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In this niche selection guide, you’re going to learn how to pick your niche and find great niche ideas for brain storming the right niche for your online business.

How to Find Your Niches For Your Online Business
How to Find Your Niches For Your Online Business

I often get asked via email.

How do I choose my niche?
How do I find a profitable niche?
How do I start a niche business?

Unfortunately, I could not offer a detailed answer in my emails without leaving subscribers either lost or stuck with only pieces of the niche selection puzzle.

In this niche selection guide, you will learn:

  • What a niche market is
  • How to choose a profitable niche for your online business.
  • The exact niche selection strategies and sites I use to find niche market ideas
  • How to find a profitable niche
  • How to decide if it’s the right niche for you

My goal for this niche selection guide is not finding low competition niches that can give you an overnight success.

My goal for this post is to help you find a niche that is profitable, with an enough demand that you can start a long-term evergreen online business in.

Find a list of profitable evergreen niches. It might kick-start your niche idea generation process or you might even find an evergreen niche you’re passionate about.

So let’s get started!

What is a Niche Market?

You’ll find many definitions on the web about niche markets, and a half of them will leave you confused with more questions.

So keeping it simple to understand, my definition for a niche market for online businesses is:
A topic that has a demand, products and competition.

For example, “weight loss” is a niche market.

So you get sub-niche markets to which are more specific niches in a niche market.

For example, “weight loss diets” is a sub-niche market of the weight loss industry.

I hope that gives you a basic understanding of what a niche market is.

Now let’s look at how to choose a profitable niche for your online business.

Choosing a niche can be hard, but if you follow the 3 Ps niche selection system below, it will be easier than you think.

The 3 P’s Niche Selection Strategy

1. Passion: I believe passion is the most important factor when choosing a niche market. You absolutely NEED to be passionate about your niche. Remember that choosing your niche is choosing your online business industry.
To be successful with niche marketing, you must write great content, connect with people in the industry and having fun while doing so. I tried niches I’m not passionate about and the truth is, it felt like a job, it was not fun and it was hard to write good content. Your chances of success are higher if you’re having fun in your business!

2. Products: If you want to know if a niche is profitable and has a good audience, look to see if there are products for sale in that niche. Consider these products to be products that belong to your competitors. If there’s lots of products for sale in your niche or sub-niche, there’s an audience and customers that are buying those products. So there is demand and means it can be profitable. Later on in this post, I’ll share with you the sites I use to research profitable niche markets and see if there’s products for sale in that niche.

3. Problems: The key to success as a niche marketer is to help your audience solve problems. If there’s lots of problems in a niche, the products you see in that niche are likely solutions to problems people face in the niche. There’re many sites you can use to research problems in a niche. These problems in your niche are great product ideas you can use to coach your market. Helping people in your market is the best way to establish trust, build credibility, and ultimately earn success in your niche. Find their problems and be the solution!

OK so now that you understand how to choose your niche.

I will share with you my niche selection strategy and the sites I use to check profitability and demand of niche markets.

My Niche Selection Strategy is diving deeper into the 3 P’s Niche Selection Strategy.

The first thing to do is write 5 niches or sub-niches you’re passionate about in a text doc. Stuff you love, stuff you’re good at, things you can see yourself writing about for the next few years.

OK so now you have potential niche markets and need to research them for profitability.

Let’s go do some research on the sites below:

1. Amazon is the world’s largest online store and a great website to research niches. Amazon has an affiliate program, so you’re likely to find good affiliate products to promote in your niche too. You’ll also get lots of ideas for brainstorming sub-niches to target.

Steps to take:

  • Go to
  • Use the search bar and type in a niche you’re passionate about and press search or enter.
  • Rinse and repeat for niches that interest you.
  • On the left side, you’ll see sub-niche each time you search.
  • By doing this, you’ll see if there are products for sale in that niche.
  • Remember, if there’s lots of products for sale there’s lots of demand.

2. Clickbank is the world’s largest digital product marketplace and also has a great affiliate platform.
Researching niches on Clickbank can be a good indicator for a good niche market.

Steps to take:

  • Go to
  • Visit their marketplace.
  • On the left-hand side, you’ll see their categories section.
  • Browse for topics your passionate about
  • Look to see if there are digital products for sale on those topics.
  • If you see lots of digital products for sale on specific topics, that’s a good indicator for niche demand
  • Use Clickbank to find ideas and brainstorming niches.

3. eBay

eBay is like Amazon.  It has a large marketplace for products (digital and physical) and is a great resource for you to research niche potential.

Steps to take:

  • Go to
  • Use the search bar and type in a niche you’re passionate about and press search or enter.
  • Rinse and repeat for niches that interest you.
  • On the left side, you’ll see sub-niche each time you search.
  • By doing this, you’ll see if there are products for sale in that niche.
  • Remember, if there’s lots of products for sale there’s lots of demand.
  • You can also see how many products they sold on each product listing.
  • This will give you a good sign if your potential niches is profitable and has demand.

4. UberSuggest

UberSuggest is one of the best free keyword research tools. Neil Patel purchased it and is now an amazing tool for keyword research and finding niche data.

Steps to take:

  • Go to UberSuggest
  • Use the search bar and type in a niche you’re passionate about and press search or enter.
  • Look at search volume
  • Look at is a CPC (cost per click) value
  • Look at the keyword ideas
  • Look at the content ideas
  • Use it to find niche ideas
  • These are amazing ways to check if a niche is profitable and how big a niche is.

5. Buy Quality PLR

Buy Quality PLR is my PLR store which sells PLR content and resell rights products that people can use in their online business, resell for profits or use to coach their customers. PLR sites only sell content in niches that have demand and that are profitable.

Steps to take:

  • Go to
  • Use the search bar and type in a niche you’re passionate about and press search or enter.
  • See if there’s PLR products for sale in your niche
  • Look for sub-niche ideas
  • If there’s PLR content for sale in a niche, it’s a good indicator that there’s demand.
  • Browse the sites categories to find more ideas for niches.

So now You’ve learned how to find out if there are products in a niche which is an excellent sign if there’s demand.

Now go through your brainstormed niches and drill them down to your top 5 that you’re most passionate about.

In the last step which is finding problems in a niche, we will visit certain types of websites to see what problems people are facing in each niche.

Niche Problem Discovery

1. Forums

  • If a niche is big and profitable, it will have forums which discuss its problems.
  • Use and search to see if there are forums in your niche.
  • If there are, visit them and browse their threads.
  • Use the forum search feature to find topics related to your niche and see what problems people are facing in the niche.
  • Forums are a great way to connect with your audience and to help them.
  • If you see forums in your niche, you’re golden.

2. Question and Answer Sites

  • Question and answer sites are growing in popularity
  • Search on Google for question and answer sites and open a few of them.
  • Search for your niches on those sites.
  • See what problems people are having and which questions they’re asking.
  • These are great ideas for product creation and seeing if a niche has problems.

3. Blog Comments

  • Blogs are a good resource for finding people’s problems.
  • Search on Google for your niche with the word blog.
  • Example: fitness for women blog
  • Browse Google’s results.
  • Find a blog that allows comments.
  • Read the comments and find problems people might be facing.
  • Look at the blog post titles and look for more niche ideas
  • Blogs use posts to solve peoples problems.

Congrats, you’ve read my full post.

I hope by now you’ve decided on a niche for your online business.

If you haven’t, choose now!

Choosing your niche is key to starting your online niche business.

You have to choose a niche for your online business in order to be successful in it.

And choosing a niche you’re passionate about increases you chance of success and having fun while building and growing your online business.

The right niche + the right funnel + targeted traffic = Niche profits!

Good luck with your niche marketing venture.

I wish you the greatest success,

Mozie @

P.S. I love comments, look forward to hearing from you!

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