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Top Quality Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR Bundle

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Top Quality Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR Bundle

In this PLR Content Pack You’ll get Top Quality Healthy Eating Food and Recipes with Private Label Rights to help you dominate the Food market which is a highly profitable and in-demand niche.

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These Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR Bundle are available in Text file format and can be downloaded instantly after purchase.

Introducing The…

Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR Bundle

Who Can Use This PLR Recipes Pack?

  • Internet Marketers
  • Coaches
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Digital Product Resellers
  • List Builders
  • Bloggers

What Can You Do This Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR?

  • Resell it as an E-course.
  • Use it as blog posts.
  • Create an autoresponder series.
  • Create an ebook, video or report to resell or use it to build your email list.
  • Create any kind of info product which you can resell with a personal use license.
  • And MANY other ways!

Here are the titles of the Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR Bundle:

Illustrated Recipes:

  • Grilled Salmon & Wild Rice
  • Tofu Tacos
  • Black Eyed Peas
  • Fruit & granola parfait
  • Chocolate Strawberry Pie


  • 10 foods that will help you maintain a healthy heart
  • 5 heart healthy lunch ideas
  • Simple cooking strategies to improve your health
  • How to turn any recipe into a healthy version
  • Simple ways to get more fiber into your diet

Text Recipes:

  • Fresh Ginger Peas
  • Rice & Fruit Salad
  • Surprise Turkey Burgers
  • Scallops & Mushrooms
  • Vegetable Bars

Product Comparison: 

  • Food Steamers
  • Food Slicers (Mandolin)

Here’s a Sample Article So That You Know What To Expect From This PLR Recipe Bundle:

10 Foods to Help You Maintain a Healthy Heart

With heart disease being the leading cause of death, it’s no wonder why there is plenty of talk about being heart healthy. While a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains that incorporate lean proteins and fish is key to a healthy lifestyle, there are a few foods that stand out in their healing power. Here are ten of them.

By no means is this an exhaustive list, nor is it a suggestion that these are the most heart smart foods. These are just ten foods to consider in your heart healthy lifestyle.

Blueberries: Full of antioxidants and folate, blueberries are known to fight heart disease, cancer and other illnesses. They also include plenty of fiber and vitamin C. Use them on top of your cereal and salads and add them to baked goods.

Tofu and soymilk: The soy-based products include plenty of healthy benefits and are rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. Tofu is a great meat substitute and soymilk can replace the regular milk you drink and add to foods daily.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is full of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, soluble fiber and folate. It’s a great start to your day or you can add oats to your favorite baked cookies.

Spinach: This flavorful green vegetable includes calcium, fiber, potassium and B-complex vitamins. Use spinach in place of lettuce in salads and sandwiches. Cooked spinach is delicious as well.

Salmon: Oily fish are a good source of vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon has the highest concentration omega-3s, but tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines, herring and anchovies are also good source. You can grill salmon; add it to a stir-fry, pasta or even a salad.

Flax seeds: These small seeds pack a nutritional punch and are easy to add to foods, virtually unnoticed. They are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, phytoestrogens and fiber. Add them to your breakfast cereal, yogurt or baked items.

Red wine: Now, here’s some great news. Red wine has antioxidants that can improve your good cholesterol levels. Enjoy a glass now and then, knowing it’s good for you.

Black and kidney beans: These beans are high in soluble fiber, B-complex vitamins and folate. Because they are low in fat, they’re a great protein source in your meals. Add them to soups, serve them over rice or make some chilli.

Almonds and walnuts: Another great source omega-3s, these nuts are great as a snack by themselves or added to other foods. They also have mono and polyunsaturated fats, magnesium and fiber.

Sweet potatoes: Not only do they taste good, but sweet potatoes also have plenty to offer nutritionally. They are a great course of beta-carotene, fiber and vitamins A, C and E. Eat them as a side dish or puree them into pancakes and muffins.

How can you incorporate these nutritious and flavorful foods into your diet? How about starting with a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, spinach salad for lunch and lovely grilled fish in the evening? And don’t forget that glass or red wine…it’s good for you!

How to Purchase This Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR Pack? 

Simply add it to cart, and checkout using with our secure 2Checkout Payment Gateway which supports PayPal and all major Credit Cards.

We will only be selling 50 copies on this Healthy Eating Food and Recipes PLR content pack, so don’t waste any time and grab your PLR license while it’s still available for sale. 

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Package Details:

Download File Size – 25.2 MB

License Details:

You can add the articles or content to an eBook or product that you plan to sell or give away for individual use.

You can use the content to build your email list.

You can modify the content by removing, adding or otherwise editing to suit your needs.

You can use the content on your websites, blogs, newsletters or anywhere you publish content.

You can add your affiliate links, product links, Adsense and other ad code.

You can bundle the content into a viral report, free eBook, product or bonus for your customers.

You can charge for access to read this content. For example, a paid eBook, membership site or other paid access content.

You can translate it into another language and resell with personal use rights.

You can add the content as a autoresponder email series.

What you CANNOT do:

1 – You cannot give any type of resell rights to others. In other words, you can sell this stuff, but your customers can’t. Why? This protects all our members and helps ensure there is a consistent limit on the number of sellers of this PLR. We allow 100 members/sellers maximum. Period.

2 – You cannot submit any of the content provided by Buy Quality PLR to reprint article directories or other websites which accept reprint content even if you have edited

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