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10 Top Quality Eco-Friendly Beauty Products Articles and Tweets

10 Top Quality Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR Articles and Tweets

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#BeautyProducts #EcoFriendlyProducts #HomemadeBathProducts #BodyLotionRecipes #HomemadeFaceMasks

10 Top Quality Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR Articles and Tweets

In this PLR Content Pack You’ll get 10 Top Quality Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR Articles and Tweets with Private Label Rights to help you dominate the Beauty market which is a highly profitable and in-demand niche.

These Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR articles are available in Text file format and can be downloaded instantly after purchase.

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10 Top Quality Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR Articles and Tweets

10 Top Quality Eco-Friendly Beauty Products Articles and Tweets

Who Can Use This PLR Article Pack?

  • Internet Marketers
  • Coaches
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Digital Product Resellers
  • List Builders
  • Bloggers

What Can You Do With This Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR?

  • Resell it as an E-course.
  • Use it as blog posts.
  • Create an autoresponder series.
  • Create an ebook, video or report to resell or use it to build your email list.
  • Create any kind of info product which you can resell with a personal use license.
  • And MANY other ways!

Here are the titles of the 10 Eco-Friendly Beauty Products Articles:

1. Beauty Products from the Kitchen
2. Eco-Friendly Homemade Bath Products
3. Eight Cosmetic Ingredients That Are Bad for the Environment
4. Essential Ingredients for Homemade Beauty Products
5. Five Homemade Body Lotion Recipes You’ll Love
6. Four Homemade Face Masks to Keep Your Skin Glowing
7. The Problems Microbeads Cause and Where to Find Products without Them
8. Tips for Finding Cruelty-Free Beauty Products
9. Tips for Finding Eco-Friendly Products for Allergy Sufferers
10. What Does Eco-Friendly Actually Mean?

Here’s a Sample Article So That You Know What To Expect From These PLR Article Pack:

Beauty Products from the Kitchen

Most people living today don’t remember a time before mass-produced beauty products. However, there was a time when most women had to make their products themselves at home. The great thing about realizing that you have healthy and safe products you can use for beauty at home is that you don’t have to add to the environmental damage to be beautiful.

* Raw Honey – This product in your kitchen is delicious on a biscuit, but it’s also great as a moisturizing face mask, gentle exfoliant and wound healer. Some people report that it’s also great for stretch marks, as a bath soak, and to treat acne.

* Olive Oil – You can use olive oil to remove your makeup very quickly. You might think it’s going to be super-greasy, but olive oil washes away very easily with mild soap. Due to its antioxidant nature, it’s great to help prevent age spots from the sun too. Just rub it on your skin before bed.

* Coconut Oil – This is great for treating dry, damaged hair. Just take a couple tablespoons and put it on your hair before you wash it. You can also mix coconut oil with sugar for a fantastic body scrub.

* Bananas – If you have the peel from a banana, you can rub it on your elbows to make your skin soft. Because it’s so high in potassium and of course water, it will hydrate your skin and make it smell good too just as it is. Just rub it on, then let it sit and rinse.

* Avocados – If you stayed out in the sun too long, try rubbing some blended avocado over your skin and letting it sit for about ten minutes before taking a cool shower. You can also use it as-is for a moisturizing hair mask.

* Mayonnaise – Do you have dry, damaged hair? If you do, try adding about 1/4 a cup of mayo onto your dry hair. Comb through, then cover with a shower cap. You’ll want to let it sit for at least ten minutes, but overnight is excellent if you can stand the smell. Wash your hair as normal.

* Oatmeal – Make an easy mask by mixing any of the wet ingredients mentioned in this list with oatmeal to make a nice, soothing exfoliating mask. But you can also add oatmeal as-is to your bath to soothe irritated skin or calm a sunburn. Tip: Blend oats in a blender to turn into flour before adding a couple tablespoons to your bath.

* Cucumbers – Whether you cut them up and put them on your eyes, or juice them to add the liquid to your bath, or even drink cucumber juice, cucumbers are the original at-home beauty treatment ingredient.

* Lemon Juice Citrus – If you have dark spots or acne, try rubbing on a little lemon juice. You can also use the skin of a lemon and rub on your t-zone for a fast combination skin treatment. Lemon can also make your hair shiny. Mix 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 1 gallon of filtered water, then rinse your hair with it to create incredible shine and even lighten your hair slightly.

* Baking Soda – Because it’s a dry ingredient it can be used as an exfoliator, a way to soothe your skin after you shave, and to whiten your teeth. You can even use it as a dry shampoo by pouring some into your hair, letting it sit for ten minutes, then brushing out.

* Salt – Mix some salt water in a spray bottle and it will remind you of the sea. Spray in your hair to create beachy waves. It also works great mixed with honey or oil to exfoliate your feet, elbows, and knees.

* Sugar – A milder exfoliator than salt, sugar can be mixed with oils, avocado, or banana to make a gentle skin softener. Just rub on gently, then rinse off with cool water.

* Eggs – Need to make the pores on your face look smaller? If your skin is dry, use only the yolk; for oily skin, use the white only. Just rub on your face as-is and let set until it dries, then wash it off with cool water.

Please Note: The above content is only a sample preview of one of the articles in this PLR Article Pack so that you can see the quality of the content.

How to Purchase This Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR Pack? 

Simply add it to cart, and checkout using with our secure 2Checkout Payment Gateway which supports PayPal and all major Credit Cards.

We will only be selling 50 copies on this Eco-Friendly Beauty Products PLR content pack, so don’t waste any time and grab your PLR license while it’s still available for sale.

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Download File Size – 204 KB

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