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Copywriting Expertise PLR eBook Resell PLR

How would you like to own your own PLR info-product where you can sell the product with Private Label Rights and earn top profits? Yes! You Heard Right…

On this page, you’ll discover a evergreen and highly in-demand Copywriting Expertise PLR eBook where you can grab a reseller license to sell the ebook with PLR rights; this means you’ll be helping others to find PLR ebooks they can resell as their own!

And we’re not going to charge you a high price for this PLR Copywriting Expertise Resell PLR eBook, we want to empower you and your business to sell PLR to your own Copywriting Expertise PLR ebooks so that you can earn good profits from selling PLR rights while helping YOUR audience.

But you’re not just limited to selling PLR, you can so much more with the PLR content, just read the reseller PLR license at the bottom of this page to see exactly what you can and cannot do with it.

The Reseller PLR license is very flexible, you can even give it away for free! Just not with PLR rights.


Copywriting Expertise PLR eBook Resell PLR

Copywriting Expertise PLR eBook Resell PLR

A 10172 Word Copywriting Expertise Ebook with Reseller Private Label Rights so you can resell it with a PLR license!


Here’s a Screenshot inside the Copywriting Expertise PLR book:

Copywriting Expertise PLR eBook Resell PLR Screenshot

Table of Contents for the Copywriting Expertise PLR Ebook:


Chapter 1: Drafting a High-Converting Sales Letter

  • Use The Verbal “2×4”
  • Go Fast; It Goes in a Round File
  • Testimonial Time
  • Make Your Customers an Offer They Can’t Refuse
  • Use a Guarantee
  • Encourage Those Delaying
  • Action Call
  • Always Be Closing
  • Use Magical Afterthoughts
  • Use The Order Form to Drive It Home

Chapter 2: Leveraging the Power of the Words and their Hidden Secrets

  • Entice Your Prospects with an Excellent Sales Copy

Chapter 3: Copywriting Formula for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

  • What Is SEO Copywriting?
  • Some Dos of SEO Copywriting:

Chapter 4: Questions You Have While Writing Awesome Copy

  • Making Yourself a Better Copywriter

Chapter 5: Selecting The Correct Copywriting

  • Choosing an Influential Copywriter
  • Watch Out For The Following

Chapter 6: Successful Copywriting Necessities

  • Headlines That Will Either Make or Break Your Copywriting

Chapter 7: Deciding the Perfect Length of Your Sales Copy

  • Some Basic Outlines to Follow
  • Emphasis Importance On Your Sentences

Chapter 8: Perfect & Engaging Copywriting – The Basics


Here’s a Sample of the Copywriting Expertise Content inside the eBook:

Copywriting is an exclusive technique that permits you to promote such things as products, special events, individuals or companies. Copywriting is regarded as one of the most important elements of any marketing strategy.

It should be considered as the tool to help your company promote itself. Your customers or returning clients are familiar with the quality of the products and service that you offer and consistency of your business. However, most of the people find or “discover” your site by the search terms or keywords they enter into search engines.

How is the copywriting performed? Irrespective of the company you have, diversities of products and services you provide, you should be fixed to several important rules. Despite the fact that copywriting has changed during the last decade due to the wide use of the internet, some fundamental rules still apply.

As simple as copywriting might look, it should comprise several vital elements. First, it must have an intriguing and appealing headline that entices your visitor to explore further down the page. It must contain subheadings where main features of the heading are restated. The most significant part of the copywriting copy is definitely the body that tells the major points of your text. It should be easy-to-read, logically structured and coherent.

Ideal copywriting content should highlight the benefits of the product, its uniqueness and clearly state reasons your visitors should buy from you. One should remember that there are plenty of other people, businesses and websites, which might sell identical products and services as you.

In order to be successful, you should stand out from the crowd. This technique should apply in offline and online copywriting alike and if the technique is performed professionally it leads to the increase of the traffic on your website. When writing a sales letter remember that one of the most important elements of the content is persuasion.

One should persuade your visitors to take further actions to make a purchase from you rather than from your competitor’s. If the principles of persuasion, action, desire, and motivation are applied in your copywriting, one can be sure that it will bring positive results.

Chapter 1: Drafting a High-Converting Sales Letter

Ever heard of the saying that if the heart’s in it, the brain will follow? There is need to capture the heart of today’s advert weary buyer as a result from flooding sales letters from received advertised products or services.

There is need to follow the required step-by-step structure for your sales letters to achieve results. A structural plan that goes into the heart.

Emotion is the key to buying anything; whether it is paper clips or plain paper, emotions are required to enhance a purchase. Once the emotion is set rolling, facts, specifications, and the likes are used to justify the decision made.

Catching your customer’s emotion is the main essence of every sentence, phrase and everything about your sales letter.

The promise of gain and the fear of loss are the two emotions that really motivate people. The stronger is the fear of loss. Choosing from using either “How to keep from being sued” or “Save money in legal fees” as headlines will get better a response as an example of a sales letter.

Basic human needs are based on keeping the fear of loss or the promise of gain which give rise to seven emotional hooks. Your sales letter must frankly address as many of these basic needs irrespective of your product or service.

These seven emotional hooks are:

  • Free time.
  • Self-satisfaction.
  • Fun or excitement.
  • Safety or Security.
  • Good looks.

Using all these is more important. So, how do you get them to the heart, or get your prospective customers to act or utilize the copy paradigm? For instance, you will catch the attention if you shout “Peanuts” facing an audience in rows of bleachers in a baseball stadium. Your boss has given you a bag of peanuts that you must completely sell or you’ll get fired. Therefore, you must sell.

Use The Verbal “2×4”

An emotional motivator must be used to hit them on the head, meaning you start with an envelope. You can ask “When you saw a plain white envelope, did you remember the last time you rushed to open it?” Remember that you must make use of the promise of gain or fear of loss, written boldly.

Let’s consider these two examples:

Gain: In this white envelope, we put a money-making miracle.

Loss: Work hard for the rest of your life and throw this away.

The envelope was eventually open and you saw a boring paragraph about your leadership in the industry having conventional sentences about dedication, innovation, and commitment.

It Goes in a Round File

Making use of our key motivators; the promise of gain or fear of loss. Either must be in the headline, as your reader must not miss it and it must strengthen the headline into watering their appetite to rip open the envelope. Both your headline and sales letter must come together in their emotional impact and the message.

For instance, “You are halfway to getting rich if you finish reading this letter”. Our next discussion will be about the body of the copy, getting what to say to leave your existing or prospective customers begging for your product. You must mine the clues to master the perfect sales pitch and get into your customer’s emotions.

Testimonial Time

Heard of profiling? You put details of key specifications that build trust in your company and you. This can be done by sharing satisfactory words of testimonials from your satisfied customers. There will be the edge if you can get this from people in the industry that your prospects recognize and you can also make use of photos, phone numbers if you have access to them to boost your credibility.

You can share experiences of how long you have been in the business and share any articles about your company and or its products that were shown in the any type of media. These might cost more as they are revealed from an impartial source.

Having mitigated their fears concerning doing business with an unknown entity, your prospects will be completely sold about your product or service. They won’t think about you but about what you can do for them to solve their problem. This is the right time to share your details because you have built trust.

Make Your Customers an Offer They Can’t Refuse

After your customers go through your sales letter, make them an urgent, compelling and irrefutable offer. Offers that will make them feel they aren’t losing anything but their problems. Let’s say you combine 3 big offers of irresistible free gifts, terms, and price.

For instance, you can make an additional offer of giving a low-interest rate, for example, a blade-sharpening tool and a discounted retail price for sales of a cordless electric mower. Adding an additional benefit might serve as safety goggles or an extended warranty to raise the perceived value for the electric mower. Your offer is enhanced with convincing benefits.

Use a Guarantee

There is need to take the risk out of the purchase, by giving a strongest guarantee you can, making your offer bulletproof, allowing your reader to know that you are absolutely sure about your product or service. Every customer listens to a little voice that talks in his or her head that “You will regret buying this”. Go ahead with this final commitment, back it up with a guarantee.

Encourage Those Delaying

Some readers’ mind is willing but the flesh is weak as they want to purchase. They know and are convinced that your product or service can solve their problem. They have been reading your letter and are convinced about your product, it is time to use the emotional motivator which is the fear of loss.

For the example of the mower we are using, you can tap into this fear of your reader because of the good offer on the product, there are only a few mowers remaining or that the offer is reserved only for the next 50 customers that buy or the extended warranty is available only for few days. The promise of gain can as well do the same as the fear of loss. Another example could be to buy now and get a $20 gift card.

Action Call

Use simple action words, keep it simple stupid (KISS). Your readers are flooded with messages every day though they have assurance for your product. Each product has different buying procedure which only you and your staff are aware of for your readers who need it. Stop!

Take them through the purchasing process, either to make a phone call or they need to fill out a form and email it or they need to fill out the form, say so. Let them have the clear ordering of what they are buying.

Always Be Closing

As you sprinkle your call to action all over your letter, ask for the order and follow ABC of Alec Baldwin’s admonition in the Glengarry Glen Ross movie “Always Be Closing”. ABC won’t come as a surprise when you give another call to action at the end of the letter as it will serve as another reminder or if they are ready to order halfway, they will be notified on what to do.

Use Magical Afterthoughts

Do you think nobody reads Afterthoughts? I bet you’re wrong. Afterthoughts or postscripts are the third most read part of the letter after the headline and any picture captions. Afterthoughts must be brief, compelling, drawing on your key motivators of loss and gain, establishing urgency and value. They are places to repeat your irresistible offer to your readers and top wordsmiths use these in their letter.

Use The Order Form to Drive It Home

The little voice behind every customer comes alive again here when it gets to the order form. Some of the best sales are won or lost on the order form. It might come like “Go ahead”, “You’ll regret this” or “Are you sure of what you are doing now”. These can be tagged Remorse of a pre-emptive buyer. Use key motivators one last time (gain and loss); only be brief, urgent and compelling just like previous persuasive arguments as before.

Note: The above content is just a snippet of the ebook.


Finding ebooks to that you can sell with a PLR license online is very rare, most of them are junk outdated or don’t even make sense.

Don’t wait any longer, grab your reseller PLR license to this high in-demand evergreen PLR Copywriting Expertise eBook and start using it to build your list or resell with private label rights for big profits!

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Package Details:

Download File Size: 19.1 Megabytes (MB)

eBook Format: Word Doc, Open Office Doc, Text Doc and PDF formats.

PLR eBook Graphics: Includes a Flat and 3D eCover with PSD files.

Total Word Count: 10 000+ Words


PLR License Terms

PLR Reseller License Terms and Conditions:

[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be used for personal use
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
[YES] Can modify/change the main product
[YES] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
[YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
[YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be used to build a list
[YES] Can print/publish offline
[YES] Can be given away for free
[YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
[YES] Can be added to free membership websites
[YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
[YES] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
[YES] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights


You may not sell this product or the any of its rights if you ask for a refund. Your license will become null and void.

You must keep this license to verify yourself as an official licensee. You must be able to show the license on demand.

You may not market the product in any immoral, illegal or unethical way (Spam).

You are responsible for your own hosting, download locations, payment processor and customer service to your customers.

Any violation of this license will be subject to revoking this agreement and potential legal action may ensue.

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