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PLR Profits Blueprint

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ATTENTION: Internet marketers, bloggers and website owners.


Special Report Shows You the Secrets to Using PLR to Work Less and Make More Money and Profits


… and It Works if You’re New to Running an Online Business or You’re a Veteran Marketer


FROM The Desk Of:  Mozie

Internet Marketing Mozie


DEAR FRIEND: Can I ask you a sensitive question?


How much PLR have you bought and never used?


It happens all the time. I was guilty of it myself for years. You see some PLR offer that looks too good to be true. The amount of articles and blog posts and e-books you get for the bargain price tag is just too good to pass up.


The subject might only barely relate to your business. Even so, since the purchase price is so ridiculously low for what you get, you go ahead and make the purchase.


You download the content and save it to that file or thumb drive where all your other “too good to pass up” PLR purchases have gone to die. And there it sits, never to see the light of day.


Like I said, I’ve done this myself.


When I was just starting out as an Internet marketer I felt like just about any super-low-priced PLR package made sense for me to buy. I would buy article packs, reports and e-books, videos, and blog post packages.


Sometimes the price was as low as $5 or $7. I would tell myself …


“All I have to do is make $15 or $20 off of this PLR and I am making a huge return on my investment.”


That type of thinking led me to purchase thousands of dollars of PLR content over the first few years of my Internet marketing career.


The problem was, nearly all that content went unused, so even though it was low-priced, it ended up being wasted money.


When I say PLR, you probably know I mean Private Label Rights. This is content you purchase that comes with certain rights. It’s not like content you would have a ghostwriter create for you. It’s not exclusive to you. This content may be used by a lot of people, but smart marketers know PLR can be the key to running a highly profitable online business.


“Why do some people make tons of money with PLR, but I can’t?”


I would get so frustrated because I saw other people using PLR to create serious income streams. What were they doing that I wasn’t doing? I had to know. I began friending these marketers. I asked lots of questions. Over time I learned what they did that made PLR so profitable for them.


I soon began to streamline my PLR purchases. I didn’t buy anywhere near as many PLR packages as before, and my sales and profits began to rise. I actually spent less time and money on my business than in the past, and was much more profitable.


That’s because I copied the moneymaking formulas smart marketers were using to quickly turn PLR content into products they could sell and use to grow their business.


Fast-forward to today and I operate my own PLR store. I produce high-quality content to help people grow their businesses and profits. I also teach others how to use private label rights content to make money online.


Actually, that’s why I’m here today.


I’d like to help you quickly turn PLR content into a reliable revenue stream so you can make the kind of money you see other people making online.


But first, take a second and see if any of the following situations sound familiar to you.


  • You don’t have enough time to create all the content you need. You understand Google rewards consistent, fresh, new content with free traffic, but you simply don’t have enough hours in your day to churn out all the content you need to run your business properly.


  • You’re tired of spending money buying new PLR when you have plenty of PLR already collecting dust on your hard drive.


  • You see other people using PLR to make good money online. You want to find out the secrets to their success so you can do the same.


  • You have a current business that you market online, but you’re just not making the kind of money you know you should be.


  • You are new to running an online business, blog or website. You’ve heard that PLR content can be the key to making a good living online, but you don’t know where to begin.


  • You’d like to know how to repurpose and reformat your old content to make it fresh and relevant.

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If any of those scenarios sound familiar to you, here’s the good news …


  • When you know the process successful marketers use when they deal with PLR, you save a lot of time. You actually “create time” because other marketers are making high-quality content for you. Your time is freed up to run your business.


  • You save a lot of money too. When you consider the time, money and effort it takes to create your own content vs. purchasing PLR content, you see what I’m talking about. You can save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars each year in time and money investments purchasing PLR rather than creating your own content.


  • PLR makes you a faster marketer. It doesn’t take you as long to go from idea to product creation and sales. This means you can quickly produce product after product that you can sell in your business.


  • You don’t spend a lot of time racking your brain trying to come up with content creation ideas. PLR takes care of that for you.


  • PLR can make you an “instant expert” in any field or market. Purchase high-quality, informative and well-written PLR content on any subject and you instantly look like a knowledgeable leader in that market.


  • PLR membership sites guarantee you never run out of content. You pay a small fee each month and you have all the e-books and articles, blog posts and reports you need to run a profitable business.


Think about it.


Saving money and time. Creating content fast. Having more than enough content for every area of your business. Being able to quickly and easily create products you can sell. Using PLR the smart way, so you improve your sales and profits while you spend less time and mental energy working on your business


If that sounds like a dream reality, it doesn’t have to be.


I have been working for a long time to create the only resource someone needs to turn PLR into reliable cash flow. I’ve taken all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years as an Internet marketer, PLR producer and online business owner and put that information into a special report.


This report is perfect for you if …


  • … you are new to running a business online and would like to start making sales and profits as soon as possible.


  • … you already have an online business but you just aren’t earning the kind of money you know you should be making, and you see others making.


  • … you struggle to create all the content you need for your business.


  • … you are a blogger/entrepreneur/website owner that’s tired of spending all your spare time running your business. You want more time freedom, while at the same time generating more sales and profits.


  • … you would like to know how to use PLR you’ve already bought to create products your prospects can’t wait to buy.



  • … you’d also like to know the best places to sell content online, and other secrets to turning PLR into an online income stream.


The report I’ve created and I am proud to put my name on is titled …

PLR Profits Blueprint

A Comprehensive Blueprint For Profiting With PLR and Using Rebrandable Content To Grow Your Business

PLR Profits Blueprint

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Here’s what you discover in this comprehensive guide to turning PLR content into profits.


  • The different types of PLR licenses. (This is important to understand, because not all PLR gives you the same rights and marketing abilities.)


  • Common types of PLR content you can use to grow your business.


  • A niche-finding guide that reveals profitable, moneymaking markets and topics. (This chapter, entitled How to Find Moneymaking Niches for PLR Profits, is priceless. It guarantees you find a highly profitable niche with people willing to spend money … BEFORE you invest a lot of time, money and hard work creating something nobody wants.)


  • The 3 big reasons you should always rebrand any PLR you use.


  • 10 ways successful marketers rebrand their PLR. (This is valuable information. I take you by the hand through 10 different ways to make any PLR unique to your business and brand.)


  • 12 Keys to PLR profit success. (Walk through each one of these keys to making money when you purchase and use PLR and you are virtually guaranteed to produce profits.)


  • The 6 rules to pricing your products.


  • Why smart Internet marketers use outsourcing to increase their profitability. (This means more free time and less time spent working for you.)


  • How to profit from upsells, downsells and backend offers.


  • How and where to sell your PLR products. (This chapter shows you proven places online to sell the products you create, and exactly “how” to sell them for the most profits.)


  • Why you absolutely, positively must be creating a USP for your products. (Don’t worry, I explain what a USP is, and how creating one sets your products apart from your competitors.)


  • 8 separate ways to profit from PLR. (A single piece of content can create multiple revenue streams for your business.)


  • 12 websites where you can purchase top quality PLR. (I also show you how you can get free and discounted content from these pro-quality PLR producers.)


  • 17 information-packed chapters. That’s more than 120 pages and nearly 25,000 words of content. (Every bit of information in this profit producing blueprint is there for one reason … to turn PLR into a revenue stream that puts more money in your bank account.)


This isn’t just a lesson on what PLR is and how to use it. I give you actual formulas you can follow so you can turn PLR into different types of moneymaking, profit producing content. For example, I show you …


  • The 7-step recipe for turning PLR articles into e-books and reports. All you do is go step-by-step through the process. Nothing is left unexplained, and I show you exactly what to do.


  • A 5-step formula for turning text-based PLR into audio files for webinars, presentations and videos.


  • 2 different ways to turn text-based PLR (like articles, e-books and reports) into videos. I even show you 11 different websites and pieces of software they use screen capture to create professional looking videos. That means you don’t even need a camera to turn PLR into video content.


  • A simple 4-step process for creating a course or coaching program from PLR content.


I’ve been an Internet marketer and PLR buyer for a long time. I know what works and what doesn’t. I have also been producing high-quality PLR content for many years. I talk with marketers just like you all the time, and I hear the same questions over and over again.


  • What kind of PLR should I be buying?


  • What’s the quickest way to turn PLR content into sales and profits?


  • I have lots of PLR sitting on my hard drive, stuff I’ve never used. Is there some way to edit or repurpose it and get it to start making money for me?


  • Where are the best places to buy PLR? Where are the places you buy PLR content?


  • Are there simple formulas or recipes I can follow to quickly turn PLR into moneymaking products?


The answers to these and other similar questions are in my special report, PLR Profits Blueprint. By the way, I named it that for a reason.


A blueprint shows you exactly how something works. My PLR Profits Blueprint does exactly that. You might be just starting out on your Internet marketing journey. You could be a veteran online business owner. It really doesn’t matter either way.


All that matters is that you can follow instructions and click your mouse button! If you can do that, this report can make you money.


Seriously, that’s all you need to be able to do. I have taken my years of PLR creation and Internet marketing knowledge and turn them into a resource that shows you exactly how to turn PLR content into products you can sell and use to grow your business in any way.


Click the Add-To-Cart button NOW to your grab your copy of PLR Profits Blueprint. Stop buying PLR without knowing exactly how to profit from it. Once you get your hands on this valuable resource, it pays for itself many times over in the amount of money it will save you when you purchase PLR.

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You’ll find you are spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars less than you used to when you buy PLR content. Not only that, but you learn how to find the highest quality PLR, and also how to put that dusty PLR content that’s sitting on your hard drive to work.


Secure Your Copy Now if you want a proven system that turns PLR into sales and profits.

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Look, I know the information in this report works because I use it all the time myself. Let me show you how to do the same, so you can start creating a profit producing business today that can replace your current job and help you create your dream reality. That’s the true power of PLR, and I’m excited to be able to share this information with you.

And FYI, this is NOT some flip flop report of 3000 words that leaves you clueless. I know those exist because I see those online all the time. My PLR Profits Blueprint consists of a juicy 25 000 words filled with PLR money-making content that will surely show you the ways of a PLR ninja.

So don’t waste anymore time.

Discover how to use the power of PLR content from someone who’s actually doing it to earn a full-time online income.

Download your copy today, click the button below to get instant download access.

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To your success,




Internet Marketing Mozie


P.S. I’ve been using PLR in my business for over 6 years now. I know the ins and outs, and want to pass on my knowledge to you. It’s my way of giving back to the community. Grab your copy NOW.

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Package Details:

PLR Profits Blueprint in PDF Format.

The PDF Guide Consists of 132 pages.

The Word Count is just over 25 000 words.


Your License:

Please Note: This is NOT PLR.

It’s for you to learn from.

[Yes] You can learn from it and apply the strategies into your business.

[No] You cannot sell it or give it away.

[No] You cannot share it.

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