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Podcast Interviews Done For You Marketing Templates

Podcast Interviews Done For You Marketing Templates

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#PodcastInterviews #Podcasts #PodcastTips #Podcasting #HowToPodcast

Podcast Interviews Done For You Marketing Templates

Podcasts for Promotion Power Done For You Marketing Templates – Podcasting allows you to promote content to your customer base in a way that is truly unique.


Podcasts are considered “push” content. Because they are in audio format, they are available to your customers at whenever and wherever they want to consume it.

Unlike video, which requires a user to be visually engaged, or text, which requires reading, podcasts are portable and allow your audience to listen as they perform other tasks. This also makes the content “on demand.”

Your podcasts allow you to highlight your expertise, and illustrate why your products or services are the best. It can all be accomplished without doing any traditional marketing.


Your customers face thousands of ads every day.

You can reach them without advertising by giving them quality content in the form of podcasts. Because podcasts are versatile, you can produce varied types of content for your audience, and you do it in your own words, using your own unique voice.

You are essentially having a conversation with your listeners. They can hear you interview experts, cover the latest industry news, or give them how-to lessons on improving their lives or businesses.

Introducing The…

Podcast Interviews Done For You Marketing Templates

Reaching Niche Audiences

Finding niche audiences can be difficult with many types of traditional advertising platforms. Even if you manage to penetrate a niche market through Facebook or Google ads, you now need to deliver unique content to that audience.

Podcasting allows you to segment your content marketing. You can chop up each episode, pulling content that relates to different niche audiences. This gives you the ability to provide different segments of your customers with content that matches their specific needs.

Authority Positioning

Give your content your unique voice. Articles, white papers, and blogs are all great ways to position yourself as an expert in your field. They are essential to presenting your business as the “go-to” in your niche.

However, text is one-dimensional.

Imagine your customers being able to hear your voice, to be able to hear you inject your enthusiasm into your content.

Providing clients with consistent, useful information on a regular basis makes you an authority in their eyes.

Remember, your customers are spending their hard-earned money. They want to know that they’re not going to lose. When they hear your voice, and the info you provide, it overcomes a lot of barriers to making the sale. Studies show that hearing someone’s voice forges deeper connection vs simply reading their words.

We all learn differently. Psychologists feel that there are 4 types of learners:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic
  • Reading/Writing

Podcasts are the best way to reach auditory learners. Hearing your voice helps your marketing message stick. The inflection and enthusiasm in your voice translates to a longer lasting memory of what you’re saying.

Film producers and TV commercial creators understand the power of tying audio and visual stimulus. This is why most critical movie scenes, and almost all commercials, use carefully selected music. This is to form an association between the visual and the song. Using audio can help form a powerful tie-in between your content (marketing message) and your customers.

In addition, because you can spin the audio content into text (transcriptions of your podcast), video, and leave a comment section on your podcast page, you can engage three of the four learning types, making your message last even longer with your audience while positioning you as a knowledgeable expert in your field.

Brand Awareness and Loyalty

Because you’ll be using your podcast to share useful information in conversation form, your audience feels they are benefiting from your broadcasts – because they are!

  • Continually delivering useful info to your customer base builds both brand loyalty and brand awareness.

If you want word of mouth to help bring in new customers, podcasting is for you.

When you give your customers something free, they are apt to tell their friends. Remember, there are a lot of free info sites online, but most of them are thin on content. This frustrates customers.

You can stand out by sharing fantastic information. The more your customers love your podcasts, the more they’ll tell their friends about them. This helps spread the word freely, and, again, positions you as an expert.

Podcasts Are a Content Goldmine

Every podcast provides your audience with a ton of fresh content.

If the thought of producing consistent content for your website, newsletter, social media, and blog gives you a headache, podcasts will be your Advil.


You can take a 20-minute podcast and turn it into:

  • 1 – 2+ blogs
  • Multiple social media posts (Tweets, Facebook posts, Pinterest Pins, etc.)
  • Newsletter content
  • Free Content downloads – transcribed interviews, text of your podcasts as white papers, etc.

After you’ve recorded several podcasts, you can re-purpose them into:

  • E-books
  • Pamphlets and information packs to be used at trade shows, conventions, and networking events
  • Long-form blogs
  • Listicles and Tips Lists
  • Branded CD’s or Flash Drives to give away at trade shows or conventions
  • How-to articles
  • Video content

Turning podcasts into videos isn’t difficult.

Even if you’re not comfortable on camera, you can easily run the audio of your podcast over pictures, text, or even a blank screen and upload them on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video sites. This allows your users to listen without having to sit and watch.

Using video in this way also allows you to reach a new audience on YouTube – remember that YouTube is a top-3 search engine, and this exposes your content to a potentially huge new fan base.

Leverage Your Interviewee’s Status and Credibility

Landing an interview with an established, well-known expert in your industry, or a related field, allows your business to be associated with their brand, their expertise, and their audience. It’s a fast, easy way to build credibility by association.

For example, if you run a restaurant and are able to interview a well-known chef, your business is now positively associated with that chef.

If the expert has a large following, you can promote your podcast to your list and theirs, giving you exposure to a large group of potential customers who wouldn’t otherwise know of your business. This is a great way to increase web traffic, subscribers, and customers.

Interviewing A-list business guests is also a fantastic way to network.

Expert Advice and Content for Your Audience

Whether you’re marketing to customers or B2B, your audience is thirsty for information.

Podcasting allows you to provide varied content for your customers, including:

  • How-Tos
  • Tips
  • Best Of Lists
  • Industry News
  • Promotions (sales)
  • Q and A’s
  • FAQ’s

Video Interviews: The Power of Visuals

If you have a decent camera, and you feel comfortable on screen, video podcasting is another excellent way to use content to increase leads, web traffic, conversions, and sales.

However, make sure you’re comfortable on camera! Looking uncomfortable on screen can hurt your reputation.

Keep in mind also that with video, you’ll need good lighting, backgrounds, and sound.

If you want to add a visual component to your podcasts (and put them on YouTube), consider hiring a whiteboard designer to make animated whiteboard videos, to go along with the audio.

This extends the reach of your audio-only podcast, allowing you to add it to YouTube or Vimeo as a new piece of content (with the video added) without having to create more content. If it’s a long podcast, it can be split into multiple videos, which can be shared on social media as well as on video upload sites.

Podcasting As A Video Alternative

Some of your customers don’t like watching videos because it requires the viewer to concentrate solely on the screen.

With podcasts, you allow your customer to multitask while they learn. This makes podcasts and podcast interviews ideal for those who like to listen while they drive, walk, or exercise.

Podcasts also allow you to re-purpose your video content. Simply have your video transcribed into audio, and release it as a podcast.

3-Ways to Produce Great Interviews

1 Do Your Research

Knowing as much as possible about the expert you’re going to interview is vital to producing engaging, unique interviews.

Remember, if your interviewee is well-known, they’ve probably been asked the same questions a million times. This means that fans will have no reason to listen to yet another version of the standard interview.

However, if you research your subject’s background, study their previous interviews, and take a genuine interest in their business, you’ll be able to produce unique questions that serve as an excellent attraction for your customers, and other interviewees.

2 Write Great Questions, But Be Flexible

Great interviewers ask great questions. Come up with a standard list of 50 or so questions, and then trim off the excess. Replace the overly generic with interviewee specific queries.

Keep in mind that, as the interview progresses, you’ll need to develop follow-up questions on the fly. If you’ve done your research, this will be easy, especially as you gain podcasting experience.

3 Have a Conversation

Want to get your guest to open up? Treat your podcast as a conversation, not an interrogation.

This may take some practice. However, you can continually improve your interviewing style, making the interview sound relaxed and conversational. Talk radio has dominated the ratings for decades because the best hosts are having a conversation with the audience.

This information along with this month’s tools will help you get great podcast interviews to help you promote your content.

Let’s Talk About the Templates and Tools Included in this Month’s Package:

Our goal every month is to make things simpler for you…to make quicker work of getting better RESULTS from your marketing. With that in mind, let’s look at this month’s tools.

60 Business Interview Questions List

Use this long list of interview questions for a variety of situations and guests. Never run out of things to ask with this list!

Request for an Interview Email Template

We made it easy to send your interview requests to potential guests by creating a simple email template you can update and make your own and re-use each time.

Follow Up Request Email Template

Following up after requesting an interview is key. Use this template to give your potential guest another nudge. They may have missed your initial request as well so following up can really pay off.

Pre-Interview Information Email Template

Use this template as a confirmation with all the details after your guest has agreed and you have selected a date and time. This will let them know everything you need from them and include all the details about the interview.

Interview Reminder Email Template

Usethis template as a reminder for your guest with all the interveiw details. Send this email the day before the interview to ensure your guest will be prepared.

Invitation to Join Call and Interview Announcement Email Templates

Use these email templates to notify your email subscribers about the interview. One can be used to invite your subscribers to join your interview live or the other can be used to notify them about the recording when the interview is complete.

Thank You for the Interview Email Template

Following up with your guests is important and you will want to thank them for taking the time to talk with you. You can also share the recording and transcripts with them in this communication as well.

Guest Checklist

There is a lot to remember and prepare for when interviewing guests for your podcast. Use this handy checklist to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

Interview Promo Page Template

Use this template on the page where you add the audio and video of the interview so your followers can access it.

Interview Promo Graphics Templates

Use these psd templates on your interview pages and on social media to announce your interview and introduce your guests with their photo. Also includes a multi-speaker template.

As you can see these tools can help you, no matter what you affiliate marketing skill level. Use them to create better content for your readers and make more compelling offers…putting more commissions back in your pocket.

Start your affiliate marketing ventures with the right templates by grabbing this affiliate marketing templates and checklists pack today.

Promoting your Kindle ebook doesn’t have to be complicated. Create a promotion strategy and plan that feels reasonable for you and supports you to achieve your sales goals and these templates were designed to make things simpler for you…to make quicker work of getting better RESULTS from your marketing.

The price will be going up soon, so grab it while it’s still low and in a launch discount! Simply click the Buy Now button below…

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Package Details:

  • 60 Business Interview Questions
  • Email Series
  • Guest Checklist
  • Insiders Guide
  • Interview Promotion Page
  • PSD Graphic Templates

License Details:

[YES] Can be used for Personal Use
[NO] Can convey and sell Giveaway Rights
[NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
[NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights to the original document

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