize Winning, Profit Pulling Product Creations!

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Your PLR Makeover – Training Videos…


The best PLR rebranding video training course on the market…PERIOD!

FACT: The best way to REALLY profit with PLR products is to rebrand them and resell them…This PLR rebranding training video series will take you by the hand and show you everything you need to know to become an expert at turning PLR products into your own hot selling info-products STEP-BY-STEP!

You STRONGLY Desire To Master The Skill Of Making Money AT WILL From Private Label Rights – Whether You Have PLR eBooks, PLR Articles Or PLR Videos, This Is Going To Be The Most Important Letter You Will Ever Read.

“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Your Name. Chances are you haven’t heard of me before. But when you finish reading this, you’ll be glad you finally did.”

Without years of experience and buckets of cash, you just CAN NOT begin to even think about creating your own hi-quality fast-selling info products. Right???


What if I told you, better yet, SHOWED YOU that after you have watched these powerful video tutorials you will be able to create profit pulling products from your private label rights products – As Often As You Want..

  • How To Locate PLR Products
    Easily overlooked locations for PLR content are revealed.
  • How To Do A Total PLR eBook Makeover
    9 separate videos in this series on just plr eBook makeovers
  • How To Do A Total PLR Video Makeover
    10 separate videos in this series on just plr video makeovers
  • Tools Required For PLR Makeover
    Here are several tools (many are FREE) for your PLR Makeover
  • Domain Names & Web Hosting
    Several money saving tips for your new domain name and web hosting services
  • These are just a few of the keys to the castle you will receive when you have added these videos to your online money making tool-box!

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Here is an introductory video to tell you more about this training series and give you a sample of the
high quality video & audio you are about to download

These are extremely High Quality Videos that will take your PLR rebranding skills to the next level!

They are all High-Def 1280 x 720 MP4 videos that are ready to pass a goldmine of information to you.

You Will Not Hear Any ‘UM-BUTS’ OR ‘BUT-UMS’ In These Videos

Here Is A Look At The PLR Makeover Video Series!

PLR makeover

Video 1. Series Introduction

This video one of the PLR Makeover series will introduce you to the entire video series. You will learn how to give your plr products a complete makeover from top to bottom. The goal is to maximize your ROI & these videos will get you to that goal.  Time to learn and earn!!

Running Time 0:00

What is private label rights

Video 2. Private Label Rights Defined

In video 2 we are going to help you understand what exactly a PLR product is. You will learn a bit of history behind private label rights products as well as a few different types of plr products.

Running Time 5:35

finding PLR products

Video 3. Search – Acquire – Inventory

Video 3 will show you a few different places to start your search for quality PLR products of varied types and niches. Most anybody can look down when they are outside and find a rock – If you know where to look, you may look down and find a gold rock or a diamond.

Running Time 5:11

domain and hosting

Video 4. Domain Name & Web hosting

In this video we will cover some things for you to think about as to whether you will need or should get a domain name and web hosting. This information may be one of the most overlooked and yet, potentially most profitable parts of your PLR makeover process.

Running Time 9:50

PLR makeover tools

Video 5. Your PLR Makeover Tools

This video will introduce you to several tools (many of them are FREE) that you should have in your PLR Makeover toolbox. I’ll demonstrate how to use most of these tools throughout these videos as I repurpose a PLR report (short eBook) right before your eyes.

Running Time 5:35

PLR rebranding

Video 6. Renaming Your PLR Product

In this video, you’re going to learn the importance of a product title and some tips on what to think about when coming up with a new title for your one of a kind soon to be newly created product.

Running Time 5:53

changing ecover graphics

Video 7. How To Create An eBook Cover Image

In this video, we’re going to begin our ‘eBook’ (technically it is a report) makeover by creating a new cover image. For this, I’m going to be using GIMP, which as mentioned earlier, is a Photoshop-like image editor. Only GIMP doesn’t cost you anything.

Running Time 11:27

Replace Cover Image

Video 8. Edit PLR eBook-Add or Replace Cover Image

Now in this video, we’re going to replace the original e-cover image with that new one that we just created in the previous video. So let’s get to work.

Running Time 2:45

Edit PLR eBook

Video 9. Edit PLR eBook-Replace The Product Title

This video will show you a quick & easy way to scour through the entire eBook and replace every instance of the original title with our new title. Super simple once you know how.

Running Time 2:12

Replace Affiliate Links

Video 10. Edit PLR eBook-Add or Replace Affiliate Links

This video will walk you through the signup process of several major affiliate programs and then we’ll either replace existing affiliate links within the PLR eBook or add our own. I also cover the good and bad point to having affiliate links within your PLR product.

Running Time 5:10

eBook-Replace Images

Video 11. Edit PLR eBook-Replace Images

This video will show you how to update, add or simply replace existing images within our eBook project. This simple step is often overlooked but will help make your repurposed eBook stand out from the crowd.

Running Time 3:53

Edit PLR eBook

Video 12. Edit PLR eBook-Adding or Editing The Header & Footer

The Header & Footer of the document can be both informative for the readers of the document, as well as a branding opportunity for the creators of the documents – that’s you and I.

In this video, we’re going to look into how to add a header and/or footer or edit an existing header and/or footer.

Running Time 6:15

Replacing The Resource Page

Video 13. Edit PLR eBook-Adding or Replacing The Resource Page

In this video, we will be editing the resource page at the back of our report. Of course if your eBook or report doesn’t have a resource page, then this video will help you with some ideas on how to add one, and what to add to your resource page.

Running Time 3:05

Video 14. Edit PLR eBook-Adding or Replacing a (clickable) Table Of Contents

One nice feature of any eBook or report is a table of contents that you can click on the chapter title or page number and you’ll be taken to that page. This video will show you a couple ways to create and edit an existing TOC.

Running Time 5:17

eBook-Converting To Secure PDF

Video 15. Edit PLR eBook-Converting To Secure PDF

Now that we’ve finished editing our report, it’s time to convert this document into a secure PDF. That way nobody else is going to be able to copy or change anything inside of our new report or eBook. This video will show you how using the same FREE tool we’ve used in most of the previous videos.

Running Time 2:50

Video Editing Tools

Video 16. Edit PLR Video-A Look At The Video Editing Tools

In the next several videos, we’re going to be editing our PLR videos. This video will look at some of the tools we’re going to be using.

Running Time 4:34

Edit PLR Video-Creating

Video 17. Edit PLR Video-Creating & Adding Intro and Outro Images

In this video, we’re going to look at adding an intro and outro or call to action images to our video. Like a lot of the items I’m going to be covering in these videos, there’s likely many different ways to add the intro and outro images to your videos depending on what type of video editing software you’re going to be using.

Running Time 5:35

Edit PLR Video-Adding A Branding Watermark

Video 18. Edit PLR Video-Adding A Branding (bug) Watermark

Some videos should have a watermark and others should not. This video will touch on that as well as how to add a watermark to your videos.

Running Time 5:22

Replacing Images

Video 19. Edit PLR Video-Adding or Replacing Images & Callouts

In this video we will be changing the look of the PLR video by adding images and callouts to either cover up existing images & callouts or to simply add value while making the video more unique. It’s easier than you may think.

Running Time 8:34

Edit PLR Video-Audio Editing

Video 20. Edit PLR Video-Audio Editing (Change The Pitch)

In this video, we’re going to be altering the audio part of our PLR video. There are actually several ways that you can alter the audio. We’re going to be making it sound higher or lower pitch than the original.

Running Time 5:08

Video 21. Edit PLR Video-Audio Editing (Synchronizing Voiceover)

The previous video covered what is likely the easiest way to alter how your video will sound. This video will show you a couple tips & techniques to synchronize (re-align) your
re-recorded voiceovers with the original video.

Running Time 5:39

Video 22. Edit PLR Video-Adding Media

In this presentation, I’m going to show you how to add more content to your PLR video. I’m going to be showing you how to add a different video to your existing video, but you can also do the same thing with adding images, audio files, or most any other media for that matter. So let’s roll up our sleeves and dive in.

Running Time 6:10

Video 23. Edit PLR Video-Converting Your Video To a Graphical eBook

In addition to editing your PLR, you can also repurpose it.

In this video, I’m going to show you one way that you can repurpose your PLR video into a graphical eBook. Basically that’s an eBook with pictures.

Running Time 4:53

Video 24. Edit PLR Video-Creating An Interactive Table Of Contents

In this video, I’m going to show you how to create an interactive table of contents for the people that want to watch your videos. Now this is just one way to change the look of how your customers are able to watch your videos.

Running Time 6:58

Video 25. Edit PLR Video-How To Embed The TOC To Your Website

In the previous video, we created an interactive table of contents (TOC) for our videos that we combined into one large video.

In this video, I’m going to show you how you can produce that type of video so that it can be embedded on a website and be playable on any device and in any browser.

Running Time 5:03

PLR Sales Letter Makeover

Video 26. Sales Letter Makeover

Most PLR packages nowadays includes some kind of marketing pack that has a sales page for you to sell the web-ready products that you’ve re-purposed. This video is going to show you some things to consider in re-purposing the sales page before you put it online.

Running Time 6:30

repurposed PLR products online

Video 27. Make It Live

This video will show you how to get your edited & repurposed PLR products online and ready to make sales. A few items this video will show you is creating and adding PayPal buttons (even customizing the buttons), the need for policy pages and that some metadata is a good thing. Plus.., what is metadata?

Running Time 9:16

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Why I’ve Created This

For The First Time Ever… YOU Too, Can Master The Tips And Techniques To A High Quality PLR Makeover!

I could only teach a limited amount of people if I had done this on a one-on-one basis, so I created this full-blown course where I reveal several tricks, tips and techniques I have learned in the past 3 and a half years that can bring you massive success with making money from improving the end product from your PLR content.


People stamp their name on a PLR product and sell it. By doing that, the full potential of the PLR product is not being used. If you’re just the same as 1000’s of other people out there that are doing the same thing, then your sales will be few and far between. At this point most will simply drop the price so it is lower than the others – then the price war begins and before long, what may have been a quality plr product is now being given away.


The importance of creating sellable products is how they solve a common problem AND how unique they are.

The answer is change the PLR product so dramatically that it looks nothing like the original and has many features added onto it that it sells many times more. Use PLR as the “mid point”, not the ending point. It’s just the beginning, and the PLR product has helped you jump over the starting point.

So, How Much For All For This?

So how much is it going to cost me to get my hands on these 27 over-the-shoulder-style PLR Makeover How To Videos?

That is a fair question considering that these PLR Makeover How To Videos reveal the exact same tips, tricks & techniques that you’d expect from a $200 to $1,000 one on one coaching session.

With these over-the-shoulder style videos, it is just like I was there sitting at your computer with you but with these videos, you will not have to pay the one on one coaching costs. Right now you can grab your copy of the PLR Makeover How To Videos for a one time payment of just $17.00.

Then don’t wait any longer – you can get started NOW!

“You and I already know that if you’ve read this far, you have a strong interest in raising the quality & uniqueness of your products from your plr content. All that’s left is you to take action to do it. Right now, while it’s fresh in your mind, just click on the Add-To-Cart button now.”

Yours For Online Success,

P.S. Remember your purchase of the Your PLR Makeover Video Tutorials you be able to finally profit with PLR the right way, no more guessing and no more struggling, our video training will take you from zero to hero in no time.

P.P.S.Will all this information make you wealthy? I have to be frank with you: I don’t know how rich you’ll get once you read, absorb and begin to use the secrets in this big package. I’m selling you a hammer. Whether you build a doghouse or a castle is none of my business.

My suggestion:
Think BIG! Isn’t it time?

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Download File Size – 465 MB

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[YES] You may use this for your own personal use only
[NO] You CANNOT offer this product as a bonus to a PAID product
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[NO] You CANNOT include this product on a FREE OR Paid membership site
[NO] You CANNOT have master resell rights to this product
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[NO] You CANNOT sell master resell rights to this product
[NO] You CANNOT have private label rights to this product
[NO] You CANNOT sell private label rights to this product
[NO] You CANNOT Resell this product and sell resell rights to your customers

If it involves anything other than YOU watching the videos on your own computer then [NO]

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