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Everyday Essentials Premium PLR Course

Who Else Wants Immediate Access To 150 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Practical And Profitable Insights For Starting And Scaling An Online Business?

This Is Literally The “A To Z” Of Online Business Success For One Low Price!

Whether you’re a beginner who wants to get your business started on the right foot, or a seasoned veteran who wants the distilled digest version of every major profit-growing tactic right at your fingertips, Everyday Essentials is for you!

Introducing Evergreen Essentials: A 26-Lesson Guide That Reveals the Smartest Online Marketing Strategies for Growing Your Business This Year!

Evergreen Essentials A To Z PLR eCover

This is literally an A-to-Z marketing guide that covers 26 of the tips, tricks and strategies every online marketer ought to know!

They are the “essentials” … every online business owner needs to be employing these strategies.  And they are also “evergreen”, meaning they are long-lasting tactics … not some “here today, gone tomorrow” tricks.

Here’s the deal…

These are the “tried and true” strategies for everything from building your brand to profitable email marketing to product creation that smart business owners around the world turn to — so you know this stuff works.

Yep, it’s jam-packed with great info. Each of the 26 lessons in Everyday Essentials is 1500 words long (I’ll even let you sample one below) and contains only the “greatest hits” information you need with no wasted words.

A look inside the Everyday Essentials Premium PLR Course

Evergreen Essentials A To Z PLR Inside Look

What you’re getting are 26 lessons that cover the most important online marketing topics you need to succeed. Here’s a breakdown of the lessons:

A is for Amount, which shows you how to raise the average dollar amount per transaction with your customers!

B is for Branding, where you’ll discover the three quick steps to developing and building a profitable brand!

C is for Content, and you’ll find out how to use content to boost your traffic, build relationships, and bolster conversions!

D is for Design, because presentation is just as important as information – and that’s why you’ll want to check out these three keys for making a great first impression!

E is for Email, where you’ll discover how to Capture, Captivate and Convert subscribers to create a profitable list!

F is for Freelancer, where you’ll discover how to boost your profits by outsourcing common business tasks!

G is for Growth, and you’ll discover how to boost your profits using consistent steps for getting more traffic, growing your list and generating more sales!

H is for Habits, where you’ll find out the three-step “Plan-Prepare-Produce” system for getting more done in less time!

I is for Ideas, where you’ll find out how to generate, validate and implement profitable business ideas!

J is for Jump Start, which is all about jump starting your sales with coupons, contests, and case studies!

K is for Keys, where you’ll find out how Platform, Position and Perception will help you build a loyal tribe!

L is for Lead Magnet, where you’ll get a simple 3-step process for creating highly profitable lead magnets!

M is for Monetization, because there’s no point in building platforms if you’re not monetizing them. This cheat sheet shows you how!

N is for Naming Products, because your title can make or break a product’s success. And this cheat sheet gives you the three keys to creating effective names!

O is for Offer, where you’ll discover how to create a perfect, profitable offer!

P is for Product Creation, where you’ll get the three steps for creating high-quality, profitable products that your customers will love!

Q is for Quality, which is why this cheat sheet shows you how to proof, polish and package your way to a good reputation for creating high-quality content and offers!

R is for Research, because the first step to creating a new product is to make sure it’s something your audience really wants. This cheat sheet shows you how to do it!

S is for Social Media, where you’ll find out a three-step method for creating a more effective social media strategy!

T is for Targeting, because trying to appeal to everyone is a recipe for disaster. This cheat sheet shows you how to put the right offer in front of the right audience!

U is for USP, and this cheat sheet reveals the three questions you need to ask in order to create a USP that tells your prospects why they should do business with you!

V is for Video, and inside this cheat sheet you’ll find out the three keys (Function, Format, and Forward) for developing highly effective videos!

W is for Word-of-Mouth Advertising, and here you’ll discover the secrets of generating warm, responsive leads with viral marketing!

X is for X-Ray, which is all about getting inside your prospect’s head so you can create content and offers that really speak to them!

Y is for You, and here you’ll discover the What, Where and When of telling your story to build credibility, grow relationships and generate sales!

Z is for Zero, which will show you how to start from zero and build a new stream of income!

As you can see, there is a whole lot of profitable information revealed inside these 26 lessons. But maybe you’d like to “try it before you buy it”…

Want An Example?  Here You Go…

Now, you’re looking at these lessons with their brief descriptions and are wondering if they’re high quality.  They are … but you don’t need to take my word for it. Check out this sample lesson for yourself:

A is for Amount

One way to boost business revenue is by raising the average dollar amount generated per transaction. This means you can start making more money on every single customer who walks through your virtual door.

Here are three ways to make more money on each transaction:

  • Offer Product Levels
  • Offer a Cross-Sell or Upsell
  • Offer a Payment Plan

Let’s take a look at each of these in more detail…

Offer Product “Levels”

If you’re currently offering a single product with bonuses, then you can repackage the offer to create levels. E.G., Silver-Level Offer and Gold-Level offer.

Check out these tips:

  • Create two or three levels only. If you offer more, you may overwhelm the audience with choices. And when prospects are overwhelmed, they end up not buying anything at all.
  • Price so that the upper levels are the best deals. For just a bit more money customers should get a lot more value. This will increase the number of people who purchase the upper levels.
  • Name your levels. Don’t just call them “Package A” and “Package B.” Here are three ideas:
  • Refer to them as metals (bronze, silver, gold, platinum), which is something most people are familiar with and instantly understand.
  • Refer to them according to expertise. E.G., “Beginner Level” and “Advanced Level.”
  • Refer to them using niche words. For example, if you’re appealing to people who enjoy finding and collecting rocks, then you might name your levels using rock/gem names. E.G., “Quartz Level” and “Diamond Level.”
  • Be sure to name your levels so that upper levels appear more valuable. E.G.,

Gold Level.

Platinum Level.

Diamond Level.

Five-Star Level.

Elite Level.

So, now that you understand how to create these levels in general, let’s look at what types of products you can add to a package to boost the overall value. Take a look…

  • Access to a private support group. For example, if you’re offering a weight loss product, then customers will see the value in having a place to go to ask questions and get support when their motivation is failing them.
  • Group coaching. This is where you solicit questions from the group and answer them (rather than customers having their questions answered by their peers). You might set up a private Facebook group, solicit questions during the week, and then answer the top five or ten questions on Friday.

TIP: Alternatively, you can also offer live coaching via a webinar type setting.

  • Videos. Videos tend to carry a high perceived value, which makes them a great choice for boosting the value of a package so you can charge a higher amount.

You can create slide-share videos (where the information is presented in a PowerPoint-type presentation), talking head videos (where you look at the camera and share the information) or demo videos (where you demonstrate how to do something). For example, you might demonstrate the proper way to do bodybuilding lifts.

  • Audios. This is a good choice when the information would benefit from being presented in an auditory format. For example: teaching people how to speak Spanish.

This format also works well if your audience prefers to listen to information while they’re doing something else (such as driving or working out).

  • Extra reports or ebooks. The key is to offer something that enhances the use or enjoyment of the main offer. For example, if the main product is a weight loss ebook, then your package might include a related low-calorie cookbook.
  • Tools such as worksheets, checklists, planners and templates. You can add individual tools, or you can create an entire “toolkit” of related tools.

For example, if you’re selling career information, then you might offer a resume template and cover letter template.

  • Software, apps or plugins. These tend to have a high perceived value, so put them in your upper levels. For example, if you’re selling information about search engine optimization, then you might offer a free WordPress SEO plugin or even a keyword-discovery app.

Now let’s look at the next method for raising the amount of money you make on each transaction…

Offer a Cross-Sell or Upsell

You can offer both cross-sells and upsells to boost your transaction amounts.

  • A cross-sell is a related offer. E.G., “Would you like to add this related report to your order for just $10 more?”
  •  An upsell is an upgraded version of the offer. E.G., “Would you like the video version of this course for just $20 more?”

Be sure your cross-sells or upsells possess these characteristics:

  • They provide a lot of value for the price. You want your cross-sell or upsell offer to provide a lot of bang for the buck, which makes the offer irresistible. It’s best if the offer is only available on the order form – and if the customer doesn’t take you up on the offer but decides they want the product or service later, they’ll end up paying more for it.
  • At least one of the upsells/cross-sells is a small percentage of the overall price (such as 25%). If all your upsells/cross-sells double the price of the order, you’re likely to have lower conversions. Offer something that slightly increases the total order, and you’ll get more customers taking advantage of this offer.

E.G., if your main offer is $100, then offer a $25 upsell.

  • They are in-demand products that your audience really wants. This means you’ll need to do your market research to find out what sorts of products people in your niche are already buying.
  •  Enhance the use and enjoyment of the main product. Your main product and cross-sell should go together like milk and cookies. For example, if your main product is copywriting guide, then you can offer a sales letter critique or copywriting coaching as a cross-sell.

TIP: Use one-time offers to entice customers to purchase the upsell or cross-sell.  E.G., “Exclusive add-on offer: order now and you’ll save 50% off the regular price!” This provides some urgency, which in turn boosts conversions.

When you’re offering an upsell or cross-sell, the way you frame the offer is important. Keep in mind that your prospect has already decided to purchase the main offer. As such, you don’t need to sell them on the main offer again. Instead, you only need to persuade them to purchase the cross-sell or upsell.

This also applies when it comes time to mention the price. In this case, you don’t reiterate the price of the main offer. Instead, you ask the customer if they’d like to add the upsell/cross-sell offer to their order for $X more.

You can see this in action in places like McDonalds. If you order a meal, you might be asked if you want to biggy-size the order for “just 49 cents more.”

Notice that they don’t say, “Would you like to biggy size the order to bring it up to a total of $3.56?” Again, the customer has already decided to purchase the meal, so the clerk focuses on the upsell. This is psychologically more palatable to the customer, because they’re focused on a small number (in this case, 49 cents) versus the order total.

In order to boost conversions, be sure you frame your upsells and cross-sells in the same way. E.G., “Would you like to get lifetime access to this support group for just $24.95?”

Now let’s take a look at the third method for raising the amount of money you make on each transaction…

Offer a Payment Plan

If you have a high-ticket product, then you can boost both the conversions and the amount of the overall transaction by offering a payment plan (and charging more for spreading out payments).

For example, if you have a $997 offer, you might offer three payments of $350 each. Those who choose the payment plan in this example would pay a total of $1050, so you make an extra $53 per sale.

Follow these steps and ideas:

  • Provide a lot of ongoing value (such as by offering unadvertised bonuses). If people continue to get a lot of value while they’re making payments, then they’re less likely to cancel those payments and/or request a refund.
  • Remind people of their upcoming payments so they’re not surprised. When you do this, be sure to mention all the benefits of the product to keep people excited.
  • Reduce refunds and cancellations by creating a customer onboarding email sequence. This is a multipart sequence of at least five emails (preferably more) where you remind customers of the benefits of the product while also encouraging them to use the product. Your sequence can also provide tips and other helpful information not found inside the product.

The key is to get people using the product. Once they start using it, they’re not going to ask for a refund or cancel their payments.

  • Use automatic payment plans (such as PayPal’s rebilling feature) to collect payments. That way the whole process is hands-free for you.
  • Spread payments out across months (rather than weeks). E.G., Three payments, with each one 30 days apart.

A small boost to your per-transaction amount can add up to big profits over time!

As you can see from this excerpt, these 26 lessons are MEATY and full of useful details that you can begin putting to use immediately, and refer to over and over again.

So, the only question is:  How much is Everyday Essentials?  You’re going to like this…

Get All 150+ Pages For Just $47.00!

You won’t find a better deal around! You can get all 26 of these cheat sheets for $47 – that’s less than $1.50 per lesson. If all this information helps you create even one extra customer, you’ll recoup your investment fast!

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Everyday Essentials – eCourse (39667 words, 160 pages)
Everyday Essentials – Salesletter Word Doc
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Download File Size – 1.00 MB

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PERMISSIONS: What Can You Do With These Materials?

Sell the content basically as it is (with some minor tweaks to make it “yours”).

If you are going to claim copyright to anything created with this content, then you must substantially change at 75% of the content to distinguish yourself from other licensees.

Break up the content into small portions to sell as individual reports for $10-$20 each.

Bundle the content with other existing content to create larger products for $47-$97 each.

Setup your own membership site with the content and generate monthly residual payments!

Take the content and convert it into a multiple-week “eclass” that you charge $297-$497 to access!

Use the content to create a “physical” product that you sell for premium prices!

Convert it to audios, videos, membership site content and more.

Excerpt and / or edit portions of the content to give away for free as blog posts, reports, etc. to use as lead magnets, incentives and more!

Create your own original product from it, set it up at a site and “flip” the site for megabucks!

RESTRICTIONS: What Can’t You Do With These Materials?

To protect the value of these products, you may not pass on the rights to your customers. This means that your customers may not have PLR rights or reprint / resell rights passed on to them.

You may not pass on any kind of licensing (PLR, reprint / resell, etc.) to ANY offer created from ANY PORTION OF this content that would allow additional people to sell or give away any portion of the content contained in this package.

You may not offer 100% commission to affiliates selling your version / copy of this product. The maximum affiliate commission you may pay out for offers created that include parts of this content is 75%.

You are not permitted to give the complete materials away in their current state for free – they must be sold. They must be excerpted and / or edited to be given away, unless otherwise noted. Example: You ARE permitted to excerpt portions of content for blog posts, lead magnets, etc.

You may not add this content to any part of an existing customer order that would not require them to make an additional purchase. (IE You cannot add it to a package, membership site, etc. that customers have ALRDY paid for.)

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