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8 Ways to Profit from PLR Products

8 Ways to Profit from PLR

The ways to profit from PLR are endless. You can use it to drive traffic and build email lists. You can sell it as e-books, article packages, or print it out and use it as snail mail direct marketing materials, and physical books. Here are some of the more common ways to turn private label rights content into sales and profits.

1 – Create and Sell Information Products

I mentioned earlier in this report that e-books are good sellers online. People looking to answer big questions and solve big problems have purchased them before. It’s easy to turn PLR content into an e-book you can sell.

PLR can also be turned into a video course. You can take video and text-based content and create videos out of them. Video courses sell for higher prices than text-based courses and e-books. There are a lot of successful entrepreneurs that make a good living selling video courses they created from PLR content.

2 – Furnish Content for a Membership Site

Information products like e-books are entry-level products. You can sell them through your business to develop a following and then offer higher-end products. A membership site charges a monthly or annual fee. Then every member gets access to the content that is available to members only.

This produces reliable, steady income.

It’s up to you how you deliver this content. You can use PLR to create videos, articles, e-books, and reports. Then you place this content on your membership site. To get members paying every month, you need to constantly be adding new content. PLR products can supply that content.

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3 – Build Landing Pages and Squeeze Pages

A landing page is needed for just about anything you sell online. This is where you send all of your traffic if you are selling a product or service. These are sometimes called squeeze pages because you try to “squeeze” an email address out of the people that land there.

In return for their email information, you offer them a valuable freebie. This can be a report you make out of the PLR content you purchased. Some PLR bundles include landing pages. Most marketers purchasing them use them as is, without making them unique.

This is a mistake.

Don’t do that. Make sure you change up the landing page so it’s uniquely yours. Tweak the content and add your logo or business name. Use the tips we mentioned above to make the landing page unique.

4 – Create High-Conversion Email Autoresponder Sequences

The typical Internet sales funnel looks like this.

You send traffic to a landing page. You pay for traffic and use blog posts, YouTube videos, and social media interaction to send web surfers to that page.

The landing page offers a free report, e-book, or some other information in return for the person’s email address.

That email address is fed into an autoresponder system. An email sequence you have created begins to go out to the person that has that email address.

You use the autoresponder sequence to market the products and services you sell.

That sales funnel might look rather simple. Even so, it works extremely well. We talked above about how you can use PLR to create digital products you can sell. You can also use PLR to build your landing pages. A vital part of the sales funnel is your email sequence.

PLR content of all kinds can be turned into engaging email autoresponder sequences. These emails build interest in the offerings you’re selling. They are a vital part of your sales funnel.

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5 – Use PLR for Driving Traffic

Business owners online and off use blogs to direct traffic. Their blogging content attracts generic traffic that they can send anywhere they like. PLR can be used to create email newsletters that drive traffic. Press releases can send web traffic to your website or blog.

Use PLR to create videos, guest blog posts, and content for Facebook pages. They can all be used to drive traffic to some aspect of your business. There are dozens of ways to drive traffic online, and you can use PLR for almost all of them.

6 – PLR Is Great for List Building

We mentioned earlier that you can use PLR to create an email autoresponder sequence. This generally means no more than 5 to 7 emails. The email sequence is meant to sell a single product or service.

Don’t overlook PLR content as the basis for all your list-building efforts.

While a short sequence is great for a sales funnel, you need to keep your list engaged at all times. Most successful email marketers recommend sending out at least one email each week. This means at least 52 emails are needed each year. This content needs to constantly change. It always needs to be updated and new. That’s what PLR content gives you.

You probably have heard that “the money’s in the list”. It’s true. Build a large email list of engaged followers and you basically have a license to print money. Keeping your list of members interested is important, and you can use PLR content to do exactly that.

You use PLR to create an opt-in freebie, also called a lead magnet. This can be a report, e-book, or a few videos. You integrate that report with your landing page/squeeze page and your autoresponder service. I recommend Aweber, GetResponse, or Mail Chimp as email marketing service providers. Mail Chimp is free as long as your list is less than 2,000 subscribers. It’s a great choice for marketers just getting started out building an email list.

Don’t put off list building until tomorrow. This is the single most important business asset you will ever create. Get started today, not tomorrow.

List Building PLR, email marketing plr, marketing plr, online business plr, business plr, profit plr

7 – Use PLR as Fuel for a Podcast

Podcasts engage your audience. They allow you to share your voice with your marketplace. Smart marketers sell advertising space on their podcast episodes. You can sell information products or courses that you create. A single podcast episode can generate thousands of listeners. All these potential prospects can turn into customers for the products and services you offer.

High-quality PLR provides you with plenty of topics for your podcast episodes. You don’t want to read your PLR content word for word. Reword it. Use the content as an outline for your episode. Podcasts can make money a number of different ways, and PLR ensures you always have some content to talk about on your next podcast episode.

8 – Turn PLR into Webinars or Tele-Seminars

Webinars are excellent selling machines. Some very successful marketers host weekly or monthly webinars that serve as their primary income source. They promote a product or service during these webinars or teleseminars.

PLR can provide excellent content for these effective marketing practices.

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At the beginning of this report, I mentioned that there are limitless ways to use PLR in your business. I just covered a few ways to turn PLR into profits. This is by no means a complete list. The content you get and PLR can be reworked, repurposed, and edited to create an endless stream of profit-producing products and services.


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