Getting Yourself Organized Unrestricted PLR eBook
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Getting Yourself Organized Unrestricted PLR eBook
Who else wants to relieve stress by bringing order to your life once and for all?
Are You Pulling Your Hair Out Because Your Life Is A Disorganized Mess?
Feel like a chicken running around with your head cut off?
Is your house a mess? Papers piling up on your kitchen counter. You can no longer see what color the top of your desk is. And it’s getting harder and harder to feel comfortable in your own home with the mess. The hectic schedule. And the unorganized life.
There comes a point when you must say, “Enough! I need to get organized now if it kills me!”
Sometimes all it takes is a little push in the right direction to get started. To make just a few changes to a busy life that makes it more manageable.
Where can you get that push? Let me help you with my guide…
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…101 Ways to Help You Get Organized and Stay Organized!
Give me 45 minutes and I’ll teach you to dump your old frantic habits and get organized once and for all!
If you spend all your time getting one task done just so you can move on to another, you need to make sure you don’t waste one minute. Any time spent dilly-dallying is time you don’t get to sit back and relax.
(It feels great to relax, doesn’t it?)
The truth is, sometimes you’re so busy with life you don’t have time to sit down and make a plan to get organized. Well help is here. Now you can…
Get Rid Of The Bad Habits That Keep Your Life An Unorganized Mess!
If you’re feeling more than a little stressed out today, now is the time to start managing your life for the better. You can restore order to your household (and clean it up while you’re at it), while relieving the tension you’re feeling (so you can finally sleep good at night).
Within my 52 page guide, “101 Ways to Help you get Organized and Stay Organized,” you’ll learn how to turn your hectic life right side up. With tips, tricks, and tactics to bring order to your life, you’ll finally feel the weight lifted off your shoulders. And you can download my report straight to your computer (in just minutes from now) to start getting organized right away.
Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:
- 10 ways to remember even the tiniest details of your life (to keep your thoughts organized). (Pages 6-7)
- How to relieve stress through organization. (Page 8)
- 15 secrets to discovering organization in your every day life (and how to stay that way). (Pages 8-10)
- 9 things (that are probably cluttering your house) to throw out today. (Page 10)
- 8 places to remove clutter from your life. (Pages 10-12)
- 3 steps to dealing with papers and documents to keep your desk, office, or kitchen counter organized. (Page 12)
- How your disorganization can effect (and annoy) others. (Page 14)
- 5 ways to let order reign supreme in your life. (Pages 14-15)
- 3 rules for deciding to keep or throw out your personal stuff. (Page 16)
- 4 ways to start multi-tasking successfully today. (Page 19)
- 5 tips and tricks for organizing your household (and kids). (Page 19)
- Why it’s important to keep both work and home ready for efficiency and productivity. (Page 21)
- The secret to running your home like a business. (Pages 22-23)
- How “playtime” can help you get more done. (Page 23)
- 3 things to concentrate on when you plan your schedule. (Pages 24-25)
- 4 steps to making your junk drawer a haven of organization. (Page 25)
- 6 steps to clean, tidy, and keep your laundry room organized. (Page 26)
- The trick to helping your children stay organized. (Pages 26-28)
- 5 rules to cleaning and organizing your garage. (Pages 28-30)
- 13 ways to help teach your child studying skills and organization. (Pages 30-31)
- How to take back control of your messy kitchen. (Pages 32-33)
- 6 timesaving tips to help you get and stay organized. (Page 33)
- 12 ways anyone can start simplifying their life today. (Pages 35-36)
- The powerful COPE method for managing time. (Pages 36-37)
- The secret to organizing for moving day. (Pages 37-38)
- 64 steps to finally organizing your office. (Pages 38-41)
- 25 tips and tricks for clearing out your workspace so you can finally work free of the mess. (Pages 42-43)
- 5 reasons why you might want to hire an organizer. (Page 43)
- 6 requirements for organizing success and 3 common organizing principles. (Pages 43-44)
- 10 tips, tricks, and tactics for busy moms who want to stay organized (and one step ahead.) (Pages 46-49)
- 7 things to start doing as soon as you stop reading… (Pages 50-51)
And there’s MUCH more
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See How Easily You Can Leave Your Stressful, Disorganized Ways Behind You!
If you don’t get organized now, you’ll hate yourself later.
When your life is orderly, you feel light and free. But when it’s a chaotic mess, there’s always a weight on your shoulders that keeps you from feeling carefree and happy. It’s a downright bummer.
From the minute you start reading, my guide will help you to start coping with everyday time management. (Using the C.O.P.E. strategy on pages 36-37). Right away, you’ll know 12 ways that you can start simplifying your life today (and they start on page 35).
The truth is, when you’re disorganized it effects other people (page 14), and they often don’t appreciate it. If it’s your kids you’re effecting, you may be the one who is unhappy with yourself. (Learn to help keep your kids organized starting on page 26)
Just imagine, after you start to place my 101 organization tips into your life, you’ll be living in a cleaner, quieter, and more relaxing environment. You’ll be able to enjoy living because you’re not constantly worried about problems that arise from disorder.
The truth is, many people finally give up and hire a professional organizer for advice like mine. And they can end up paying hundreds in hourly fees! But you know what, it’s almost always worth it. The peace you find from order is overwhelming.
But with me. With my guide. You won’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars. Not even $100! Because I’ve already written my guide out (and am ready to send it to you), you can be on your way to being stress free for just $17.
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- Ebook
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1.86 Megabytes (MB)
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