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How To Be Romantic Premium PLR Package – Featuring Over 16 000 Words of Done-For-You Evergreen Relationship & Romance PLR Content.


Attention: Relationship & Romance Entrepreneurs

Done for You Premium Relationship/Romance PLR Product on a


Relationship & Romance!


Dear online business owner, When it comes to top relationship and romance searches, health is one of the most searched-for topics online.

It’s safe to say that Health has spawned an entire industry of blogs, cookbooks and products.

This is where my premium done for you How To Be Romantic PLR Package comes in. Its all about teaching your customers how to Boost Your Romantic: How To Be More Romantic For More Passion and Pleasure with That Special Someone.

Everything is done for you – from the main info product to your social media updates – its simply up to you to add your branding and firmly establish yourself in this lucrative relationship and romance niche.


Introducing The…

How To Be Romantic Premium PLR Package

Featuring Over 16 000 Words of High Quality Health Content Ready To Be Used In Your Business!

This high quality How To Be Romantic PLR package covers the hugely popular health and wellness niche. Health is evergreen and will always be. This How To Be Romantic PLR content package is well-written by an experienced copywriter and comes with full private label rights so you can edit it, put your name on it, put your brand on it and sell it and use it to build your list of raving fans.

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Here’s everything you’ll get in the Longevity MEGA PLR Package…

Main eBook:” How To Be More Romantic – For More Passion and Pleasure with That Special Someone”

(8,166 words, 43 pages)

How To Be More Romantic Thick Book eCover


A look inside the How To Be Romantic PLR eBook

How To Be More Romantic eBook Inside Look

Table of Contents for the How To Be Romantic PLR Ebook:

What is Romance?. 4

Why is Romance Important in a Relationship?. 6

Romance Starts with the Right Mindset 8

Learn to Listen. 11

Focus on Your Partner’s Best Qualities. 13

Small Gestures Have a Big Impact 15

Don’t Neglect Couples Time. 19

Express Your Affection Physically. 22

Sweet Words are Important 25

Do Something New and Fun Together 31

Turn off Your Phone … Disconnect to Reconnect 32

Give Gifts and Flowers. 35

Place Random Calls and Texts. 36

Take Time to Plan Your Future. 39

Conclusion  42

Sample Content for the How To Be Romantic Premium PLR Ebook:

What is Romance?

The word “romance” represents two important things. It’s based on the feelings and attraction towards a person, and the courtship of showing those feelings.That’s easy enough, right? The feelings and the attraction come naturally while expressing them doesn’t. That’s why not all romantic relationships have romance in them.

We tend to assume that just because we are in love, that’s enough. Our brain likes simplicity, therefore it’s so easy to think romance is not important for a relationship.

That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

This book will focus on teaching you the courtship part of romance. Because oftentimes, you have people that love each other but they stop expressing that love.

That could happen for various reasons. It could be stress, too many things on our plate, or simply getting so used to one another that we forget to express what we feel.Romance is the glue that keeps two people together, and that’s why we must always renew it with fresh new gestures and moments.

It’s the reason why poets write and why painters paint. It’s the reason why sunsets are beautiful and why flowers smell so good. Romance gives pleasure to life and it makes it much more appealing.

More importantly, romance is the fuel for love. The more you pour on it, the bigger the flame of love grows.

What’s interesting is that you can have feelings without romance, and you can have romance without having feelings. For example, the ones that are looking for quick hookups for one-night stands are using romance to lure their new partner.

The real beauty of selfless love comes when you combine the two parts, having feelings and expressing them.

Why is Romance Important in a Relationship?

We already mentioned that romance is the glue that holds two people together,as well as the fuel for love. Even so, you might be asking …

“But why is having feelings of love not enough?”

That’s like saying why looking at a plate of food doesn’t make you full. You have to eat it too.

Love it’s a verb. When you love someone, you are showing it with actions. Think about the first time you met your partner. You did anything for them, didn’t you? After a couple of years together, you can get put off by taking out the trash for them. What a difference between attitudes.

That’s the negative power of complacency. And it’s not only present in our love lives. How many times do we tend to forget the awesomeness of having a roof over our heads, clean water, warm clothes, and delicious food to eat? Spend one day without any of these and you’ll appreciate them like gold.

That’s how we are designed. We tend to forget things that we have every day. They are still awesome, but we still forget to appreciate them.

That’s exactly how we tend to forget about the awesomeness of our lovers. When we chose that person, there was something there that told us, “I want to be with this person”. There was an accumulation of things that made us feel that way.

And the love is still there. But if we don’t feed it, we lose it. It starves and it dies.Yes, love can die, just like anything else that is neglected. If you tie your arm to your chest and you stop using it for a month, do you think you’ll still have an arm?

Not a usable one for sure. What we don’t use, we lose.

That’s true for the physical world and for the emotional world. Don’t use the feelings you have for someone, and they will fade more and more until they will be a distant memory.

The good news is that love can be rekindled, and no matter how small the flame is, you can still revive it with romance. Another good thing is that romance can be learned.

Being romantic can be an inherited trait. You can also develop it and get better at it as with any skill. It does require effort and it will require time and practice. And you can become a romantic person by using the tips we share with you in this book, no matter how good or bad you are at being romantic.

You need to be romantic if you want a happy relationship that will last until the day you die. Romance is what makes your partner happy, and in turn, it will make you happy as well.Now that we’ve established that romance is extremely important for a relationship, let’s get into how to become more romantic.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


How To Be More Romantic Checklist :

(1,168 words, 8 pages)

How To Be More Romantic Checklist Thin Book eCover

A look inside the How To Be More Romantic Premium PLR Checklist

How To Be More Romantic Checklist Inside Look

How To Be More Romantic PLR Editable Ecovers:

How To Be More Romantic PLR Editable Ecovers


How To Be More Romantic PLR List Building Report

(2,008 words, 10 pages)

12 Easy Ways to Be More Romantic Thin Book eCover

5 Emails/ Blog Posts:

Topic: How to Be Romantic Email Messages

Email 1 – Do you need more romance in your life?
Email 2 – Do men stink at romance?
Email 3 – There’s no “spark” in my relationship. What can I do?
Email 4 – Does a lack of romance mean my relationship’s dead?
Email 5 – Introducing: How to Be More Romantic

How To Be Romantic PLR Emails Total Word Count: 1597 Words

How To Be Romantic Email Content Sample:

Email #1: Subject line: Do you need more romance in your life?

You deserve to enjoy a passionate, romantic relationship.

Maybe it was that way sometime in the past. A lot of relationships start hot and heavy. The emotional and sexual energy is off the charts. You don’t have to work to be very romantic. It seems like any time you spend with your partner there is some real passion involved.

In those early days of relationships, a lot of people don’t think twice about romance. It just happens. It’s a natural part of this wonderful new experience.

Then something happens.

Life gets in the way. You get busy. Your partner does too. Life takes over. You have so many responsibilities, probably more now than when the relationship was in its earliest stages.

This means there are a lot of distractions. You have social and career responsibilities. There are things you have to make time for, events and experiences involving your family, your friends and others that are close to you.

This happens to a lot of people.

It’s why sometimes romance gets put on the back burner. You’re focused on everything but your relationship with that person that means so much to you.

This doesn’t have to continue.

Adding romance to your life can happen immediately, today. There are things you can do which only take a minute or two. Some romantic gestures might require just a few seconds of your time.

They’re all very powerful in their ability to deepen and strengthen your relationship with your partner.

If you’d like to learn some simple ways to add romance to your relationship, Click Here link to sales page or order form. I’ll introduce you to an e-book titled “How to Be More Romantic – For More Passion and Pleasure with That Special Someone”.

In it we give you specific tips for bringing the romance back to your relationship. Click Here link to sales page or order form to learn more.

Signature file


How To Be Romantic PLR Articles:

7 Things Men Find Romantic – 730 words
10 Things Women Find Really Romantic – 941 words
A Short and Incomplete History of Romance as it Relates to Love – 733 words
Romance Doesn’t Have to Mean Sex – 544 words
Why Is Romance Important in a Relationship – 613 words


How To Be Romantic PLR Article Sample:

7 Things Men Find Romantic

Is there a special man in your life? If so, you might want to know something interesting. Men want romance in their relationships just as much as women do. A lot of the time, people don’t think men care about romance. That’s not true at all.

There’s plenty of research out there that says men are just as hopeful for romance as women are. This is true with men of all ages, and whether or not they’re single, just dating or married. Romance is important to men probably for the same reasons it’s important to a lot of women.

It feels good. Knowing someone has thought about you enough to pull off a romantic gesture is nice. You feel special. It’s nice to feel loved and to know that someone is thinking about you.

If you have a man you deeply love, you might be wondering how to show him he’s important. That’s easy to do with the following seven things men find really romantic.

1 – Tell Him You Respect Him

Relationship therapists will tell you that, “Women want to be loved, and men want to be respected.” This is so true. It’s not that men don’t crave love and affection. They certainly do. Show your man a lot of love and intimacy, and you can build a strong relationship.

What you definitely should do is tell him you respect him frequently. Men find this extremely romantic, because they value respect highly.

2 – Get Him That Special Gift He Wants

Gift giving might seem like a cliché romantic gesture, but it works. Men will tell you that any gift from a special person means a lot. When you give him a gift of something he’s been talking about, something he really wants deeply, it shows that you’re listening.

You’re paying attention to him. You know how much this gift means to him, and you spent your time and money to make the purchase. Aside from being a loving gesture, it’s romantic as well.

3 – Fix a Decadently Delicious Meal

There’s an old saying that states, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Men and women alike have favorite foods. Just about anybody likes their favorite meal prepared for them. This might not seem like much, but it can be viewed as a romantic gesture by the man in your life. This is especially the case when the meal you fix is one he doesn’t get to enjoy very frequently.

4 – Join Him When He’s Enjoying a Hobby

Does your man love fishing? Maybe he’s into puzzles, camping or watching a particular genre of movies. Join him when he enjoys his hobby. This shows that you are prioritizing something that’s important to him, rather than something you want to do. That’s a very romantic gesture.

5 – Tease Him All Day Long about What the Two of You Are Going to Do Tonight

Both men and women love this. They enjoy being the center of attention, especially when that attention is going to involve an intimate evening together. Tease the man in your life with notes or texts throughout the day. Tell him what steamy adventure the two of you are going to enjoy tonight. Then make sure to deliver on that promise.

6 – Tell Him He’s a Good Provider

Men love hearing this. The traditional male sees himself as a provider. He wants to provide everything his partner needs, including love and safety. Constantly tell your man that he’s a great provider and he’ll love you for it.

7 – Ask Him about His Day … and Really Listen

Everyone wants to unload emotionally from time to time. When your man comes home after a hard day, have his favorite beverage ready for him. Sit down and look him in the eye. Ask him how his day went.

Then really listen. Respond from the heart. This is a small gesture that means a lot to both men and women. It can also lead to your man enjoying coming straight home after work rather than heading to happy hour.


How To Be Romantic 5 Social Media Posts

  • Romance is hard. Is that what you think? It’s the farthest thing from the truth. There are simple, fast and easy ways to crank up the romance in your relationship. Click Here link to sales page or order form to learn more.
  • Has the fire gone out of your relationship? It doesn’t have to stay that way. Men and women, young and old alike, can add romance to their relationship quickly, and without spending a fortune. Click Here link to sales page or order form to learn more.
  • Where has all the romance gone? A lot of people these days complain there’s no romance in their lives. We can help change that. Click Here link to sales page or order form to get more romance in your relationship.
  • Is romance really important for a relationship to succeed? You’d better believe it. For simple ways to rekindle romance in your relationship, for more passion, intimacy and a deeper connection, Click Here link to sales page or order form
  • Show that special someone you’re just as passionate and committed as you were when the two of your first met. Discover simple ways to put more romance in your relationship. Click Here link to sales page or order form to learn more.

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Wait! I Forgot to mention…BONUSES!!

For the first 50 buyers of this Stress Overwhelm PLR Package, if you grab this PLR deal right now, you’ll also get these FAST-ACTION BONUSES for a limited time only!

Bonus 1

Love and Attraction eBook Mega Pack with Master Resell Rights

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Ebook
Module 2 – Checklist
Module 3 – Resource Cheat Sheet
Module 4 – Mindmap
Module 5 – Minisite
Module 6 – Email Swipes
Module 7 – Source Graphic
Module 8 – Advertising Banners
Module 9 – Sales Videos

Total File Download Size:

62.9 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 2

Love and Relationships PLR eBook and Squeeze Page

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Package Details:

  • Ebook
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  • Covers
  • Opt-in Page

Total File Download Size:

3.75 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 3

24 Unrestricted Save Your Marriage PLR Articles

24 Unrestricted Save Your Marriage PLR Articles

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Here are the titles of the 10 Unrestricted Save Your Marriage Articles:

  1. Save Marriage Stop Divorce
  2. Save My Marriage
  3. Save My Marriage Today
  4. Save The Marriage For The Children
  5. Save Your Marriage At All Costs
  6. Save Your Relationships After Cheating
  7. Tips To Save Marriage
  8. Ways To Save Marriage
  9. 5 Ways To Save A Marriage
  10. Can Seperation Save A Marriage
  11. Can You Save A Mariage Alone
  12. Help To Save My Marriage
  13. How To Save A Christian Marriage
  14. How To Save A Marriage
  15. How To Save An Abusive Marriage
  16. Love Poems To Save A Relationship
  17. Men Save Your Christian Marriage
  18. Men Trying To Save Their Marriage
  19. Prayers To Save My Marriage
  20. Save A Marriage Colorado Springs
  21. Save A Marriage Retreat
  22. Save Marriage Counseling
  23. Save Marriage Midlife Crisis Husband
  24. Save Marriage New York

Package Details:

Download File Size – 204 KB

Bonus 4

Better Relationships MRR Ebook with Salesletter

Better Relationships MRR Ebook

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Package Details:

Module 1 – Training Guide
Module 2 – Covers
Module 3 – Email Swipes
Module 4 – Sales Letter
Module 5 – Social Media Posters
Module 6 – License

Total File Download Size:

35.8 Megabytes (MB)

Bonus 5

10 Top Quality Romance PLR Articles and Tweets

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Here are the titles of the 10 Romance Articles:

1. 17 Activities to Do Together to Bring Back Romance
2. Everyday Habits to Stop You Taking Each Other for Granted
3. How to Balance Time Together and Time Apart to Bring Romance Back
4. How to Bring Back Romance with an At-Home Date Night
5. Romantic Gift Ideas for Him and Her
6. Ten Ideas for Date Night to Bring Romance Back
7. The Importance of Being Honest with Each Other
8. Tips on Finding Time Together When You Have Children
9. Tips on Making an Effort with Your Appearance
10. Why It’s Important to Listen to Each Other – Really Listen

Package Details:

Download File Size – 205 KB


Remember these FAST-ACTION BONUSES will go away soon, so get the best deal by jumping off the fence and secure your bonuses while they’re still available!

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Package Details For The How To Be Romantic PLR Package:

How To Be More Romantic – PLR eBook

eBook – How To Be More Romantic – For More Passion and Pleasure with That Special Someone (8,166 Words)
Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

How To Be More Romantic – PLR List Building Report (2,008 Words)

12 Easy Ways to Be More Romantic (2,330 words)
Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

How To Be More Romantic – 5 High Quality Romance PLR Articles (Total Articles Word Count: 3,561 Words)

  1. 7 Things Men Find Romantic 730 words
  2. 10 Things Women Find Really Romantic 941 words
  3. A Short and Incomplete History of Romance as it Relates to Love 733 words
  4. Romance Doesn’t Have to Mean Sex 544 words
  5. Why Is Romance Important in a Relationship 613 words

The How To Be More Romantic PLR Articles are delivered in Word Format.

How To Be More Romantic – Romance PLR Checklist

How To Be More Romantic Checklist (1,168 words)

This is a quick reference checklist for the e-book, How to Be More Romantic – For More Passion and Pleasure with That Special Someone. It lets you quickly jump to different sections of the e-book to focus on areas of interest you can study in-depth.

Comes in Word Doc and PDF Format.
Includes Editable Cover Graphics in JPG and PSD Format.

How to Be Romantic Email Messages – 5 PLR Email Sequence

How to Be Romantic – 5 Email Autoresponders (1,597 words)

Email 1 – Do you need more romance in your life?
Email 2 – Do men stink at romance?
Email 3 – There’s no “spark” in my relationship. What can I do?
Email 4 – Does a lack of romance mean my relationship’s dead?
Email 5 – Introducing: How to Be More Romantic

How To Be Romantic – 5 Social Media Posts

How to Be Romantic Social Media Posts (215 words)

Total Word Count: 16 715 Words

FAST-ACTION BONUSES – Available for the first 50 buyers of this Stress Overwhelm PLR Pack. You’ll no longer see these awesome extra bonuses available on this page once the 50 fast action takers have been awarded.


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