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Top Quality Email Marketing PLR Report and Ecovers

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#EmailMarketing #EmailMarketingTips #Aweber #ListBuilding #SendingEmails

Top Quality Email Marketing PLR Report and Ecovers

Due to the proliferation of social media many people erroneously believe that email marketing is finished. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact along with responsive web design and social media, email should still be a main focus today for all your online marketing campaigns. To put it bluntly: The money is still in the list.

What is Email Marketing

According to — “E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages.” If you send email to customers who’ve purchased from you in order to obtain repeat business, this is email marketing. If you are sending email to potential new customers to entice them to purchase, this is email marketing. If you send advertisements via email, this is email marketing. You can either collect email addresses (permission marketing) or purchase email addresses. This report will be focused on permission marketing.

Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a more viable form of marketing than ever before. With better controls and spam filters, and the fact that your email list signed up and asked for your information, you’re going to reach more targeted buyers via your email list than you will via all social media combined.

Email Marketing Works  —There are studies from marketing companies that show that people who make purchase decisions from an email they received tend to spend over twice as much as people who found the product or service another way.

It’s Fast & Simple — With all the technology available today it’s easy to set up an email marketing client or newsletter service. It’s also simple to create HTML dynamic email marketing campaigns without knowing a single bit of code using templates.

It’s Inexpensive — You can have a pretty large list with a service like Aweber and not pay more than the cost of a weekly cup of coffee at your local coffee shop. It’s probably one of the least expensive and most lucrative marketing channels you can use.

Easier Market Segmentation — With email marketing not only will you only send email to people who have asked for an email from you, but you can segment your email list into very minute categories. For instance, if you sell widgets A, B and C, you can separate your email lists into people who’ve bought each item. That way you can laser focus your marketing efforts in ways you can’t do with other methods.

Testing is Easier — When you do any type of marketing you need to do A/B testing so that you can find out which graphics, headlines, and offers resonate most with your audience. With the tracking tools available you can see what converts better in a glance. It’s not hard to take a successful email campaign and use what you’ve learned to improve your other marketing efforts.

There is no doubt that email marketing is still an important part of your overall online marketing efforts. It’s still important because it still gets better results than anything else you can do online. In fact, most of your other efforts should be focused on getting people to sign up for your list so that you can market to them via email.

Introducing The…

Top Quality Email Marketing PLR Report

Getting Started with Email Marketing

If you’re new to email marketing, or you have been ignoring email marketing in favor of social media it’s time to get your head out of the sand and put your focus where the money is. In order to get started with email marketing, or start over with email marketing it’s as simple as choosing you email marketing client.

You want an email marketing client that offers:

Simplicity — This is in the eye of the beholder. Most clients have free trials, test them out and see which one is easier for you to understand.

High Deliverability Rates — If you choose a client that uses a server that has been markets as sending spam no one will ever see your emails even if they sign up for them. it’s important to choose a company that is well trusted and offers high deliverability rates.

Personalization Options—  In order to make every campaign your own you should be able to brand yourself, not the email marketing company. Choose an email marketing company that puts their own branding in the background and lets you focus instead of yours.

List Scrubbing — A clean list is very important and something we’ll go more in depth about later. It’s important that the email marketing client use choose allows you to keep your list clean in a simple way.

Legal Compliance — Your email marketing client should make it easy for you to comply with CAN-SPAM legislation. The link is to the American version of this act, other countries have their own but they are similar. Be sure to read the laws, and follow them. Your email marketing client needs to make this process easier.

Easy Opt-in/Out/Unsubscribe Options — Your customer should easily be able to figure out how to unsubscribe to your list. Also, your email marketing client needs to also make it easy for you to set up double opt in marketing campaigns with simple fill in the blanks and step-by-step directions.

Choice between HTML and Text — If you’re going to use HTML to send out colorful dynamic email marketing campaigns you also need to send out a Text version, therefore you need both options in a well-rounded email marketing client. Sending text versions is more important than ever due to more people using mobile devices to check email.

Use this guideline as a way to test out and decide what email marketing client such as,,,,, or the plethora of others from which you have to choose.

Following the Law

I want to get more in depth about how to follow the law when it comes to email marketing. This scares a lot of people from email marketing but it shouldn’t. In fact, due to these laws you are protected more than ever in your quest to market to your clients and potential clients via email.

Email marketing if done properly is very effective, and you can’t miss out on the fabulous results just because of concerns about following the law. It’s really not hard to follow the law when it comes to email marketing.

Let’s talk about what constitutes “spam”. Spam is not just any email a person receives but doesn’t want to read. Spam is technically “unsolicited commercial email”, according to the law. If someone has purchased from you or become a client, you have a right to communicate with them until they ask you to stop. In addition, if someone signs up for your email list, you have a right to email them until they ask you to stop.

You must make it very simple for someone to opt-out or unsubscribe from your email list. Ensure that the email client that you choose is reputable and any marketers that you choose to help you with email marketing are reputable. Your business email address must be on your email. That’s right, you cannot send out email to anyone, whether they asked for it or not, without including your business address both a snail mail address and an email address.

Also, it’s important to respect your customers privacy. While email list selling is a big business, don’t do it. Keep your customer list private and don’t violate their trust. Finally, any email that you send your clients or potential clients via email should be helpful, valuable, and most of all not boring, same-old-same-old stuff that everyone else is sending. This will avoid people reporting you as a spammer even when technically you’re not.

If you want to read more about spam laws in other countries besides the USA you can do so by clicking on spam laws. Since you’re only going to send emails to people with whom you’ve done business and people who want to get emails from you, let’s move on.

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