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Top Quality Maintaining Balance In Pursuit of Happiness PLR Report

It’s not always easy to maintain balance in the pursuit of happiness, regardless of how hard you try. Sometimes, life gets seemingly more hectic in what seems like a second. What do you do then? First, take a deep breath and try to relax. Next, try to remember some of what you’ve read in this report. Depending on your personal and professional goals, it may not be as hard to “have it all” as you might think.

Obviously, everyone’s goals are different. Think of how boring life would be, it that wasn’t the case? Never allow anyone to talk you out of what you want in life, unless, it happens to border on the illegal.

All kidding aside, your goals help to make up the person you are. Should you lose sight of them, for whatever reason, you’re losing a tiny part of yourself as well. If that happens, it becomes more difficult achieve balance and enjoy the important things in life.

Typically, when it comes to happiness, everyone’s definition is different. This is partly because no two people are exactly alike. Think about it. What makes one individual happy might only have a slight effect on another.

Introducing The…

Maintaining Balance In Pursuit of Happiness

The First Scientist

Aristotle was a Greek scientist and philosopher in the 4th century B.C. At the age of thirteen, he traveled to Athens so he could continue his education at the academy founded by Plato. He studied at the academy for over twenty years, before leaving to continue his research. For a time, he even tutored Alexander the Great.

He was well known in his time for his writings on many subjects including biology, politics, logic, poetry, and physics. Many of his works are still studied to this day and many of his ideas concerning ethics and psychology are still applicable as well.

To Aristotle, maintaining balance was a key component in the pursuit of happiness. He believed that a strong moral character was one of the most important factors in living a happy life. And, while he recognized that maintaining moral character can be difficult, the effort is rewarded with a happy, fulfilled life.

Happiness According to Aristotle

For many people, it’s easy to lose sight of what being “happy” really means. For example, calling in sick to work might make you feel happy for a time, but the added workload and cut in pay will probably make you regret the decision in the long run.

Aristotle didn’t view happiness as something that could just come and go, but as the very reason for a person’s existence. To him, real happiness was, in essence, a final goal. While many people in his time (and, of course, today) devoted their lives to seeking money or power, they generally did so with the belief that it would make them happy. So, though different people may seek out different things, they all tend to do so in search of the same thing: happiness.

What does a person need to do to live a happy life? The answer may not be the same to everybody. But, Aristotle believed that striving to possess certain positive traits he called “virtues” was key to a happy life.

It isn’t enough to live by these virtues some of the time. Simply being generous once or twice may make you feel good for a while, but with practice, we can act with generosity in all facets of our lives.

The “Golden Mean”

Aristotle didn’t think that achieving happiness was as easy as acting virtuous. Even if you act with virtue, displaying too much or too little of a virtue is not the right course of action. He believed that each virtue was a mean (or middle) between acts of excess or deficiency.

For example, courage (a virtue) is the mean between rashness (an excess of courage) and cowardly (a deficiency of courage.) So, when applying virtuous behavior, it is best to strive for a “Golden Mean” (or perfect middle ground) between too much and too little.

What this Golden Mean is precisely differs from person to person. For example, friendliness (the mean between being ingratiating and unfriendly) can mean a completely different thing to someone who is shy than it does to someone who is naturally very outgoing. One person’s mean could be seen as extreme by someone else.

While Aristotle referred mostly to virtues (such as temperance, prudence, courage, and justice,) the principle of a golden mean fits well with many aspects of our lives. Putting forth too little effort at work will result in a poor job being done, while doing too much could be exhausting.

Not only was Aristotle the first scientist, he was also the first advocate of keeping balance when it comes to seeking happiness. Applying the philosophy of the Golden Mean to your life means taking things in moderation and making decisions based on the long-term, rather than impulsive snap-decisions.

For most people, this shouldn’t seem like bad advice. Many of us already consider thinking things through before we act to be a good idea, not to mention the idea of taking things in moderation.

Although hard work is an important part of your pursuit of happiness, too much hard work can lead to burnout. Burnout is physical or mental fatigue brought on by too much work or prolonged periods of stress. Burnout can affect many different aspects of our lives, but we most often experience it because of work.

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Package Details:

  • Download File Size – 7.49 MB
  • Total Word Count: 7324+ Words
  • Word Doc Format – Source File

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