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#Environmental #EnvironmentalBenefits #EnvironmentalProtection #SolarPower #ClimateChange
150 Unrestricted Environmental PLR Articles Pack
In this PLR Content Pack You’ll get 60 Unrestricted Environmental PLR Articles Pack with Private Label Rights to help you dominate the Environmental market which is a highly profitable and in-demand niche.
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These Environmental PLR articles are available in Text file format and can be downloaded instantly after purchase.
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150 Unrestricted Environmental PLR Articles Pack
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What Can You Do This Environmental PLR?
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Here are the titles of the 150 Unrestricted Environmental Articles:
1. 5 Great Reasons To Harness Solar Power
2. 10 reasons to buy a hybrid car
3. 13 SEER – Earth Day Working Together To Improve the Environment
4. A Great Loneliness
5. A Practical Solution To U.S. Energy Needs May Exist
6. A Really Intimate Look At Wind Turbines And Deciding What You Might Opt For
7. African Safaris boast spectacular wildlife
8. Air Purifiers – A breath of fresh air
9. Air Purifiers and Filters Guide
10. Americans Get Serious About Recycling
11. America’s Beauty Is Everywhere You Make It
12. An Overview of Wind as an Energy Source
13. Antarctica Is It Really In Danger
14. Are We Humans Really The Masters Of This Planet
15. Asia Africa and Climate Modification
16. Bio Pyramid
17. Bio-Fuels – The Fuel Of The Future
18. Biomass – Heating Your Home With Corn
19. Birds – The Peregrine Falcon
20. Bird-Watchers Flock To Florida Beaches
21. Bright Hopes For The Future Of Solar Energy
22. Can home-improvements increase the value of your house
23. Chemicals that Mimic Hormones Explain Birth Defects and 8 year-olds Reaching Puberty
24. Clean Vacationing
25. Climate Change – What is it
26. Climate Modification and Volcanoes
27. Common Turtle Species
28. Concentrating Sunlight for Energy
29. Corporate Social Responsibility
30. Cut Emissions And Save Money With A Hybrid Car
31. Do You Realize You Already Use Biomass Fuel in Your Vehicle
32. Don t Touch It and other simple nature-friendly advice
33. Easy Tips to Help You Reduce Recycle Reuse
34. Efficiency Equals Reduction
35. Endangered Species Act Stirs Strong Feelings
36. Energy – What You Need To Know About Bio Fuels
37. Energy Aware and Waste Wise
38. Energy Department Kicks in 119 Million for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Research
39. Environmental Benefits of LED Lighting
40. Environmental Protection Vision And Confusion
41. Environmentalists and the Wind Power Debate In Maine
42. Everything You wanted To Know About Solar Panels
43. Facts On Fuels
44. For or Against Wind farms
45. Forget Global Warming
46. Future Energy Concepts – The Fuel Cell
47. Garbage in its Place
48. Global Warming – Fact or Fiction
49. Green choices give Valentines Day gifts with the planet in mind
50. Guide for Quitting Smoking Cigarettes
51. Harvesting A Natural Resource Wind Power
52. Help For Our Economy And Ecology
53. Help Look After The Planet Recycling Your Old Computer
54. Historical Advances in Producing Electricity From the Sun
55. Honda Inverter Generators
56. How clean is the air in your house
57. How Green Is Your Home
58. How Solar Thermal Works In Your Home
59. How To Do Your Bit To Protect The Environment
60. How To Leave Global Warming Out In The Cold
61. How-To Camp Green This Summer
62. Hurricane Season 2006 Four Steps To An Efficient Evacuation.
63. Improving your home can make it a nicer place to live.
64. Is A SoyChlor Plant Killing Animals People And Children In Jefferson Iowa
65. Is Biomass Really a Clean Energy Resource
66. Is Recycling A Waste Of Time Money And Energy
67. Keeping Natural Gas Clean And Available
68. Kids And Trees Grow With The Environmental Three R s
69. Kohler and Jacobsen Greens King Engines When To Repower…
70. Learn More About Global Warming
71. LED Emergency Lanterns Preparing Your Home for a Power Outtage
72. LEDs …The Technology That Will Soon Light Our Planet.
73. Let Us Learn Giving From Mother Earth
74. Light Emitting Diodes Technology Expanding to Hundreds of Applications
75. Live and Let Live Nature s Message
76. Log Homes the Natural Green Building Solution
77. Methane and Potential Impacts on Global Warming
78. Natural Environmentally-Friendly Household Cleaners
79. Nature vs. Mankind
80. New York Green Building Initiative
81. Nuclear Power It s Back
82. Officials Test Levels of Asbestos at WTC Site
83. Overview of Geothermal Energy
84. Overview of Solar As An Energy Platform
85. Panj-aab My brethren please listen to us.
86. Planting Trees Can Cut Your Energy Costs
87. Polar Bears in Trouble
88. Pond Weed Clean-Up A Neighborhood Effort
89. Precycling Saves You Money While Helping The Environment
90. Prescription Checklist Air Conditioner Filter Change Or Clean
91. President Bush Goes Solar
92. Protecting Sea Turtles
93. Reasons Wind Power Is a Viable Energy Solution
94. Recycling Resolutions
95. Renewable Energy
96. Reuse in the Workshop
97. Ride Share For A Cleaner and Greener Tomorrow
98. Rising Uk Energy Prices Compound Fuel Poverty Problems
99. Saguaro The King of Cacti
100. Save Energy Money And The Planet Every Day. Simple Steps Make A Difference
101. Save The Pacific Foundation.
102. Saving Sea Turtles From Extinction Turtle Friendly Outdoor Lighting Solutions
103. Saving the Planet and Looking Good Doing it
104. Scotland s castles and estates face funding challenge
105. Scrapbooking Tips That Respect The Environment
106. Sea Turtles In North Cyprus
107. Sharp Solar Solar Energy Manufacturer
108. Solar Panels
109. Solar Panels May Have Ultimately Arrived At Economic Efficiency
110. Solar Power Being Environment Friendly
111. Solar Power- How Does It Save The Environment
112. Solar vs. Oil
113. Starting A School Recycling Program
114. Stick to your nature future is yours
115. Student-Teacher Relations
116. Sulfites
117. Summer Camp And Saving the Planet
118. Suntan-Oil – How protected are you
119. Swimming in shark infested waters
120. Ten reasons for visiting Costa Rica in the rainy season
121. The Arctic and the Melting
122. The Benefits Of Switching To Solar
123. The Benefits Of Wind Power
124. The Continuing Spread Of Light Pollution
125. The Environmental Book on Everyone s Lips
126. The facts about Environmental damage in the UK
127. The Future of Solar is Bright
128. The Main Sources of Pollution
129. The Reality Of Global Warming
130. The revival of Scotland s Castles
131. The Solar Decathlon
132. The World Turns To Renewable Energy
133. Those Amazing Penguins
134. Tips on Becoming an Earth-Friendly Consumer
135. Top Tips For Conserving Water In Your Area
136. Trash Talk Your Way to a Better World
137. Tropical Rainforest Species
138. Trumpeting An Elephant s Success
139. Unpatriotic Threat To American Eagle Habitat
140. Uses for Solar In Every Day Life
141. Uses Of Wind Turbines
142. Vehicle Emissions
143. Water Conservation Ideas for the Kitchen Sink
144. Ways to Prevent Climate Modification
145. What Is Light Pollution
146. Why Does The Sky Glow At Night
147. Why is quitting smoking so hard
148. Why It Is Important To Take Care Of Your Mind
149. Why The Frogs No Longer Sing – A Case Study On The Survival Of A Freshwater Lake.
150. Why Use Biomass for Our Energy Needs
151. Why Use Recycled Plastic Lumber
152. Why Use Solar Power – 6 Great Reasons
153. Why Use Solar Power. Some Great Reasons
154. Wind Farm Efficiency
155. Wind Power Advantages
156. Wind Turbines
157. Wood-Framed Homes Prove To Be Better for Environment
158. Worms Elongated
159. Your Carbon Footprint What Colour Are You
Here’s a Sample Article So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Article Pack:
5 Great Reasons To Harness Solar Power
Very simply put, ‘Solar energy’ is energy that is derived from the sun. Our sun is an abundant source of energy; it gives of heat and light. The sun’s been revered by several cultures of the past and even by a few cultures still present today. The ancient Egyptians even worshiped the sun as a God.
All said and done, it was not misplaced respect; the sun certainly is an abundant and limitless source of power, at least for several generations to come; the merits for using its solar energy are numerous.
It’s free
Every morning with each dawn, the solar energy released by the sun comes filtered through our atmosphere providing light and helping to radiate heat. This has been happening for millions of years yet it is only recently that we have begun to capitalize on this abundant source of almost infinite power.
In the past the Greeks and the Egyptians have been known to harness the power of the sun to heat whatever they wished to by concentrating its radiation.
It’s non-polluting
The energy from the sun is clean and free of any pollutants; unlike various sources of energy present today like petroleum or organic fuels that leave back residues and often leave back harmful gases when utilized to create energy.
Extremely reliable
The sun has been burning for roughly four and a half billion years now and is likely to burn on for another four to five billion years to come. That’s definitely more than our lifetimes and certainly more than several generations of the future. Every morning it promptly shows up and vanishes for the evening while it lights up another portion of the globe.
The saying “as sure as day” did not come about for nothing; assuming the sun is shining brightly, depending on which part of the globe you are you can harness the energy of the sun to either store it away or utilize its energy in a different way.
There is no restriction on how much energy we can use from the sun. Apparently, the amount of energy that comes from the sun every few minutes if successfully harnessed can power the entire United States of America for a whole year. If we were only able to harness the immense energy of the sun we would be able to solve all the worlds’ energy problems.
Ever wonder why no one thought about this earlier? How come if there’s so much energy just lying around, we simply cannot seem to efficiently harness it? How it that so much of the sun energy seems to go totally unnoticed and is ultimately wasted?
Well one of the reasons that this wonderful power reserve is generally wasted is the fact that the sunlight that we actually receive is so thinly dissipated across the earth to be able to contribute substantially enough if we try to harness it.
For us to be able to actually harness the power of the sun we have to be able to manipulate, focus and store the sun’s energy. While this may seem simple it is easier said than done; So far we have only managed to develop three partially successful means of collecting solar energy.
The Reflection Method – Mirrors / Parabola
The reflection method is based on the concentration of the sun’s rays through a single or a set of mirrors onto one point and then utilizing the concentrated heat energy that is produced for out need. A parabolic mirror much like a dish antenna can be used to capture the sun’s rays and focus them on a single point.
The radiation method
This is the principle behind the solar water heaters. Painted black pipes sandwiched between two layers of glass, have water inside them that is heated thanks to the rays of the sun.
Solar panels
A more recent invention the ‘solar cell’ is composed of treated silicon crystals, which when hit by the rays of the sun knock electrons out of their orbits and thereby create a void that needs to be filled by electrons from the other silicon crystals, this creates an imbalance of electrons and hence a flow of current which can be either immediately utilized or else stored away in a rechargeable battery.
What’s stopping us?
Despite the apparent benefits of using solar power it is most unfortunate that there are very few solar power plants around the world. Sadly, with today’s level of technology, cost and reliability are two major factors that are still hurdles in the way of mass usage of solar energy.
Technological limitations dictate that the most efficient solar cells created today are still not capable of generating enough power to be commercially viable without occupying huge surface areas. Furthermore, reliance exclusively on solar cells in not yet practical, for if there were to be a cloudy day it could reduce the amount of electricity generated and that would be disastrous for those people completely reliant on that energy.
Please Note: The above content is only a sample preview of one of the articles in this PLR Article Pack so that you can see the quality of the content.
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