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Believe In Me PLR Package

List Building PLR Pack

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List Building PLR Pack

How would you like to grab private label rights to your own List Building PLR product?

Yes you heard right, today you can own your own List Building PLR bundle that you can rebrand and resell as your own!

Introducing the…

List Building PLR Pack

So What Do You Get With This List Building PLR?

This List Building PLR product is jammed-packed with value and comes with the following components:

  • List Building Report/Lead Magnet in PDF and Editable Word Documents
  • Training Guide in PDF and Editable Word Documents
  • Video Training in MP4 Format
  • Audio Training in MP3 Format
  • Graphics and Facebook Advert (JPG and PNG files)
  • Powerpoint Slides
  • Follow-up Emails
  • Rebranding Tutorial Video
  • Full Private Label Rights License

Amazing right? Yes if you grab the List Building PLR Pack today you’ll be able to get your PLR license at the lowest possible price!

Don’t miss out on this great deal and STEAL this value packed PLR deal for only $9.99 today!

This deal might not be around forever, so grab it while you can and sell unlimited copies and KEEP ALL THE PROFITS!!

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Here’s a Sample Of The Report So That You Know What To Expect From This PLR Pack:

Welcome to Viking List Building! This is a special list building strategy designed to accomplish two things: 1) get a list building apparatus set up within one hour and 2) achieve high opt-in rates.

This strategy basically revolves around leveraging the appeal of video courses to generate opt-ins.

Why Video Courses?

People have developed “banner blindness” when it comes to eBooks, Free Reports, PDFs, that sort of thing. It still works, especially if you have the time and money to invest in making large, spectacular looking, high quality eBooks and reports, but even then, it just doesn’t convert quite as well any more.

However, when we’ve sent traffic to opt in pages where we were offering free access to video courses, we saw opt in rates as high as 78%!  This is particularly effective when you apply a special visual theme or mascot to your lead magnet as opposed to a generic name with a generic image, but we’ll get to that in lesson 2.

We’re going to show you how you can make a Viking List Building machine just like that in less than an hour. So, without further ado let’s have a look at this course.

Chapter 1 deals with video content options. This is where we’ll discuss how to either make or acquire video content to use as a lead magnet. Don’t worry, you’ll be surprised how quick and easy this is.

Chapter 2 shows you how to make a gorgeous 3d eCover graphic of your video content for your squeeze page.

Chapter 3 walks you through how to quickly and easily design a simple, minimalist squeeze page geared towards maximizing conversions.

Chapter 4 covers various free and paid traffic methods and finally your battle plan for implementing what you’ve learned.

Remember, this can all be done within 1 hour.  So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in to ChapterOne.

Create or Acquire

So, for creating the video lesson or course you’re going to be using as a lead magnet or a free gift, you basically have 2 choices: Create it yourself or Pay for it.

Let’s look at the first option.  Creating video content is beneficial because it can be done for free and somewhat quickly, though not as quickly as buying pre-made content.  Now there’s basically three types of video creation options:

  • Talking head
  • Slide presentation
  • Screen cast

Let’s look at the talking head option:

Now many of you might immediately become a little anxious or worried about this option if you haven’t done this before so let’s put the worry to rest.  Go online, go to YouTube and type in violin lessons.  What you’ll see is a bunch of people staring at their web cams or maybe their smart phone cameras with a fiddle in their hands talking about the basics of violin playing and maybe scratching out a tune or two.  Now does that look expensive? Nope.  Does it look complicated? Definitely not (well unless of course you don’t know how to play a fiddle).   But the point is you can create any sort of “talking head” lesson that you have experience in with nothing more than yourself and your web cam or smart phone.

But what about those of you who have stage fright and wouldn’t be caught dead getting in front of a camera?  Well for you guys let’s move on to the next option: Slide presentations.

For the Slide presentation approach, you’d basically draft up an outline of your lesson and prepare it in bullet format via any slide presentation software like PowerPoint.  Then you’d audio record your presentation either with your computer or your smartphone or any other device you prefer.  Finally, you’d take that audio file and sync it with your slide presentation. Now the most common slideshow software, PowerPoint, actually has a function for exporting your presentation to a video file and if you search YouTube you’ll see there are plenty of easy video tutorials on how to do it.  And oh by the way, you’ll notice those tutorials are actually recordings of a person’s computer screen while he or she walks you through the process which, incidentally, brings us to the last option: the screen cast.

The screen cast is our preferred method because it requires little preparation and can be done in an off the cuff manner.   Now although we said creating your video was free, the screencast method will usually require you to invest anywhere from $15 to $50 for screen capture software. That said, it’s always worth seeing if you can find any free offers.  But let there be no question, a small investment in screencast software will pay off quickly.  Basically, all you’ll do here is record your screen and your voice while you go through and teach how to do something on the computer.  For examples of this you could go to YouTube and search for something like “WordPress tutorial”…

Okay now let’s have a look at the second video content choice: acquisition, or paid video content.

There are basically two ways to do this: buying pre-made PLR videos or paying an actor.

PLR stands for Private Label Rights and basically means you can resell these courses usually along with the right to modify, rebrand, or relabel them, and even put yourself down as the author. For buying PLR videos, literally just google “PLR videos” and you’ll find plenty of online stores selling cheap PLR video lessons on various topics ranging from web design to cardio workouts.  You can usually find these for as little as 4 or 5 bucks ranging all the way up to $20, $50, or even hundreds of dollars. Since we’re looking at something to give away for free as a lead magnet, it’s alright to stay on the inexpensive side, just make sure the quality itself isn’t low. Your leads will judge you by the quality of the gift you offered them.  When you’re browsing, don’t worry too much about the “look” of the eCover for these PLR videos because once you’ve bought one, you’ll want to rebrand it anyway which will be covered in the next lesson.

Now the other way is to pay an actor to do the video for you. An “actor” can either mean an onscreen “talking head” actor or even just someone who will do a screen cast recording or slide show presentation video for you.  Don’t worry, the word actor sounds expensive, but there are ways to do this pretty inexpensively such as hiring someone on Fiverr or Upwork or even offering the opportunity to a local college kid or struggling acting student looking to beef up their portfolio.

Whichever method you choose; you’ll want to make sure the end product “looks” great.  To do this you’ll need to design an attractive eCover image which is what we’ll cover in the next chapter.

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Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These Videos

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Package Details:

  • List Building Report/Lead Magnet in PDF and Editable Word Documents
  • Training Guide in PDF and Editable Word Documents
  • Video Training in MP4 Format
  • Audio Training in MP3 Format
  • Graphics and Facebook Advert (JPG and PNG files)
  • Powerpoint Slides
  • Follow-up Emails
  • Rebranding Tutorial Video
  • Full Private Label Rights License

Total File Download Size:

401 Megabytes (MB)

License Details:

You are hereby granted the right to resell this product as is, give it away in return for a lead, add it to a free membership site (only if opt-ins are required in order to access the membership site), add it to a paid membership site, use it as a bonus for a paid offer, package it together with a paid offer.

You are ALSO granted the right to repurpose this PLR content, change the title, the cover, add your name as the author, use the audio separately, remove the audio and add your own voice over, use the text as a blog post or article, or literally anything you want. This is all for selling/giving to END USERS ONLY.


You MAY NOT Sell resell rights for this product.

You MAY NOT Sell PLR rights for this product.

You MAY NOT Mention Warlord Marketing or or my name, or the word “PLR” anywhere on or inside this product nor on any sales pages or anything at all. Again, if you want to say that YOU wrote it or that YOUR website/business created it, that’s fine.

We do web crawls and deep web searches regularly and we WILL know if you have violated these rules.

Legal Disclaimer: This license is Non – Transferrable; meaning you cannot give these same rights away. If you want to sell rights to your customers; pay close attention to the license below. We closely monitor vendors that sell the product and take legal violations seriously.

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