Pamper Your Cat Treat Recipes Unrestricted PLR eBook
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#PamperYourCat #CatTreatRecipes #CatCookies #CatCrackers #KittyBreakfast #KittyHeaven
Pamper Your Cat Treat Recipes Unrestricted PLR eBook
Cat lovers love to pamper their feline friends. They give their cats the best food, the most fashionable collars, and the best toys. It’s a fact that most cats rule their owners, so when they turn up their noses at their food, what are we going to do? Start cooking! You cook for yourself and your friends, so why not cook for your loving companion. Pamper Your Cat shows readers how to prepare tasty and healthful treats and main meals for their cats.
Pamper Your Cat Treat Recipes Unrestricted PLR eBook
This purr-fectly delightful collection of recipes features 100 tempting and tasty treats for your cat. Below are just a few of the recipes you will find inside Pamper Your Cat:
- Beef and Veggie Broth
- Better Than Grass Salad
- Birthday Treat for Kitty
- Cat Cookies
- Cat Crackers
- Cheese Please
- Chicken and Pasta Stew
- Chicken and Sardines
- Chicken Cheeseburger
- Crispy Trout Dinner
- Fabulous Fishballs
- Feline Feast
- Glop (Kitty Pudding)
- Ham it Up Cat Treats
- Kipper Supreme
- Kitties Favorite Treats
- Kitty Breakfast
- Kitty Heaven
- Kitty Kisses
- Kitty Tacos
- Mackerel Magic
- Meowsli
- Mouseburger Bites
- Potatoes Au Feline
- Salmon Mouse Mousse
- Sardine Soup
- Sauteed Liver
- Su-Purr Salmon Pate
- Tuna Pops
- Kitty Heaven Sardine Surprise
- Super Salmon Smashers
- Homemade Kitty Yum Yums
- Mince Surprise
- Meat Majesty
- Feline Frenzy
- Christmas Treat
- Fancy Soup
- Cat Munchie
- Beefy Goodness
- A Lil’ Ball of Love
- Chicken Stir Fry
Order Pamper Your Cat today and give your finicky feline what it really wants…A home cooked meal!
Pamper Your Cat is delivered in PDF format and is viewable on any computer. All you need is Adobe Reader which is available free and already on most computers.
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Package Details:
- eBook
- Sales Letter
- Content: 101 Pages – 8,824 Words
Total File Download Size:
1,00 Megabytes (MB)
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