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75 Unrestricted Eating Disorder PLR Articles Pack

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#EatingDisorder #EatingDisorderTips #Anorexia #Bulimia #BingeEating #EatingForLife

75 Unrestricted Eating Disorder PLR Articles Pack

In this PLR Content Pack You’ll get 75 Unrestricted Eating Disorder PLR Articles Pack with Private Label Rights to help you dominate the Eating Disorder market which is a highly profitable and in-demand niche.

These Eating Disorder PLR articles are available in Text file format and can be downloaded instantly after purchase.

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 Introducing The…

75 Unrestricted Eating Disorder PLR Articles Pack

Who Can Use This PLR Article Pack?

  • Internet Marketers
  • Coaches
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Digital Product Resellers
  • List Builders
  • Bloggers

What Can You Do This Eating Disorder PLR?

  • Resell it as an E-course.
  • Use it as blog posts.
  • Create an autoresponder series.
  • Create an ebook, video or report to resell or use it to build your email list.
  • Create any kind of info product which you can resell with a personal use license.
  • And MANY other ways!

Here are the titles of the 75 Eating Disorder Articles:

1. 10 Easy Ways to a ‘Healthy-Diet’ for Kids
2. 10 Things You Can Eat That Can Make You Clever
3. About Anorexia
4. Acid Reflux Disease – The Big Lie!
5. Acomplia And Xenical For The Treatment Of Obesity
6. Addiction And Recovery-Eating Disorders
7. An Introduction To Eating Disorders
8. Anorexia – A Disease Induced By the Society
9. Anorexia as a Topical Issue of Modern Society
10. Battling an Eating Disorder – When Bulimia Becomes a True American Idol Sized Problem
11. Be Aware of Acid Reflux by Learning its Symptoms
12. Binge eating Binge eating disorder Compulsive exercising
13. Binge Eating – Men Also At Risk
14. Binge Eating Disorder – An Act Of Overeating
15. Binge Eating is Not Black and White Thinking
16. Binge Eating Practicing Control for Weight Loss
17. Bulimia
18. Bulimia – Not Fatal Anymore
19. Bulimia Eating Disorder
20. Bulimia Nervosa – An Eating Disorder
21. Can Affirmations End Binge Eating Disorder
22. Change is Vital to End Binge Eating Disorder
23. Common Bulimia nervosa
24. Common Myths and Misconceptions about Anorexia
25. Controversial Aspects of Pro Anorexia
26. Dangers of Eating Disorders – Anorexia Nervosa
27. Deadly Eating Disorders
28. Death By Starvation – Complications of Eating Disorders
29. Depression and Food Binging in the Family
30. Do I Really Have Bulimia
31. Don’t Obsess About Food
32. Downsize Your Waistline with Adipex
33. Dying to Be Thin
34. Eating Disorders And How To Treat Them
35. Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders
36. Eating Disorders Disturbances In Eating Behavior
37. Eating Disorders Explained
38. Eating Disorders in Adolescents
39. Eating For Life
40. Excessive Exercise and Eating Disorders
41. Families Face Challenges Of Eating Disorders
42. Five Simple Steps to Stopping a Binge
43. Healing Food Addiction
44. Hollywood Anorexia Nervosa
45. How The Law Of Attraction Can Help With Depression And Eating Disorders
46. Hypnosis For Eating Disorders
47. I Have Binge Eating Disorder… Now What
48. I Think I Have an Eating Disorder and Want to Stop
49. Identifying The Two Common Eating Disorders Anorexia and Bulimia
50. Information on Eating Disorders
51. Interesting Features of Anorexia
52. Is Binge Eating Making You Feel Alone
53. Keeping it at Arm’s Length
54. Learn to Love and Accept Yourself
55. Lisa Ryckman reviews fad diet books ruthlessly
56. Mental Stress and Poor Body Image Among Men
57. New Hope For Sufferers Of Obsessive And Compulsive Disorders
58. Obesity and Binge Eating
59. Osteoporosis as a Common Affection of Girls with Anorexia
60. Pathological Eating Disorders and Poly-Behavioral Addiction
61. Planting Vegetable Gardens for Stress Relief
62. Positive Self-Esteem for Binge Eaters
63. Protein Your Plate Is The Key To A Healthier You
64. prozac bipolar disorder bulimia anxiety
65. Rheumatoid arthritis and Back Pain
66. Ten Things To Do Instead of Binge Eating
67. The Skinny on Anorexia
68. The Skinny On Diet Pills
69. The Trap Of An Eating Disorder
70. The Two Most Common Acid Reflux Surgery with Quick Recovery
71. The Woman In The Mirror – My Personal Story
72. Three Deadly Eating Disorders
73. To Be Young, Hip And Super Thin
74. Training the Fussy Eater
75. What Is Anorexia Nervosa

Here’s a Sample Article So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Article Pack:

10 Easy Ways to a ‘Healthy-Diet’ for Kids

Creating a Healthy Home can be easier than you think.

Creating a nutritionally healthy home is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure the health of your child. To start, make smart food choices, and help your child develop a positive relationship with healthy food. Your children will learn their food smarts from your example.

Here are the top 10 tips for getting children to eat healthy food:

1. Do not restrict food. Restricting food increases the risk your child may develop eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia later in life. It can also have a negative effect on growth and development. Also by restricting food you will actually increase the risk of overeating later in the day which will cause weight gain.

2. Keep healthy food at hand. Children will eat what’s readily available. Keep fruit in a bowl on the counter, not buried in the crisper section of your fridge. Remember, your child can only choose foods that you stock in the house, by limiting ‘junk food’ you will, by default, teach your child how to choose healthier foods.

3. Don’t label foods as “good” or “bad.” Instead, tie foods to the things your child cares about, such as sports, academics and hobbies. Let your child know that lean protein such as turkey and calcium in dairy products give strength to their sports and academic performance, the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables add luster to skin and hair and the carbs in whole grains will give them energy to play.

4. Praise healthy choices. Give your children a proud smile and tell them how smart they are when they choose healthy foods. Kids thrive on positive reinforcement!

5. Don’t nag about unhealthy choices. If your child chooses unhealthy foods infrequently, ignore it. However, if your child always wants fatty, fried food, redirect the choice. You might try roasting potato sticks in the oven (tossed in just a bit of oil) instead of buying french fries. Or, if your child wants candy, you might make fresh strawberries dipped in a little chocolate sauce. Too busy? Then keep naturally sweet dried fruit at home for quick snacks. With consistent effort taste buds change and soon your child will be craving healthy foods.

6. Never use food as a reward. This could create weight problems in later life. Instead, reward your children with something physical and fun — perhaps a trip to the park or a quick game of catch.

7. Sit down to family dinners at night. If this isn’t a tradition in your home, it should be. Research shows that children who eat dinners at the table with their parents have better nutrition and are less likely to get in serious trouble as teenagers. Start with one night a week, and then work up to three or four, to gradually build the habit.

8. Prepare plates in the kitchen. There you can put healthy portions of each item on everyone’s dinner plate. Your children will learn to recognize correct portion sizes. Too often people go for seconds and even thirds just because the food is right there. You might notice that you need less food to feel full!

9. Give the kids some control. Ask your children to take three bites of all the foods on their plate and give it a grade, such as A, B, C, D, or F. When healthy foods – especially certain vegetables — get high marks, serve them more often. Offer the items your children don’t like less frequently. This lets your children participate in decision making. After all, dining is a family affair!

How to Purchase This Eating Disorder PLR Pack? 

Simply add it to cart, and checkout using with our secure 2Checkout Payment Gateway which supports PayPal and all major Credit Cards.

We will only be selling 50 copies on this Eating Disorder PLR content pack, so don’t waste any time and grab your PLR license while it’s still available for sale.

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Package Details:

Download File Size – 203 KB

License Details:

[YES] You get all the articles with private label rights
[YES] You can brand the articles with your name
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[YES] You can use the articles to create an autoresponder email series
[YES] You can use articles as web content
[YES] You can use articles as content for your ebooks
[YES] You can use articles as content for your reports
[YES] You can use articles as content for your off-line publications
[YES] You can use translate all articles to any language you want
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[YES] You can sell them with private label rights
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[YES] You can give them as a bonus
[YES] You can package them and sell the packages in any way you want
[YES] You can start a membership site and deliver articles to your members
[NO] You cannot give them away for free under any circumstances

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