110 Unrestricted Muscle Building PLR Articles Pack
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110 Unrestricted Muscle Building PLR Articles Pack
In this PLR Content Pack You’ll get 110 Unrestricted Muscle Building Articles with Private Label Rights to help you dominate the Muscle Building market which is a highly profitable and in-demand niche.
These Muscle Building PLR articles are available in Text file format and can be downloaded instantly after purchase.
Who Can Use This PLR Article Pack?
- Internet Marketers
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What Can You Do This Muscle Building PLR?
- Resell it as an E-course.
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- Create an ebook, video or report to resell or use it to build your email list.
- Create any kind of info product which you can resell with a personal use license.
- And MANY other ways!
Here are the titles of the 110 Unrestricted Muscle Building Articles:
1. 2 Simple Steps To Ripped Summertime Muscles
2. 4 Harmful Muscle-Building Myths Uncovered
3. 5 Reasons Why Alcohol Will Destroy Your Muscle Gains
4. 7 Reasons Why Your Muscles Stop Growing. How To Get Muscle To Grow Again
5. 8 Proven Strategies For Maximum Muscle Gains
6. 12 Secrets for gaining mass
7. 15 Muscle Building Rules For Skinny Guys And Gals Part 1
8. 15 Muscle Building Rules For Skinny Guys And Gals Part 2
9. A Few Simple Ideas to Mix Up Your Routine
10. Abdominal Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders.
11. Add Intensity To Your Muscle Building Workout
12. Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
13. Anabolic Steroids in Sport & Exercise
14. Anabolic Steroids Use
15. Are you having trouble building muscle
16. Arm Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
17. Back Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
18. Basics Of Bodybuilding
19. Benefits of Strength Training
20. Big Strong Chest Muscles Command Respect And Confidence
21. Bigger Body muscle bars…
22. Body Building Basics – Building a better body you can be proud of
23. Body Building for beginners
24. Bodybuilding
25. Bodybuilding Supplements may not be Necessary.
26. Build Big Biceps Strong Arms And Solid Triceps
27. Build Big Muscles Fast. Gain Muscle Mass Guide
28. Build Big Strong Shoulder Muscles For V Shape Upper Body Build Big Deltoids
29. Build Muscle & Lose Fat Easier by Manipulating Your Training Variables
30. Build Muscles And Smash Plateau For Beginners
31. Building Muscle What Is It Worth To You
32. Can Antioxidants Help You Build Muscle Free Radicals Destroy Your Muscles
33. Can Growth Hormone Boosters Enhance Muscle Growth
34. Can You Build Muscle And Lose Body Fat At The Same Time
35. Chest Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
36. Choosing The Right Bodybuilding Supplement
37. Creatine
38. Creating An Anabolic State That Supports Muscle Growth
39. deca durabolin in shrenksonlinepharma
40. Fitness – Anaerobic Training
41. Free Weights Or Weightlifting Machines To Build Bigger Muscles
42. Gain More Muscle By Training Less Often
43. Giddy When Lifting Weight In Gym Training Big Muscle Groups Cause Nausea
44. History of Anabolic Steroid
45. How And Why Should I Gain Muscle
46. How Long Should You Rest Between Muscle Building Sessions
47. How To Build Muscles And Own That V-Shaped Upper Body
48. How To Build Muscles With Body Building Diets
49. How To Build Muscles With BodyBuilding Exercise
50. How To Gain Muscle Naturally… No Steroids Necessary
51. How To Gain Weight And Build More Muscle
52. How To Gain Weight And Increase Muscle Mass
53. How To Get Huge Muscular Arms Build Big Triceps Exercises
54. Increase Your Training Intensity – Forced Repetitions
55. Increase Your Training Intensity – Negative Repetitions
56. Increase Your Training Intensity – Partial Repetitions
57. Increase Your Training Intensity – Pre-Exhaustion
58. Increase Your Training Intensity – Training To Failure
59. Information about steroids by shrenksonlinepharma
60. Instantly Increase Your Strength On Every Back Exercise
61. Is Your Muscle Building Potential Limited By Your Genes
62. Joint Supplements Reviews
63. Know Your Muscle Building Exercises – The Back
64. Know Your Muscle Building Exercises – The Chest
65. Know Your Muscle Building Exercises – The Legs
66. Know Your Muscle Building Exercises – The Shoulders
67. Know Your Muscles – The Chest And Upper Back
68. Know Your Muscles – The Lower Body
69. Know Your Muscles – The Mid-Section
70. Know Your Muscles – The Shoulders And Arms
71. Learn To Gain Weight And Build Muscle
72. Lower Body Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
73. Moving From Beginner To Intermediate Level Bodybuilding
74. Muscle Fatigue-How to Blast Through the Dreaded Muscle Failure that Hits Us All
75. Muscle Gain Visualization Tips
76. New Year Resolution To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle
77. Quick Tips to Gain Muscle Mass
78. Rock Hard Abs Do You Have What it Takes
79. Rules to follow to build muscles
80. Scientific Principles For Effective Muscle Gain
81. Shoulder Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
82. Simple Steps To Bulging Biceps And Horseshoe Triceps
83. Steroid Articles and information and their side effects – shrenksonlinepharma
84. Strength Training Strategies that Actually Work
85. The 3 Core Muscle Building Exercises You Should Be Doing
86. The benefits of amphetamine derivatives
87. The Importance Of Creatine In Building Lean Muscle
88. The Importance Of Sets In Your Muscle Building Program
89. The Most Common Myths about Abs
90. The Most Powerful Muscle-Building Tool Available
91. The Myth Of Gaining Muscle Without Fat
92. The Perfect Rep Range For Building Muscle
93. The Potentially Dangerous Side Effects of Steroids
94. The Role Of Repetitions In Your Muscle Building Program
95. The Role Of Whey Protein In Achieving Significant Muscle Gain
96. The Science Of Muscle Building
97. The Secrets to Building Muscle in Less than Ten Seconds
98. The Three Most Important Keys To Understanding Effective Bodybuilding Nutrition
99. The Top 10 Muscle Building Facts You Need to Know
100. The Truth About Achieving A Ripped Rock-Solid Chest
101. The Ultimate Muscle Meal Plan
102. Use Superset To Build Big Muscles
103. Want To Build Big Muscles Here Is How To Gain Muscles Fast.
104. Want To Own A Muscular Greek God Body
105. Weight Gain Myths
106. Weight Lifting – What Every Beginner Should Know
107. What Causes Muscle Growth
108. What To Eat To Gain Weight And Build Muscle
109. When Is Best Time To Eat Protein For Building Muscles Muscle Growth
110. Why aren’t I building muscle
111. Why My Muscles Won’t Grow Cortisol Stress Hormone Destroy Muscle Tissues
112. Why You Should NOT Try to Isolate Muscle Groups When Weight Training
113. Workout Without a Gym
114. Your Weight in Muscle
Here’s a Sample Article So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Article Pack):
2 Simple Steps To Ripped Summertime Muscles
ummer is on the horizon, and the time has come to kick back and relax under the sun. It’s time for beach days, barbecues and pool parties, and for any serious weightlifter these activities also mean one thing: it’s time for the shirts to come off and to showcase that rock-solid physique they’ve been working on all year. No one wants to be walking around with a soft, smooth and flabby body, and for the next month or two, all of those serious lifters will be shifting into “get ripped” mode.
How do they usually go about this?
They lighten up the weights and perform higher reps.
This has always been a widely accepted method of “cutting down” and if you ask most trainers in the gym they’ll tell you that “heavy weights bulk up the muscle and lighter weights define the muscle”.
Do you want to know the reality behind the “light weight and high reps” method of obtaining a ripped and defined physique?
It is completely, totally and utterly DEAD WRONG.
It couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, there is no logical basis for this way of training whatsoever, and whoever dreamt up this downright ridiculous way of thinking has caused the vast majority of lifters to waste their time and impede their progress in the gym.
Let me clear this up once and for all: you CANNOT spot reduce. In other words, it is physically impossible to target fat loss from a specific area on your body. Performing bench presses with light resistance and high repetitions will not magically burn fat off of your chest or cause it to appear harder and more defined.
Every single time you wrap your hands around a barbell, dumbbell or cable, your goal is to stimulate as much muscle growth as you possibly can. There are no special, secret weightlifting exercises that will “define” your muscles or cause them to become more “ripped”.
Training with weights builds muscle mass, end of story.
So how exactly do you “define” a muscle?
The only way to “define” a muscle is by lowering your body fat level in order to make your muscles more visible. Body fat reduction can be achieved in two ways:
1) Modify your diet.
You should lower your overall caloric intake to around 15x your bodyweight and focus on consuming smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism naturally raised at all times and will keep your body in a constant fat burning state. Limit your intake of saturated fats and simple sugars, and focus instead on consuming lean sources of protein and low glycemic carbohydrates. It is also very important to keep your water intake high at a level of around 0.6 ounces per pound of bodyweight.
2) Perform proper cardio workouts.
Let go of the traditional method of moderate intensity cardio in 30-45 minute durations. If you want to maximize your body’s fat burning capacity and also minimize the muscle loss that inevitably accompanies a fat burning cycle, focus on shorter cardio workouts performed at a high level of intensity. These types of workouts will shoot your resting metabolism through the roof and will allow you to burn maximum amounts of fat even when you are at rest. I recommend 3-5 high intensity cardio sessions per week, spaced at least 8 hours away from your weight workouts.
That’s all there is to it, folks. Take the notion of “light weight and higher reps” and throw it right out the window, down the street and around the corner. Following this misguided method will only cause you to lose muscle mass and strength, and will not assist you in burning fat or defining your physique.
All you need to do to mold those rock-solid muscles for the summer time is this:
1) Train with heavy weights and low repetitions to build maximum muscle mass.
2) Modify your diet and implement cardio workouts to eliminate body fat and create visibly harder and more defined muscles.
Please Note: The above content is only a sample preview of one of the articles in this PLR Article Pack so that you can see the quality of the content.
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