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High Conversion Secrets PLR eBook Resell PLR

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High Conversion Secrets PLR eBook Resell PLR

How would you like to own your own PLR info-product where you can sell the product with Private Label Rights and earn top profits? Yes! You Heard Right…

On this page, you’ll discover a evergreen and highly in-demand High Conversion PLR eBook where you can grab a reseller license to sell the ebook with PLR rights; this means you’ll be helping others to find PLR ebooks they can resell as their own!

And we’re not going to charge you a high price for this PLR High Conversion Resell PLR eBook, we want to empower you and your business to sell PLR to your own High Conversion PLR ebooks so that you can earn good profits from selling PLR rights while helping YOUR audience.

But you’re not just limited to selling PLR, you can so much more with the PLR content, just read the reseller PLR license at the bottom of this page to see exactly what you can and cannot do with it.

The Reseller PLR license is very flexible, you can even give it away for free! Just not with PLR rights.


High Conversion Secrets PLR eBook Resell PLR

High Conversion Secrets PLR eBook Resell PLR

A 4030 Word High Conversion Ebook with Reseller Private Label Rights so you can resell it with a PLR license!


Here’s a Screenshot inside the High Conversion PLR book:

High Conversion Secrets PLR eBook Resell PLR Screenshot

Table of Contents for the High Conversion PLR Ebook:


Chapter 1: Polish & Shine

Chapter 2: Drafting a High Converting Sales Copy

Chapter 3: Provide Automated Support

Chapter 4: Test Everything Thoroughly

Chapter 5: Improve Your Engagement Levels

Chapter 6: Winning Them Over


Top Resources

Here’s a Sample of the High Conversion Content inside the eBook

Increasing your website’s traffic is already a time-consuming task that will take up enough of your time. So, you need to make sure that traffic converts into sales, right?

Thankfully, there are drop-dead simple ways of capturing attention, boosting conversion rates and ultimately, maximizing your profits without breaking the bank, or spending a lot of time tweaking your traffic campaigns.

In fact, the conversion boosting hacks featured in this report are ones that you can easily implement into your existing website without spending more than a couple of hours tightening up a few weak areas so that you can transform your business in just a matter of a few short days.

Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?

If so, let’s begin!

Chapter 1: Polish & Shine

It all begins with ensuring that your website or landing page is optimized for conversion.

Whether you are directing traffic to a sales page, or you’re sending them to a landing page, you need to make sure that your page will motivate visitors into taking action.

Here are a few quick and easy ways to do that:

Make Visitors Do Less Work

If you are sending visitors to a squeeze or landing page, it’s important that you only ask for the information that you absolutely need.

Your opt-in form should ask for only their name and email address. You can segment your lists later as your subscribers begin to open and respond to your campaigns, but to maximize opt-in rates, you need to keep it simple.

It shouldn’t take your visitor more than a few seconds to fill in the required information and subscribe to your list.

Additional form fields will severely decrease conversion rates because you’re bogging your visitor down.

The less effort you require of potential subscribers, the easier it will be to grow a list.

Keep the page crisp and clean so that visitors aren’t confused about what action they should take, and make sure that all conversion elements are above the fold for optimal results.

Minimize navigation. In fact, eliminate it altogether so that all they see is the headline, opt-in form and incentive offer.

Also, pay careful attention to your headline. Make sure that it speaks to your visitor and gives them a reason to give you their name and email address.

You’ll want to test out different headlines to determine what works best for your audience.

A compelling headline captures attention and convinces people to continue reading every single word on your page until you have closed the deal.  It persuades visitors into becoming customers, and makes believers out of the skeptics.

And if it’s done right, it has the power to transform a sales page into an incredible money-making machine.

David Ogilvy, a business tycoon, known as the “father of advertising” believed that the headline of a sales page was the single most important component in a marketing system.

He also summarized the importance of a killer headline with the following quote: “On the average, five times as many people read the headline than they do the body.”

Your job is to create a headline that immediately captures attention and touches down on what is most important to your target audience. You don’t want to get too creative, crafty or clever with your headlines.  While you can create headlines that create curiosity, when it comes to your marketing message you want it to ring loud and clear.
This means you need to be very direct. No guessing. No wordplay.

Replicate What Works for Others

Study successful landing and squeeze pages from within your niche and save yourself time by designing your opt-in pages around what has proven to work.

And if you really want to increase opt-in rates, add a video to your squeeze page or a high-quality product box or graphic that represents your incentive offer.

Offer an Irresistible Incentive Offer
You’ll want to make sure that you are offering something of clear value that resonates with your target audience.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to cater to every potential client on one squeeze page.

For best results, create multiple landing pages that are aimed at specific target audiences, and then offer a giveaway that is designed to help them in some way.

Even when focusing on just one niche, it’s important to speak to segments of your market.

For example, if you sell a guide on self-publishing, you could set up a landing page aimed towards beginners while offering a free report on “Top 10 Tools You Need to Build Your Author Presence”.

Then, create a second landing page that is targeted towards intermediate authors who already likely have an online presence but are looking to maximize exposure and build their readers base.

The better targeted your incentive offer is, the easier it will be to convince visitors to subscribe to your list.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


Finding ebooks to that you can sell with a PLR license online is very rare, most of them are junk outdated or don’t even make sense.

Don’t wait any longer, grab your reseller PLR license to this high in-demand evergreen PLR High Conversion eBook and start using it to build your list or resell with private label rights for big profits!

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Package Details:

Download File Size: 68.8 Megabytes (MB)

eBook Format: Word Doc, Open Office Doc, Text Doc and PDF formats.

PLR eBook Graphics: Includes a Flat and 3D eCover with PSD files.

Total Word Count: 4 000+ Words


PLR License Terms

PLR Reseller License Terms and Conditions:

[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be used for personal use
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
[YES] Can modify/change the main product
[YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
[YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
[YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be used to build a list
[YES] Can print/publish offline
[YES] Can be given away for free
[YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
[YES] Can be added to free membership websites
[YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights


You may not sell this product or the any of its rights if you ask for a refund. Your license will become null and void.

You must keep this license to verify yourself as an official licensee. You must be able to show the license on demand.

You may not market the product in any immoral, illegal or unethical way (Spam).

You are responsible for your own hosting, download locations, payment processor and customer service to your customers.

Any violation of this license will be subject to revoking this agreement and potential legal action may ensue.

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