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eCommerce with WooCommerce PLR Videos

eCommerce with WooCommerce PLR Video Course

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eCommerce with WooCommerce PLR Video Course

Finally Discover How to Create Your eCommerce Store With WooCommerce So You Can Start Generating Leads, Sales, & Profits!

In this step-by-step video course, you will get to watch over my shoulder as I show you how to set up an e-commerce site with WooCommerce.

Whether you’re selling digital products or physical products, creating an e-commerce store is your first step.

While there are a variety of different platforms that you can use to set up your e-commerce site, WooCommerce is the number one option if you are utilizing WordPress.

If you’ve wanted to sell your products online for a long time, but you just haven’t been able to do so because of the technical learning curve, then this is your solution.

By the end of this video course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to set up your e-commerce site from scratch on the WordPress platform.


ECommerce With WooCommerce

eCommerce with WooCommerce PLR Video Series

Condition: For this to work, you will need to have a website with WordPress installed on it. From this point, what did you how to do everything that you need to do to set things up the right way.

Video #1: Intro

Before we jump right in and show you how to set up your e-commerce site by using Woocommerce, we want to give you a quick overview of what’s inside this video course. This way, you can get a Birdseye view of exactly what is inside this course. You will also learn how to install the main core plug-in.

Video #2: Themes

Before you get started, you want to make sure that your e-commerce site looks good. The reality is most of us are not graphic designers, and if we were to create an e-commerce shop design, it would most likely look ugly. So how do you get around this roadblock? The secret is to find seems that have already been created for e-commerce sites that either fit your target market or it is close enough that you can customize it a little bit further. You’ll learn which sites we recommend you going to find the e-commerce design that you’re looking for.

Video #3: General Settings Overview

Now that you have a good idea of where to get your e-commerce website design, it’s time to look under the hood and go over the General settings of the WooCommerce plug-in. Well, there are a lot of settings, we will go over every single one of them step-by-step.

Video #4: Product Settings Overview

Now that we have gone over the General settings, it’s time to look at the product settings, which will allow you to add specific products to your e-commerce site. This also includes other options, such as creating coupons.

Video #5: Product Organization

The harsh reality is when you begin to add many products; your system will become disorganized and confusing as to what is what. To help you combat this, we will teach you essential product organization or another word on how to organize all of your products so that you know precisely what is white and where it is located.

Video #6: Product Attributes

What if you’re selling skateboards as an example? And you have all different colors such as red, green, blue, brown and more. You get the point. This is what we call attributes. They are simply variations or customizations of the same product.

Video #7: Expansion

Once you have your site set up and the basics complete, it’s time to expand. What we mean by this is how do you grow your options, perhaps, maybe you want to create your monthly subscription, or a membership site, or something that is beyond the core plug-in.

Video #8: WooCommerce Automation

Now it’s time to make your life a lot easier by automating the cord plug-in. Let’s say, for example, that every time someone purchases in your e-commerce store, you want to do something specific such as adding them to an email list, or a Google spreadsheet, or emailing them something specific. Regardless of what it is in this video, we are going to teach you how to automate it using a few third party services.

Grab this video course and learn how to set up an e-commerce site with WooCommerce!

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Follow this simple step-by-step system and start setting up your very own digital membership site!

This Private Label Rights Video Course comes with an entire business in a box reseller package that you can use, rebrand and resell at your wish.

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Here’s The Sales Video You’ll Be Getting With This PLR Video Course:

Here’s a Sample Video So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Videos:

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Download Package Details:

  • 8 640X360 MP4 Flash Videos
  • 8 1280X720 MP4 Videos
  • 8 MP3 Voiceovers
  • 8 Transcripts
  • Sales Video in MP4 Format
  • Sales-letter in DOC, HTML and PDF Format
  • Editable Graphics: Covers, Flat Cover, Header, Footer, Button (Images and PSD)

Total File Download Size:

876 Megabytes (MB)

Private Label Rights License:

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