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5 High Quality Traffic Generation PLR Articles

5 High Quality Traffic Generation PLR Articles

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5 High Quality Traffic Generation PLR Articles

5 well-written Traffic Generation PLR articles that you can use as blog content or re-purpose into other digital formats to market your business online.

These Traffic Generation PLR articles are available in Word and can be downloaded instantly after purchase.

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Introducing The…

5 High Quality Traffic Generation PLR Articles

5 High Quality Traffic Generation PLR Articles

Who Can Use This Traffic Generation PLR Article Pack?

  • Internet Marketers
  • Coaches
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Digital Product Resellers
  • List Builders
  • Bloggers

What Can You Do With This Traffic Generation PLR?

  • Resell it as an E-course.
  • Use it as blog posts.
  • Create an autoresponder series.
  • Create an ebook, video or report to resell or use it to build your email list.
  • Create any kind of info product which you can resell with a personal use license.
  • And MANY other ways!

Here are the titles of the 5 Traffic Generation Articles:

  1. 7 Free Traffic Fundamentals You MUST Get Right! (1,137 words)
  2. Discover How to Drive Massive Traffic from YouTube (1,256 words)
  3. How to Drive Traffic and Build Your List with Facebook Groups (1,205 words)
  4. How to Grow Your Blog Traffic with Pinterest (906 words)
  5. Instagram Traffic Generation Tips That Work (1,476 words)

Here’s a Sample Article So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Article Pack:

7 Free Traffic Fundamentals You MUST Get Right!

Thinking of getting tons of free web traffic to your blog or other online properties?

Here’s what you need to know first – there’s no such thing as ‘free’ traffic.

Wait, what?

Yes, it’s true. While you’ll not be paying for it like you would with paid traffic (e.g. Google Adwords, Facebook advertising), you’ll still be paying for free traffic with your TIME… and effort.

Make no mistake about that. There’s always a cost involved.

Like they say, time is money. You’ll need to put in a lot of time if you’re using free methods to drive traffic to your site.

The good news is that your efforts will reap dividends many times over in future, and organic traffic does convert better than cold, paid traffic.

Now let’s look at the 7 fundamentals you need to master…

  • It all comes down to value

Ultimately, whether you’re using YouTube or Facebook Groups or Pinterest to build a loyal audience who likes and trusts you – you MUST deliver outstanding value.

That means creating content that helps your niche audience. Give away some of your best tips and techniques for free. When you do that, your audience will believe that what you’re selling is even better.

Over and above that, they’ll not want to miss out on your other tips. What does that mean?

It means they’ll subscribe to your YouTube channel, they’ll follow your Facebook group closely, etc. They want to stay updated of your latest content. So, give them your BEST!

  • Frequency

The more content you put out, the more eyeballs you’ll get on your videos, posts, etc. If they’re well-optimized for the search engines on the platforms, you will get organic traffic sooner or later.

So, aim to post daily. If you’re using YouTube as your free traffic method, a video a day is fantastic… or if that’s too much, how about 2 videos a week?

You MUST be consistent and relatively frequent. Aim to post at least one new piece of content a week.

  • Focus on ONLY ONE traffic source

Dispersing your efforts over multiple traffic methods will only weaken your results. The key to succeeding with free traffic will be to focus on just one method at a time.

For example, let’s assume you’ve chosen YouTube as your traffic method of choice.

Now your focus should be on creating engaging videos that get views, optimizing those videos, aiming for a high ‘watch time’ so that you can use monetization effectively and so on.

Once you’ve mastered YouTube and you’re getting consistent results, NOW you may venture into testing another traffic method (e.g. Facebook groups). Ideally, you should be generating enough income with YouTube to allow you to outsource some of the tasks.

This will free up your time to work on the next traffic method. The goal is to maintain and scale up the traffic from YouTube, while trying to drive traffic from your Facebook groups.

That’s how you drive free traffic systematically. Always focus on one method and get it to work before starting on another.

The YouTube example above is just to give you an idea of how to approach it. But the principle applies across the board to any free traffic method you choose.

  • Engage, engage, engage

If you’re using a Facebook group to drive traffic, engage with the people in your group. It’s called social media for a reason. You MUST be social.

If you’re posting videos on YouTube, do reply to comments on your videos and thank people who engage with your content. This is how you build goodwill and loyalty.

While you don’t need to reply to all comments, just replying to the first 5 or so will show that you’re present and listening to your audience.

  • Patience

As effective as it is, free traffic is a ‘long game’.

Unlike paid traffic where you get fast feedback, with free traffic, gaining traction takes time. But when it does, it will snowball.

So many beginners quit after 1 or 2 months thinking that what they’re doing is not working. In reality, they just need to give it about 8-12 months.

What? That’s too long?

Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day… but they were laying bricks every hour. You’ll be building your online brand and empire with every single ‘brick’ of content you post.

It’ll take time and effort… but nothing worth having comes easy. So, keep at it.

  • Always be ‘natural’

Most platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. are highly advanced and even intuitive. The algorithms can spot people trying to game the system a mile away.

So, avoid trying to take shortcuts by posting multiple duplicate videos with different titles (on YouTube) because you want more free traffic with less work. You just might end up getting your channel shut down.

The same applies to most platforms. Always be ‘natural’ and avoid keyword stuffing. Think like the audience on the platform. Don’t think like a marketer.

People like watching interesting videos on YouTube. Give that to them and you’ll succeed. In the same vein, Instagram and Pinterest users love attractive pictures. Give them those and you’ll get tons of likes and repins.

It’s all about giving the audience what they want… and the platform’s algorithms will reward you for your efforts with more reach and favorable metrics.

  • Build your list

Here’s a mantra to repeat – “I will NOT build my house on rented land!”

While you need the high traffic platforms to ‘siphon’ traffic, it’d be wise to remember that you’re playing in someone else’s sandbox. They can shut your account down in a second if they feel like you’re not complying with their rules.

This is a very real scenario that has happened to thousands of marketers who have lost entire YouTube channels, Facebook accounts and so on.

Please Note: The above content is only a sample preview of one of the articles in this PLR Article Pack so that you can see the quality of the content.

How to Purchase This Traffic Generation PLR Pack? 

Simply add it to cart, and checkout using with our secure 2Checkout Payment Gateway which supports PayPal and all major Credit Cards.

We will only be selling 50 copies on this Traffic Generation PLR content pack, so don’t waste any time and grab your PLR license while it’s still available for sale

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Package Details:

5 Traffic Generation PLR Articles in Word & Text format

Total Word Count –  Over 5980 Words

Download File Size – 288 KB

PLR License Details:

  • You can add the articles or content to an ebook or product that you plan to sell or give away for individual use.
  • You can use the content to build your email list.
  • You can modify the content by removing, adding or otherwise editing to suit your needs.
  • You can use the content on your websites, blogs, newsletters or anywhere you publish content.
  • You can add your affiliate links, product links, Adsense and other ad code.
  • You can bundle the content into a viral report, free ebook, product or bonus for your customers.
  • You can charge for access to read this content. For example, a paid ebook, membership site or other paid access content.
  • You can translate it into another language and resell with personal use rights.
  • You can add the content as a autoresponder email series.

What you CANNOT do:

1 – You CANNOT sell this product as your own PLR or in your PLR store.

2 – You CANNOT submit any of the content provided by Buy Quality PLR to reprint article directories or other websites which accept reprint content even if you have edited or reworded the content.

Why? Because many article directories won’t take PLR articles. If everyone started submitting similarly written articles to these directories it wouldn’t be fair for the directory owners, their users or our members. Be fair to everyone involved and don’t do it, even if you feel you’ve edited or reworded the article.

3 – You CANNOT sell this product with a PLR, MRR or Resell Rights License.

Legal Disclaimer:

This license is Non – Transferrable; meaning you cannot give these same rights away. If you want to sell rights to your customers; pay close attention to the license below. We closely monitor vendors that sell the product and take legal violations seriously.

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Violations will be obvious will be prosecuted under the DMCA federal law. You cannot give the product away for free, even to your list.

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