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Affiliate Marketers Passive Income

Hey there, so glad you’re back with us for Day of affiliate profits workshop.

and today we’re going to build our passive income machine!

I”m sure you’re excited to see this one, so let’s not delay any longer.

Affiliate Marketers Passive Income Workshop Day 3 -The 3 Page Setup

Here’s the resources for Day 3:

Download the Resources for Day 3 – Click Here

Okay, so at this point your site is ready for traffic. We’ve got one more component to add before we turn on the traffic, but you’ve now created the main part of your passive income machine.

When traffic hits this, they’re going to get on your list, and see your resources. That will get them clicking through on your links and hopefully making you money right off the bat.

Tomorrow we will be getting even deeper into this and I’ll show you how to keep putting these resources in front of your people on autopilot. We’ve got one more day of a heavy workload, but once this is all done, you never have to touch it again. That’s the beauty of it, and why it works so well…

Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s video.

Lastly, I know Liz mentions domain names, hosting, OptimizePress and I know for some of you that’s very technical. The things is that you can do it that way, but it’s not set in stone. As long as you’re able to convert traffic into subscribers and you have an autoresponder in place that is helping your audience, you’re going to make affiliate profits. Just make sure you’re promoting really good products (that you would buy yourself.)

Another option for creating high converting pages is Max Funnels, the lifetime option goes away in a few hours. You could build your squeeze pages and other types of marketing pages on it. and integrate it with your email autoresponders to build your list. No hosting or domain required. Everything drag and drop and for the next few hours it’s pay once and use for lifetime. It’s very scarce to find marketing page builders with a lifetime/pay-once option. Trust me I’ve searched.

Tip: sign up to your own list and see if your funnel is able to convert you into buying. If it doesn’t get you SUPER EXCITED to buy FIX IT! Add CRAZY Bonuses!

If you missed the affiliate marketers passive income Day 1 and Day 2, or you’d like to watch them again to refresh, here’s the links again:

To your success,


Internet Marketing Mozie

P.S. Remember that using quality freebies that actually helps your traffic is the key to building your list. And monetizing those freebies with AMAZING affiliate offers and bonuses can ethically bribe your audience to buy from you. Browse for lead magnets you can offer as freebies to build your list here: – New lead magnets in various niches are added daily.

P.S.S. People underestimate how powerful bonuses are for converting affiliate traffic. Don’t be one of them. I’m teaching you about it, because it works. Sometimes my bonuses are so good that people buy the affiliate offer just to access my bonuses! IT REALLY DOES WORK!

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