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How to Write Your Own KSL with Master Resell Rights

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How to Write Your Own KSL eBook With Master Resell Rights

How YOU Can Write Your Own Sales Letter That Kills – Which Produces a Minimum 2-4% Conversion Rate – And Save Thousands From Hiring Your Own Copywriter!

At Long Last… YOU Can Now Write Your Own Professional Copy That Sells… Because I Am Going To Give You The “Brains” Of A Professional Copywriter – In Layman’s Terms!

Introduction… How To Write Your Own Killer Sales Letter! – 2nd Edition

How to Write Your Own KSL with MRR

Finally, here is a more economical alternative for you to achieve the kind of conversion rates that you desire from your own sales copy that kills.

If a copywriter can charge $10,000 for his professional copywriting services, then the information in this manual can very well be worth $10,000.

Why? Because I am literally giving you the “brains” of a professional copywriter – all packed in one easy-to-understand manual!

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Here’s What You Will Discover

In My Copywriting Manual:

In my step-by-step guide, I show you how you can write your own sales letter that kills without having to spend a fortune on engaging a copywriter to have the task done for you. Here are what you will discover:

  • The true concept of a sales letter that kills.

There a lot of rumors and myths about writing sales copies and I clear the fog of doubt once and for all by slicing through the nonsense and give you all of what you need to know and understand about writing your very own powerful sales copy.

  • How to format your sales letter like a champion.

I describe to you how you should format your sales letter and demonstrate my points by showing you some of best case studies on champion sales letters which I have picked up along the way. Someone has already done it right, so it would make sense to follow something that is already working.

  • The 5 types of headlines you should be aware of and how you can use them in your favor.

It is said that a headline is the most important component of a sales letter, so important that it decides whether you make or lose a sale. All professional sales letter writers, knowing or unknowingly, use any or all of the 5 different headlines in their sales copies. Discover what they are, and you wouldn’t find yourself guessing what qualifies as a great, attention-grabbing headline!

  • How you can address your prospect and qualify them to read your sales letter.

Find out how you can be personal, be in touch, and understand your prospect to the fullest – even if you don’t know him! This may sound absurd, but I will show you how you can understand and confirm your prospect’s challenges by addressing what he is already going through that would encourage him to read your sales letter from top to bottom!

  • The myth dispelled once and for all – Long Sales Letter vs. Short Sales Letter.

I dispell the myth about the age-old copywriting question, “Which is better? Long copy or short copy?” once and for all. Forget what you read in the free articles. If you would notice, they are mostly personal opinions. I give you the expert’s advice, having written several sales copies that sell myself.

  • How you can start and end your sales letter interestingly without boring your prospect in the process.

Even if it is a sales copy, your prospect wants to be entertained. No questions asked. Usually, the more information he gets, the better chances you have of closing your sale, because anyone would know that you obviously have more to offer in your paid product or service, and I show you do just that.

  • How to tell the difference between features and benefits.

Most novice writers write sales letter that make them broker than yesterday and one of the main reasons are found in their failing to understand the distinctions between features and benefits. I define them in Simple English and show you multiple examples of Benefits vs. Features which you can use for your own sales copy!

  • How to collect powerful testimonials and endorsements.

Testimonials are indeed powerful components of your sales letter. They back what you have to say or claim. I don’t know of that many materials on the same subject that show you how you can gather your own collection of powerful testimonials that will back your claims in your sales letter.

  • How to persuade your customers to buy from you and close the sale!

I describe to you how you can make your sales copy a prospect-murderer, sending their names and E-mail addresses into your customer list, by closing the sale effectively!

  • 12 *Hot* buttons to press!

Discover all the 12 hot words you must use in your sales letter in order to tap into your prospect’s desire and emotions and persuade them to act now – not later!

  • The most important questions you prospect will definitely have in mind that you must answer well.

You don’t have mind-reading abilities, but I show you the most important questions your prospect would definitely want to have answered and how you can answer them well in order to close the sale.

  • And much, much, more!

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